32 Oakville Beaver Weekend Sunday, May 23, 1999 W O M A N T h e S a l o n O a k v i l l e Join our creative team at W O M A N . Renowned for our great service, education program, photoshoots, hairshows, and our award winning stylists, W O M A N offers career opportunities for: H A IR S T Y L IS T S • J U N IO R S T Y L IS T S C O L O R T E C H N IC IA N S Please call Karen at 905-823-8241 P R O C O R L IM IT E D , a ra il c a r m a n u fa c tu re r located in W est O akville , a short d is tance south o f th e Q .E .W ., c u r r e n t ly h a s th e fo llo w in g vacancies. PRESSURE VESSEL WELDERS Id e a l a p p l ic a n ts w i l l b e s e l f - s ta r te r s w ith exce llen t w e ld ing credentia ls. C andida tes w ill b e re q u ire d to p a s s a p r e -e m p lo y m e n t th re e p o s itio n s t ic k and f la t f lu x e d co re 100% x -ra y test. T h is pos ition pays up to $19 .96 p e r hour, p lus sh ift p rem ium s. P ro c o r o ffe rs a c o m p e tit iv e b e n e f it p a c k a g e (includ ing an exceptiona l re tirem ent p lan) and a p leasan t w orking environm ent. P le a s e a p p ly in w r i t in g (o r o b ta in a P ro c o r app lica tion fo rm at the security office located a t 2001 S peers Road): PROCOR LIMITED PLANT PERSONNEL SUPERVISOR 2001 SPEERS ROAD OAKVILLE, ONTARIO L6J 5E1 (905) 827-4111 FAX: (905) 827-8514 OAKVILLE HONDA A progressive dealership is currently looking for a highly motivated individual with a strong customer service orientation to join it's team of S E R V IC E A D V IS E R S Experience with impod dealerships preferable. The successful candidate should have good people skills and basic computer knowledge. We offer competitive compensation and benefit package. Resumes may be dropped off at: 191 W y e c ro ft R o a d , O a k v ille o r fa x 8 4 4 -8 0 0 5 A ttn : M ik e P a rk CUSTOMER SERVICE/ ORDER ENTRY Fulltime perm, person required immediately. Excellent communication skills, pleasant telephone manner and keyboarding experience required. Sanitation Distri bution experience an asset. Wages negotiable. SCREEN/PAD PRINTER Two fulltime perm, positions available for imprinting plant. Must be willing to work in a team atmosphere and have excellent command ot the English language. No exp/ required - w ill train. Start: $7.25/hr. PLEASE FAX RESUME TO: (905) 823-3697 A leading distributor of laboratory instruments requires WAREHOUSE HELP Mississauga Rd/401 • 2 years warehouse experience • Receiving • Stocking • Order picking Some heavy lifting required Approximately 20 hours/week Fax resume to: 905-826-5424 Accounting Clerk required for a group of Oakville dealerships. Prefer ence to those with car dealership accounting experience. Looking for a bright, versatile person with strong organizational skills and a positive attitude. Please fax resume to: (905) 845-0591 BM W of O akville While, we appreciate your response, only those applicants selected for an interview will be contacted No phone calls please BO N N IE TO G S CHILDREN'S WEAR Manager required for our Oakville Place location Fax resume: 416-781-3901 LUMBER DISTRIBUTOR Requires: SHIPPING OFFICE - Busy environment. ♦ Computer experience, flexible, with good understanding of overall shipping procedures. ♦ Self motivated w/attention to detail ♦ Good communication skills WAREHOUSE MANAGER ♦ Oversee order preparation/receiving of goods ♦ Good organizational skills ♦ Knowledge of lumber industry an asset FORK Lin Operators/WAREHOUSE Personnel ♦ Some heavy lifting required FAX RESUME Attention Wayne Coombs: 905-854-6104 No phone calls will be accepted The O akville Beaver has an immediate opening for a Marketing Service Representative Responsibilities include increasing circulation through canvassing and telephone promotions P lease ca ll M artin or Trudy a t 8 4 5 -9 7 9 2 "Full-time W ork @ A utom otive Parts Manufacturer" M A N P O W E R is currently recruiting for •PRESS OPERATORS •FINISHERS •MILLWRIGHTS for our Oakville client. These positions are temp to perm, with competitive salaries and group benefits. Press operators and finishers need certification at level "A' , "B" & "C" or previous related exp. Millwrights must have cer tification & 3-5 years exp. & knowledge of Lift trucks. -CAR IS ABSOLUTELY REQUIRED- Fax resume (905)-336-5727 GRiCH T h e B ric k is c u rre n tly s e e k in g a P art T im e C re d it A s s is ta n t. Candidates must have PC experience with keyboard skills, be outgoing, and willing to work days, evenings and weekends. No experience is necessary, training provided. Hourly wage is between $7-$12/h Interested individuals are asked to Leave Resume at Customer Service: T h e B rick 9 9 0 F ra s e r D rive B u rlin g to n , O N SUMMER IS COMING! Enjoy Helping Others? Would you like to work in your own community? We're looking for motivated people to canvass on behalf ot registered charities. Supervisor also needed! You provide a neat appearance, cheerful attitude & well provide full training, hourly rate, bonuses & friendly group to work with! Call Michelle 1-888-953-8283 T H O M A S , L A R G E & S IN G E R IN C . is a large, progressive Food Broker, represent ing well-known branded products. Our company is moving to a new location in June/99 in Woodbridge (Weston Rd/Hwy 407). We are seeking an energetic individual for the position of C U S T O M E R S E R V IC E R E P to receive and process orders via phone, fax or EDI, handle customer inquires and solve delivery problems. The successful candidate will have 1-2 years- related customer service experience, excellent data entry skills, strong commu nication and problem solving abilities and thrive in a team environment. Please forward your resume along with a covering letter to Human Resources, 40 Emblem Court, Scarborough, Ontario M1S 1B1, fax to 416-291-9096. (Only those candidates considered for an interview will be contacted. a m i t r ^ ■ 1 1 I P H I U I T n i B W l Com puter Instructor (Contract Position) Employment Skills Training Centre, Oakville Duties w ill include • Instructing clients in various current software applications • Community placement • General office duties and clerical support • Supervision of clients in other training areas Applicants should be graduates of a relevant com munity college program and have strong verbal and written English skills. Expereince working with per sons with disabilities/ employment disadvantaged would be an asset. Hours of work: M on-Fri., 8:30am-4:30pm Apply by Mon., May 31,1999 to: Brad Spencer Assoc. Director, Human Resources Amity Goodwill Industries 225 King William Street Hamilton, Ont L8R1B1 We thank all applicants; however only those selected for interview will be contacted Joyce Scott Non-Profit Homes Part-time Attendant Service Worker $11.35-$12.85 hourly People with good personal skills and good physical fitness are needed to assist adults with a physical disability in activities of daily iiving. The successful applicant must be able to work weekends, able to work a variable hours, have a reliable vehicle and be able to drive in all areas of Halton. Training provided. Successful candidates will be subject to a Criminal reference Check. Fax resume to (905) 878-0652 HAIRSTYLISTS WANTED • Qualified stylists • Excellent wage and benefit package • Full and part tim e positions • Some management positions available • Busy locations • No clientele required • Advanced tra in ing provided Oakville Call Debbie 849-7655. Burlington Call Sue 319-9455 M A R K E TIN G REP I.T. Xchange an international computer d is tribu tion co. seeks motivated, achievement-oriented, hardware literate ind. w/strong comm, skills fo r Oakville location. Interface w/existing acct. base, take orders, pricing & avail., prospect new clients (telemktg), oust, service & mktg supp. to Acct. Execs. Fax/Send resume to M. Dempster 905-829-8903 or mdempster@itxchange.com. CUSTOMER SERVICE FIELD INSPECTORS Looking for a number of Customer Service/Sales ori ented individuals available immediately to work In the Mississauga/ West Toronto area. Knowledge ot the cable tv industry an asset, but not required. Training provided to earn $750 to $1000 per week. Must have a reliable vehicle, good driving record and enjoy working outdoors with limited supervision. These are temporary full-time positions of approx. 4-6 months duration. Interviewing now for work beginning June 15/99. Fax or Mail resame to: General Manager Integrated Market Solutions Inc. 99 Bronte Road, Suite 530 Oakville, Ontario L6L 3B7 Fax: (905) 825-8371 Only those selected lo r interview w ill be contacted. £ °S CL H I Q _ O -C A R R IE R S W A N T E D - Summer's Coming!! Vacation Substitutes Required Chartwell Rd. Macdonald Rd. Alexander Ave. Brentwood Rd. Doverwood Dr. Woodland Drive T relawn Montgomery Dr. Manchester Cr. Glenfield Rd. Sandpiper Rd. Glendon Ct. Malbrook Rd. Sable Rd. Third Line Wales Cr. Snowdon Rebecca St. Pinehurst Dr. Permanent Routes Also Available For information, please call Oakville Beaver Circulation 845-9742 E press Yourself hrs.a day1 Introducing Classified EXpress, the most convenient way to place classified ad! Call any tim e, day or night, from home, your car, wherever! ,TM A l i i /Classified ECpress The Oakville Beaver mailto:mdempster@itxchange.com