Oakville Beaver Weekend Sunday, May 23, 1999 Things to Come: Innovations in Aging Friday, May 28 and Saturday, May 29, 1999 Sheridan CollegeDavid Foot, Author of Hoorn. Bust Echo 2000 A Unique Conference for Both Seniors and their Families Service Providers and Professionals • D yn am ic Speakers an d S p ecia l Guest P anel • A uthors' Book S i g n i n g • 4 0 f W orkshops tor Seniors an d P ro fession a ls • W ellness Fair • A gency l a ir an d Trade Show • M eals and R efreshm ents • Free P ark in g fSaWtr?Vmt*e Author 8f Passionate longevity: the t< Secrets to Growing Younger M ic h a e l i m ig h t Has! CttC Radio 's Th is M o rn in g " a n d the A g ing O ongeraux lv " series Register Now! Only $25 for Seniors in m IHtmm et tht* C mMHlt* t it Filial l r n u m m **f I lir V«HD Of Sheridan College 1430 Trafalgar Road. Oakville. Ontario A d v a n ce R e g h tra tio H Is re q u ire d . C all (905) 845 9430 , ex t . 2317 < a n t jackxott, M in ister <>i 1 a n g Jerut i a t* n 'iih Res(>(>iis)ltihlv Soniot s f o r m o re In fo rm a tio n , vls.lt o u r W eb site a t w w w v h e r id a n c .a n .((i /S y » p Sheridan Need one good reason to use the classifieds? We'll give you a quarter million. T h at's how m any readers are reached by a Beaver/Post classified ad. The Oakville Beaver Burlington Post I F b k e ro SfU ÎI a ds a ro a n Q A oa l? CALL Z H S -Z m o r