AxKk abditL ult CCï¬ _ CLEARANCE: ~>CORNERs PostureGuard Sleep Set 10 year warranty Twin 2 Pc Set Double Set Queen Set Complete Daybed Package White enamel with brass ceramic accents. Includes mattress. OAKVILLE 490 Speers Rd. (between Dorval 4th Line) 8429442 W fll We //7[14(? ROYAL Manufacturing Quality Sleep Products Since 1967 MATTRESS 3 Orfho |c Hotel 15 year warranty Twin 2 Pc Set Double Set O'ueen Set mplete Bunk Bed s Inclu es 2 mattresses chest of drawers. [.] Very sturdy Sleep Phone for hours. Major Credit Cards Accepted. Manufacturing Quality Sleep Products Since 1967 J "Discount equal to PST and GST on all mattresses and sleep sets. Special value M F G items exempt. OAC. Min Pur $300. Ask for details. Ortho E|egance 243 year warranty $ m Twin 2 Pc Set No interest or payment till February, 1995. Attractive, wear resistant ‘ fabric. Suits any decor. Includes ortho mattress. ‘399 ~BURLINGTON 5041 Fairview St. (at Appleby Line) 639â€"7881 w xd 1 O m 2 O fed $ < $ ® 5 3 C B «C O 9 5 5 6 o @ _4 €