12 Oakville Beaver Weekend Sunday, May 23, 1999 When it comes to Summer fun... KIDS! KIDS! KIDS! • AGES 2 + • W a n te d fo r T V & M o v ie Jo b s ! N o F e e s !! M e n / W o m e n 1 6 -6 5 y e a rs n e e d e d fo r s a m e . N o e x tra s . P a re n ts ca ll (416) 221-3829 PETS ON TV D o g s , C a ts , B ird s a n d E x o tic A n im a ls n e e d e d fo r T V c o m m e rc ia ls , s e r ie s , film s , c a ta lo g u e s a n d b ro c h u re s . S e n d p ic tu re w ith n a m e a n d p h o n e n u m b e r w ith in fo on p e t to: P. O . Box 5 8 5 4 1 , 197 S h ep p ard Ave. E. Toronto, M 2 N 3A 8 Al£amp F o r K id s 6 y e a rs to 1 00 y e a rs w i th A r t i s t j Allycia Uccello I a*. , Sculpture, painting §sk/- and crafts in a k | v variety of materials^ are experimented with to create works of quality and charm. Program starts July 5 and run to Aug. 27 OPEN HOUSE JUNE 6th & 13th For more information and registration Call 905-854-0511 Little Scholar Childcare Centre 186 M orrison Rd. East Oakville 824 - 3878 AND Springbank Childcare Centre 2489 Lakeshore Rd. W. West Oakville 8 25- 3433 Offers Fantastic Summer Camps for Pre-schoolers - mornings only 9-11:30 (2, 3, or 5 days) weekly. For children ages 5 years to 12 years Schoolaged Camp all day 7 to 6 pm. Local outings and larger excursions for school aged programs, well planned weekly themes, where our motto is ^ ^ a n i in ^ h r o u g f^ U )v e . V i s i t o u r w e b s i t e a t w w w . in f o t e c h k id s . c a Kids Computer Camp for July & August SENSATIONAL SUMMER FUN! m i ® ! " "J C o m p u te r Cam p Over 80 Campuses Locations in the United States and Canada: a m c d i r a u Queen's u* Humber College, COMPUTER Camsius, U Rochester, MIT E X P E R I E N C E , Boys and Girls ages 7 - 1 6 Weekly Camps: Day and Overnight Stay Individualized instruction 1.800.FUN.4ACE (1 .8 0 0 .3 8 6 .4 2 2 3 ) 0=i www.computercomp.com ace@computercomp.com cj> One Com puter per Child • Small Class Sizes • Weekly Themes Special Projects • Individualized Instruction 9:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. Ages 4 to 7 1 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Ages 7 to 10 $100 per week Bring in this ad and en joy a FREE class during the m onth o f June Register Now - Spaces are Limited! (9 0 5 )3 1 9 -7 6 9 5 I n f f e T e d i m fc * C o m p u t e r l e a r n i n g s o l u t i o n s f o r c h i l d r e n ■ 3325 N o r th S erv ice R d, S u ite 108, B u rlin g to n Small Wonders'1 five Art* A Camp Presented by Kristina Small Queen's University 3rd year Fine Arts Student S C H O O L 'S OUT! Y O U A RE W AN TED !!! FO R: SUN, FUN, ART, CRAFTS, AQUATIC ACTIVITIES, GAMES AND MORE! Featuring: - C artooning - Video production - Im ag in a tive A r t Ages: 8-12 yrs. Cost: $90.00/week Location: East Oakville Call Kristina at 8 4 9 -4 8 6 4 Joom us/or .S U M M L R '9 9 1 - 8 0 0 - 3 6 1 - 2 2 6 7 3 4 6 M ap le G ro v e D riv e , O ak v ille , O N (905) 849-4769 Children's Choice "Over 6 Club" Optional W eekly Enrollment or Entire Summer Attendance Our summer program consists of weekly trips with a chartered bus, Indoor and outdoor activities, Games, Movie days, Water Play and Swimming once a week with a private booking at Wedgewood pool. A weekly Barbeque in the park with Tennis ends our fun filled week.. BREAKFAST, LUNCH AND SNACK PROVIDED Government licensed facility. • Supervised by qualified and caring E.C.E. staff • Hours of operation from 6:45 am to 6 pm • Children between the ages of 6 and 12 yrs. • Competitive weekly fee of $138.00 ($122.00) for holiday week) S u m m e r E v e n t r /e / . S c h e d u le July 5-July 9 - Family Golf/Children's Museum/ Swimming & Ring Toss/Baibecue. July 12-Juiy 16 - Olympics/ Movie Day/ Strike Zone/ Swimming/ BBQ & Face Painting. July 19-July 23 - Kite Day/ Shot In The Dark/ Wet 'n ' Wild/ Swimming/ BBQ & Scavenger Hunt July 26-July .30 - Over Six Olympics/ Potteiy Trip/ Mountsberg/ Swimming/ BBQ & Scavenger Hunt Aug. 2- Aug. 6* - Holiday/ Swimming/ Zoo/ Swimming/ Barbecue Lunch at Andleigh Park Aug. 9- Aug. 13 - Kite Day/ Swimming/ Wet 'n' Wild/ Local Industry Tour/ Barbecue & Tennis Aug. 16- Aug. 20 - Over Six Olympics/ Swimming/ Mountsbeig/ Kidsport/ Barbecue & Face Painting Aug. 23- A ug 27 - Movie Day/ Swimming & Water Aerobics/ YTV Tour/ Family Golf/ BBQ & Games Aug. 30- Sept. 3 - Over Six Olympics/ Swimming/ Strike Zone/ Local Industry Tout/ BBQ & Games McMaster University Department of Athletics and Recreation (905) 525-9140 ext. 24464 S p o rts F itness School (Girls and Boys ages 6-14) • Coaching provided in 3 sports of your choice • Choose from 22 different sport activities • Leadership program for campers ages 15 -16 • Basketball, swimming, karate and more!! M in i-U n ivers ity (Girls and Boys ages 10-15) • Discover exciting new things everyday! • Hands-on labs in 8 university subjects • Swimming and outdoor recreation every day • "Graduation Ceremony" & sleep-over in residence on the last Thursday night Oakville & Burlington Bussing Available http://www.athrec.mcmaster.ca http://www.infotechkids.ca http://www.computercomp.com mailto:ace@computercomp.com http://www.athrec.mcmaster.ca