NEWS 37 Life-saving medication to be available at Ontario pharmacies * NflRCAN N A S A L S P R A Y*mg 00 NOT Tf ST OCVlCf S OR OPEN BOX BEFORE USE U m fo» k w w i o r i « t p e e le d op *O id e m t f o u in • d « k s a n d c h i ld r e n T hu Oo» con ta ins tw o I? ) 4 mg d o ie j ot n « lo *cn « MO *« • I m l o l n a t»i spray CHI CK RROOOCT EXPIRATION OATE BEFORE USt •1ABCW H K U IS P U I . ® «! E ii** Adapt Pharma Canada photo The NARCAN nasal spray is being made available for free to Ontarians, through pharmacies, by Adapt Pharma Canada. The spray can be used in the emergency treatment of an opioid overdose Halton residents will soon be able to get a poten tially life-saving medica tion at any Ontario phar macy for free. The province has be come the first in Canada to provide access to NARCAN Nasal Spray at no charge through pharmacies as part o f the Ontario Nalox one Program for Pharma cies (ONPP). As the opioid crisis ramps up in Ontario, im proved access to the drug naloxone, which aids in the emergency treatment o f an opioid overdose, is seen as a key to combatting it. Adapt Pharma's NAR CAN Nasal Spray (four mil ligrams) will be accessible to all Ontario residents through local pharmacies, with the timing o f its avail ability still to be confirmed. Having distributed hun dreds o f naloxone kits to those using opioids, as well as parents and friends of those using opioids, phar macist Mark Barnes ap plauded the government's decision. "Getting naloxone kits into the hands o f the public and providing training has always been my mission, and the inclusion o f NAR CAN Nasal Spray in the On tario Naloxone Program for Pharmacies will help Ontarians with their fight against the opioid crisis," Barnes, a pharmacist at Re spect Rx Pharmasave in Ot tawa, said in a Canada Newswire press release. "Because NARCAN is a nasal spray, that makes it easy for anyone to adminis ter during an opioid over dose situation, especially if panic sets in. The fact that it contains 4 mg o f naloxone is positive, given the strength o f opioids current ly in our communities," he added. NARCAN Nasal Spray is a needle-free formulation o f naloxone for the emer gency treatment o f a known or suspected opioid over dose. It does not require as sembly or any specialized medical training and is the highest concentrated dose o f intranasal naloxone cur rently available. "Given that these over doses are caused by either accidental misuse o f pre scription opioids or expo sure to illicitly-manufac tured and highly potent opioids, such as fentanyl, we are committed to work ing with all stakeholders to support the education and awareness surrounding the opioid crisis," said David Renwick, general manager o f Adapt Pharma Canada. "Adapt remains commit ted to working with govern ments to see naloxone widely distributed throughout all comm uni ties," he added. Pharmacies will be able to obtain NARCAN Nasal Spray from their regular distributors. "Households, workplac es and public institutions (libraries, sports facilities etc.) should be equipped with naloxone as part of their first aid kits as it could help during an opioid overdose. While naloxone does not reduce the effects o f overdose by other drugs, giving naloxone to a person who isn't having an opioid overdose is unlikely to cause more harm," states the Canada Newswire press release. Adapt Pharma Canada Ltd. says the naloxone hy drochloride nasal spray can be administered by a bystander (non-healthcare professional) before emer gency medical assistance becomes available, but it is not intended to be a substi tute for professional medi cal care. 911 should be called im mediately when an opioid overdose is suspected and before administering nal oxone. Seek emergency medi cal assistance immediately after initial use, keeping the patient under contin ued surveillance. M O B ILE TIRE. CA »A n e m p o w e r in g c u r r ic u lu m th a t e n g a g e s c h ild r e n »In d iv id u a l fo c u s to d e fin e y o u r c h ild 's le a rn in g »C o m m u n ity a tm o s p h e re th a t m a k e s s tu d e n ts fe e l in c lu d e d a n d v a lu e d »C re a tiv e e x p re s s io n a llo w s y o u r c h ild to e x p lo re th e ir o w n in te re s ts a n d ta le n ts CALL FOR INFORMATION OR TO BOOK A TOUR CCMA FAIRVIEW GLEN MONTESSORI SCHOOL 905.634.0781 • Authentic Montessori at its Best - For Ages 18 m o .-12 yrs. • T IR E S A L E S • S E R V IC E • S T O R A G E • REM OVED w 't !r e s & STO RED ? C a l l u s , w e c o m e t o y o u ! TIRE SA LES , S E R V IC E & S TO R A G E We come to you. 9QS 580-7134 | t3(2)SfB mcikh M Q B I L E T I R E . C A We come to you | O akville B eaver | Thursday, M arch 29, 2018