♦ ♦ Sunday,May 23, 1999 Oakville Beaver Weekend 26 Need a phone while travelling? Take PCS on holiday trips The travel and tourism industry is one of the world's largest industries, and it just keeps growing. The industry is unrivalled for its contribution to the global economy. It accounts for 204 million jobs worldwide, and is expect ed to create 144 million new jobs between now and the year 2005. It is no wonder that new travel prod ucts are constantly being developed to make it easier for travellers while they're away from home. Luggage PANAMA CANAL 10-day cruise Departs Noember 24th, 1999, "escorted" X N O R W E G IA N C ft U I ft ft L I N K "Norwegian Majesty" feres C from '*2,695CDN, p.p., dbl. [ occup., including return air For details call: l l ( ruises 1635 FOURTH LINE OAKVILLE | 905 338 -207 7 keeps getting lighter and easier to carry, travel arrangements can now be made in a matter of moments via the Internet, and there is always a steady stream of new travel shows and books to inform travellers about holiday hot-spots. One of the latest products to be marketed for the business and holiday traveller is the wireless phone. Whether you're out of the house or out of the office, a digital wireless phone can help you keep in contact with family, friends, and busi ness associates. But what about when you're out of country? Thanks to wireless PCS (Personal Communications e I R1 1 centers CRYSTAL 6 S T A R L U X U R Y ! ! Panama Canal - Alaska - Caribbean Mediterranean - Western Europe - Asia Save up to 50% SAVE an additional 5% for Canadian Residents! PLUS - US $200.00 Shipboard credit per cabin! PLUS - Prepaid Gratuities! 13 sailings to choose from Nov 22 - Panama Canal from US $ 1889.00" • • I msocI on ( lo n ld r (x n q w n e y ( j a L C . Includes taxes. A ir fa re $ 5 4 9 .0 0 is s&f^cenlers, 300 Randall St. just east of Trafalgar jfre/, paring do w nto w n o a k v il l e Canada's #1 Cruise Specialist ON Reg. num ber 04346425 (905) 338-8083 Services) phones, it has never been eas ier or more affordable to use your digi tal service while you're out of the coun try, whether in the U.S. or abroad. Before travelling to the United States, call your PCS service provider to inform them that you w ilfbe using your PCS handset south of the border. Once you have done this, you are free to roam in over 2,300 towns and cities in the United States. For more information on Fido®, call 1-888-481-FIDO or visit the Fido Web site: www.fido.ca - News Canada JS\ Jk 5 JS\ j s \ JS\ \ M S P A I N DEL SOI BOO Kilometers o i shimmering w hite sandy beoches on the Mediterranean and perfect year-round dimate makes Spam a vocation parodist. W e e k ly S a tu r d a y d e p a r tu r e s A p r i l - O c to b e r HOTEL TRO PICA N A (4*) By the sea on fam ous (o rih u e la Beach in Torremolinos • Indudes full buffet bieoldcst daily ^ 1 f Q Q 15 d a ys /13 nights from I am w W p.p H O T E L C E R V A N T E S (4 *) Centrally located in the shopping centre o f Torremolinos • Includes full buffet bieakfast doily S 1 7 0 0 15 d a ys /13 nights from I # M m pp Prices a b o v e in c lu d e a i r f a r e f r o m J o r o n to . O t t o w a o r M o n t r e a l I S R A E L E X P L O R IN G T H E L A N D The rich variety of sites aad sights, bt H historical ardnalagkal rshgisoi or fast hsaaliM will make yaar travels to Israel a trefy l e io r ahle oat. • Our 9 doy/7 night tour visits Haifa, Zippori, Safed, Golan Haights, Tiberias, Sea of Galilee, Capernaum, Nazoreth, Beit Shoan, Jericho, Masada anti Jerusalem • Choice of First-class or Superior accommodation • 6 fu ll 'Israe li' breakfasts, 7 dinners • All sightseeing and excursions * A A J A Weekly Sunday departures 9 doys/7 nights 3 ^ / Including airfare from Joronto A pril • December JS JSI: A S JS csfosa 23 mB E T T E R H O L I D A Y S O L U T I O N S e am pin I-- fa-- ) ft-- m s kern Or--n. Mmted. W » U tg ry -- 1 Vmtmem m d x w ftftV fcr ■ftr* tmmwK n O w ----------------------- -------------- -- - -- - m i w k m r o « e« <o«53S/« JSi A S Conger's JSi JS Visit our website: www.goligerstravelplus.com OAKVILLE 2 locations to serve you 146 Lakeshore Rd. E. 842-4999 511 Maple Grove Dr. 849-7013 Time for a check-up? Spring Check-Up • Oil change. Up to 5 litres of Motorcraft® 5W30 engine oil, plus a new Motorcraft oil filter • Tire rotation • Visual inspection of: brakes, exhaust system, shock absorbers, front and rear suspension, battery cables and connectors, all belts and fluid levels, wiper blades, air filter, radiator and hoses • Lubrication of: hood and tnmk hinges and latrhes • Test of: coolant for temjierature protection, battery speeifie gravity, all light and signals 'A pp licab le to m ost cars and light trucks. Vehicles equ ipped w ith diesel engines are extra. Dealer m ay sell fo r less. "P a rts m ust be installed by the dealership to receive the 20% d iscount. tA p p licab le to m ost cars and light trucks. Excludes m achining o f ro to rs and drum s. Dealer may sell fo r less. ttAII regular tire m anufacturer w arranties apply. A ll dealers m ay not carry the com ple te line o f advertised tire brands. Dealer may sell fo r less. Provincial levees not included, where applicable. All o ffers available at partic ipating dealers only. All o ffers expire June 30, 1999. Ask your Service Advisor fo r details. Tax not included. Shocks & Struts Includes • Motorcraft shocks and struts • Parts and labour • Installation parts & labour Brakes Includes • Genuine Ford front or rear brake linings • Parts and labour • Installation OR LESS Tires Includes • Installation • Balance • Valve Stem Firestone FR-360 P155\80 R13 from Goodyear S4S 4830"eaeh P155\80 R13 from each Michelin MX4 J P155\80 R13 from • Disposal of old tires • All manufacturer tire warranties 784 0 'each Q ualityG i/v At participating Ford and Lincoln Mercury dealerships. For now . Forever. http://www.fido.ca http://www.goligerstravelplus.com