Sunday May 23 1999 Oakville Beaver Weekend 13 Our N a tio n a lly q u a lifie d , m a tu re coaching staff and specially . designed (, O A 'Iiv Y illSKILL IS EVERYTHING SPORTS OAKVILLE George MacDonald HOCKEY CAMPS '99 High Performance Junior A Instruction • 4 hours O n Ice Daily • W h at Does A Scout Look For? Choose your Camp! 1 /2 Day 1 /2 Price! OAKVILLE SOCCER PLAYERS about Elfi featured in the May 17, 1999 edition of Maclean's magazine. Summer at Schlegel's Registration fo r Sum m er *99 f (8 4 2 -3 5 3 7 ) ftT SH€ll PARK - ORKVIUC S U M M E R O F 1 9 9 9 Directors: Carla Marques & Sandra Nicholson. Classes in Jazz, Ballet, Aero and Musical Theatre. Every week has a different theme with crafts and an exciting end of the week show for the parents. 6 Week Long Sessions starting July 12,1999 Half-day (4-5 year olds) 9:00am-12noon $55 Full-day (6-8 & 9-11) | 9:00am-4pm $85 REGISTRATION '-May 15, 22, June 5, 12. l-4pm at Wyecroft Rd., Unit 6, Oakville 1 For more information call Voice Mail Box (416) 410-6184 Before & after care available Evening Classes for W Competitive / and Recreation H students during July & August ' '" ~ N Boys & Girls Skills Clinics F u ll d a y , 1 w e e k p ro g ra m m e s J u ly - A u g u s t • S k i l ls /G a m e s / M o d if ie d to u rn a m e n ts A g e s 7 - 14 b y d iv is io n • S w im m in g • T h e ra p is t • N u tr i t io n • B B Q lu n c h A World Cup Experience! , KEVIN GRANT - Teacher, Canadian Olympic player, GS1, Coach, provincial license J TOSH MACFARLANE - Teacher, Semi-Pro CS1, Level 3 coaching, boys & girls coach ° MARTHA HALL - Canadian University All-Star, Captain Queen's Women's Team f JUDITH TREPANIER - Queen's University Captain APPLEBY COLLEGE P a c k i n g (MS) -- G oing to camp requires a lot o f prepa ration. Perhaps one o f the biggest stresses o f prepar ing for summer camp is deciding what clothes to bring. The following tips will help campers and par ents alike pack their bags correctly: • Keep the packing simple and limited to what you feel the camper absolutely will need. • Shorts, T-shirts and jeans are staples o f a camper's wardrobe, and how many o f these items a child will need depends on the length o f stay and laundry facilities. • Use a permanent marker to write your child's name on every item. • A raincoat or poncho is a must. • Pack long pants as well as shorts. Campers need c a m p e r s leg protection on hikes and during horseback rides. • N ew shoes should be broken in and comfort able before leaving for camp. • Other useful equipment includes a flashlight with extra batteries, a camera with film, a can teen or water bottle, pre-stamped and pre addressed stationery, sunscreen, lip balm, and insect repellent. • Check with the camp for advice on weather patterns, suggested bedding/sleeping bags and any other specific gear needed for that camp. • If your child takes medications, send the medi cine in the original bottle, along with dosage instructions. ' Powerskating and Hockey Skills High Performance Defensemen Camp High Performance Forwards Camp 2300 Cornwall Rd. Oakville Phone: (905) 845-6989 Specials! Register o n e c h ild g e t the second c h ild 1 /2 price Register o ne w e e k g e t the second w ee k 1 /2 price All Camps in July All Camps in August * 249 1/2 Day Cam p Boys & Girls 9am-Noon or I-4pm July 5 - Aug. 27 Session I - July 5-9 Session 2 - July 12-16 Session 3 - July 19-23 Session 4 - July 26-3 0 Session 5' - Aug. 3-6 Session 6 - A ug . 9 - 13 Session 7 - Aug. 16-201 Session 8 - Aug. 23-2.7] *N o Monday classes © Umbro Practice Ball © Umbro Camp T-Shirt © Personal Evaluation Report © 30 Hours of Quality Instruction © Half Days - 1 5 Hrs. of Instruction Mondays to Fridays Full Day Camps 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Half Day (micro/mini's) 9a.m.-12noon PRESENTED BV O A K UU XE S .C . Tel: f905J 849-4436 UMBROO n ly soccer. S itu * 1924. Kindercamp Boys & Girls 2-5 years of age Tuesday & T hursday o r M onday & W ed . 9 :3 0 -1 1:30am o r l:30 -3 :3 0 pm Premier Dance Inc. present' d i a l s E n t e r t a in m e n t D A N C E C A M The Oakville Soccer Club, lead by head coach Rick Morandini has made a commitment to the continuing development of youth players within the club. Four weeks of soccer camps are being offered this summer, our focus will be on personal soccer skills development, in an atmosphere of fun and enjoyment. EVERY PLAYER WILL RECEIVE: CAMP TIMES