22 ♦ ♦ ♦ Oakville Beaver Weekend Sunday, May 23, 1999 R O NATIONAL MISSING CHILDREN'S DAY M AY 25 ~ Green Ribbon of Hope Campaign ~ This year marks Child Find Ontario's 8th Annual Green Ribbon o f Hope Campaign, a national public awareness campaign to highlight the issue of missing children in Canada. The Campaign will take place from May 1st to May 31st and includes National Missising Children's Day on May 25th. The purpose of the Annual Green Ribbon Campaign is to focus public attention on the plight of all missing children. Each year more than 50,000 Canadian children are listed as "missing" by the R.C.M.P.'s Missing Children's Registry. These numbers include runaway, lost and abducted children as well as those who have simply "disappeared". The Green Ribbon symbolizes Child Find's concern for our missing children as well as our commitment to help ensure their safe return. STANLEY- FRIED JOSHUA Date o f B irth : A pril 17, 1991 M is s in g S in ce: January, 31 ,1997 M is s in g F ro m : S c a rb o ro u g h , O n ta rio M E L V IL L E , FAIRLENE (FAY) Date o f B irth : NOV. 1 4 .1 9 4 8 Height 5'6", weight 140 lbs. Hair dark brown Eyes: brown A b d u c t in g P a re n t: J a n .3 1 ,1 9 9 7 A b d u c t F ro m : Scarborough, Ontario ST. LUIS, MARK Date o f B irth : Jun e 2 5 ,1 9 9 3 M is s in g S ince: M a rc h 2 1 .1 9 9 7 M iss in g F ro m : W indsor, O n ta rio LOPEZ-CONZALEZ, FRANCISCA Date o f B ir th January 18,1954 Height 5'4", Weight 140 lbs. Hair: brown/dyed blonde Eyes: brown A b d u c t in g P a re n t: M a rc h 2 1 ,1 9 9 7 A b d u c t F ro m : Windsor, Ontario IF YOU HAVE A N Y INFORMATION PLEASE PHONE 1 - 800- 387-7962 , . o l \ l e P re -S c x 8 4 5 -0 5 2 4 357 BARTOS DR., OAKVILLE ......... Canada's Business Printer ZIPPY PRINT 1200 Speers Rd. # 51, Oakville 8 4 9 -6 3 8 0 W E W I N O R I T 'S F R E E ! O N T A R I O X^COPPR LEGAL SERVICES T R A F F IC T IC K E T S P E C I A L I S T TEL 1 -888-X-CO PPER • D IR (905) 282-9599 • FAX (905) 282-9640 1351 MATHESON BLVD. EAST • SUITE #25 • MISSISSAUGA, ONTARIO L4W 2A1 I jacket M ; 8 467 Speers Road, Oakville, O ntario 844-1893 Quality Printers • C reative Designers (DAKVILLE PLACE Shop on-line at w w w .oakvillep lace.com 110 Fine Stores Including The Bay, Sears IGA QEW & Trafalgar Rd. 842-2140 ^A N T O IN E T T E S W GYMNASTICS <8 ' CLUB J 461 North Service R d (just east of 4th Line) 847-7747 O a k v il le T ra v e l S e r v ic e Ltd. Since (1950) 336 Church Street, Oakville Ontario L6J 1P1 Phone: (905) 845-7154 Fax: (905)845-7188 * a*, HOUSE OF COMMONS C A N A D A BONNIE BROWN M em ber of P arliam ent O a k v ille C o n s titu e n c y O ffic e 2421 Marine Drive Oakville, ON L6L 1C6 Tel: (905) 827-2077 Fax: (905) 827-7516 P a r lia m e n ta ry O ffic e Room 1447, Confederation Big. House of Commons Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6 Tel: (613) 995 -4014 Fax: (613) 992 -0520 Want to do something with your children? -Join us this summer on Tuesday mornings for crafts, music and lots of fun. "TIME TOGETHER", "ENJOYING YOUR TODDLER" j n & & "SHAKE, RATTLE & ROLL" f f Registration is required. w l T Oakville Parent-Child Centre Call 849-6366 for more information OAKVILLE Town Centre II Oorval/North Service 844-8703 Also: Burlington 319-9555 Barrie 722-6106 Ham ilton 383-5669 C re s c e n t N u rse ry S c h o o l There will be Open House Thursday, June 24 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at our New location 404 Morrison Rd., Oakville,Ont. • Experienced loving staff • Traditional program • Adventure playground (swings, car, boat, sandbox, playhouse, jungle gym & more) 844-3432 Office o f the Mayor and Members o f CouncilG>1225 Trafalgar Rd. P.0. Box 310 Oakville, Ontario Tel: (905) 338-4173 Fax: (905) 815-2001 O A K Y I L L E Your First Choice for Child Care The Hatton Centre lor Child C are Providing quality programs for children 3 months to 5 years. Call 825-6106 Located jus t north o f the QEW , a t 1151Bronte Rd LOCKWOOD C H R Y S L E R 17 5 W yecro ft Rd., O akville , Ont. (B e tw e e n K err & Dorval) 845-6653 EDGEWARE JR. SCHOOL (Est. 1979) North East Oakville • We accept 2 1/2 yr.-5 yr. old • 3 morning & 4 afternoon programmes • Montessori & computer enriched • Our 4-year old program offers an educational alternative to junior kindergarten • French speaking activities now ottered • Very reasonable rates D iane M arch 849-7612 I 1 I C E C R E A M P A R L O U R H Featuring: j | l • Frozen Yogtlrt • C ones • Milkshakes P • Frozen Ice Cream Cakes • Banana Splits • Ice Cream Floats ■ I • Belgian Waffles • Sundaes • Gift Certificates B i ^ r r ; i a a g g i ̂ i | IT I l|M ■ ■ ■ v , §L Choose any enne and rccavc the second ante of equal «>r lesser value at 112 price I ( 9 0 5 ) 3 3 8 - 7 9 3 5 I | Gmpon expires June 3<VW B ~ http://www.oakvilleplace.com