Friday, May 14,1999 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER 31 Garage Sale g u i d e FREE Garage Sale Kitwith ail prepaid Garage Sale Ads placed in The Oakville Beaver call 845-3824 Deadline: Wed 5 pm Clip and save th is special section as your convenient guide to all the best garage sales! A U C T IO N S a tu rd a y M a y 15 Church of the Epiphany 141 Bronte Rd. Oakville Preview at 8 :3 0 A M Auction at 1 0 :0 0 A M Refreshments Available 7TH ANNUAL GARAGE SALE G R E N V IL L E /G R A N B Y (Eighth Line / Gienashton) Saturday, May 23 8:30 am - 1 pm Rain Date Sunday Antiques, kids clothes, tools, automotive, sports. Something tor Everyone! GIANT USED BOOK FAIR Fri., May 14: 4p.m - 9 p.m. Sat., May 15: 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. Sun., May 16:10 a.m. - 5 p.m. J.S. Gairdner Arena 540 Lakeshore Road West plus HUGE GARAGE SALE Sat., May 15,9 a.m. Garage Sale 2319 Dunwin Dr. Unit 3 Inventory Clearance • Wallpapers • Borders, • Benjamin Moore Paints Mist Tints • Exterior Stains • Fixture, Shelving, and Counters, •Paint Shakeis • All Borders and wallpapers are ends and overstocks and most are current or even new patterns. Sat. May 15 8-5 Sun. May 16 9-12 Donl miss it! It is truly the best deal for Borders and Wallpaper (905)607-0919 GARAGE SALE Sat May 15 Ecole St. Marie 336 Maurice Drive, Oakville New 4 used toys household 4 baby items sporting goods, books 4 more!!! Freshly Baked Goods Coffee 4 Juice 8:30 AM-1 PM "RAIN OR SHINE1 10 FAMILY GARAGE SALE Sat May 15 8 am Castle Cres. (C ham w ood .E ast O akville ) som eth ing fo r e ve ryone! 3-FAMILY GARAGE SALE Sat May 15 8:30-12noon 1521,25,37 Green briar Dr. (Glen Abbey) Lots of clothing 4 other things you need No early birds please 4 FAMILY GARAGE SALE Sat May 15 8-11am 163 Douglas Ave fu rn itu re , com pu t e r,ch ild Peg Jee p ,k itche n ,C D 's 20 Family Garage Sale Oak Bliss Cr. West Oak Trail Park area - o ff Glen Valley Rd. Sat. May 15 8 am sporting goods, electronics, turn., microwave, kitchen, household Items plus lots more. HUGE GARAGE SALE Sat. May 15th 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. APPLEBY COLLEGE 4 HOUSE GARAGE SALE Sat May 15 8-12noon 54,68,78,93 Holyrood Ave Darn good stuff! Antiques, Art, Collectables, Christmas Decorations, Housewares, and more... 3036 Riverview St. (Lakeshore/ Mississauga St.) Sat. May 15 8-4pm CENTURY FARM YARD SALE Sat May 15 8-2pm 4182 6th Line (north of Burnhamthorpe) an tiques, co llec t ib les, househo ld and fa rm item s DOWNSIZING! Moving Sale Sat. May 15 9-3 401 Ash Rd. (Caimcroft Rd/ Devon) Executive Garage Sale Multi-Family Sat. May 15 8 a.m. Fairfeild PI. (off Pilgrims Way) Furniture, clothing, decorative, household, children's GARAGE SALE Sat May 15 Sun May 16 8:30 -2pm 1653 & 1657 Greenbriar Dr. P atio furn iture , desk,ton o f m isc. item s From Granny's Linens to Grandchildren's Designer Clothes. From Silver and China to kitchen wares plus everything inbetween. Sat. May 15 8 a.m.-1 p.m. 335 Old Orcherd Circle (Trafalgar/ Upper Middle) Garage Sale Sat. May 15 9-1 1344 Monk's Passage (off Monastery) exercise equip, desk, etc. Garage Sale May 15 & 16 8 am 229 Deane Ave A whole bunch of stuff!! GARAGE SALE Sat may 15 8:30-12noon 1324 Redbank Cres First time sale after 37 yrs at same ad- dress!Books, clothing furniture,small ap pliances,no reasonable offer refused! G A R A G E S A L E Sat May 15 8-1 pm 1251 White Lane ping pong tab le ,k ids toys ,m isce lla neous househo ld item s,c lo th ing GARAGE SALE Sat May 15 8-12noon 336 Winston Rd. Baby equip- ment/toys, clothing adult 4 baby, house hold items,aluminum windows, plus more!!! PLANT SALE ST. JUDE'S CHURCH 160 William Street (King St. Entrance) Saturday May 15 9am-11:30 shrubs, perennials, herbs, ground covers. Ivy, ornam ental grasses & more GARAGE SALE Sat May 15 8 a m - ? 1295 Forest Hill (off T rafalgar) Doors, stereos, s inks,crib ,and lots m ore (ra inda te M ay 29) GARAGE SALE Sat May 15 Come to rear of 83 Chisholm, between 8- 12noon to purchase interesting collection of merchandise. An tiques, household and sporting goods, tools and electrical equip ment,for ladies gen tleman and children! Garage Sale Sat. May 15 7:30-10:30 1501 Sandpiper Rd. (off Third Line, North of Upper Middle) T.V.'s, card table, furniture, household items. <?ARA$f<i PtANT SALE Sat May 15 8-12noon 24 First St. (3rd St east of Tra falgar at the lake) Furniture, lights, an tiques, dried flowers, perennials 4 wild flowers.Puppets GARAGE MOVING SALE Sat May 15 9 am 1009 Roxbor- ough Drive kids toys, bikes, househo ld goods Garage Sale Sat. May 15 8:30-11 1328 Saddler Cir. (3rd Line/ Kings College) Toys, bikes, swingset GARAGE SALE EXTRAORDINAIRE Sat May 15 8 am 1580 Lancaster Drive unit 44 housewares, electron ics, cottage stuff and more,crafts Garage Sale Sat May 15 9-2 pm 308 Morrison Rd (east Oakville) Moving Sale something for everyone! G A R A G E S A L E &Gift Baskets Sat May 15 9- 1pm 2180 Dunvegan Ave. microwave, kitch- en/bar ware, toys,bedding GARAGE SALE Sat May 15 9:30 -1 pm 2159 Sunny- brook Court lo ts o f k itchen stuff, m icrow ave, w ood desk GARAGE SALE Sat M ay 15 7-12noon 1144 Pilgrims W ay rain o f shine everyth ing clean and a lm o s t new, B B Q ,A n tiq u e s , girts des igner c lo thes, ping pong tab le GARAGE SALE Sat May 15 8am 2272 Bridge Rd. PhotScopier, com p, stuff, household items, books, & much m ore! STREET GARAGE SALE Sat. May 15 8 - 12 Carol Rd. (F ord / Cornwall) Toys, household, furniture, special treasures, books and m uch morel GARAGE SALE Sat May 15 8-12noon 1369 Eddie Shain Drive (K ingsw ay/Ford Dr. area) GARAGE SALE Sat May 15 8-12noon 1488 Jasmine Cres (Upper Middle 4 8th Line) Everything for baby, crib,port, crib, jump er, F/P swing, carseat etc girls clothes,0-3yrs, com puter, household GARAGE SALE Sat May 15 8-2pm 1374 Bridge Rd. Too m any to list!! C om e one C om e all!!! Y ou w o n t be d is appo in ted GARAGE SALE Sat May 15 8-1 pm 1465 Durham St (M ap leg rove &. D evon) an tique sea chest, bar fr id ge ,s to ve ,& m ore GARAGE SALE Sat May 15 8:30 am 1341 Birchcliff Drive skates, skis, k itchen w ares, accessories!! Garage Sale Sat May 15 8-12 Noon 1528 Stationmaster Lane (Glen Abbey) electric train, bikes, trykes, tons of toys, books, ED. soft ware,tough traveler back pack, ext.ladder& more GARAGE SALE Sat May 15 8-2pm 1372 Wil- lowdown Rd F isher Price kaw asaki k ids C D R om 's,k ids c lo th es an m uch m uch m ore GARAGE SALE Sat May 15 8:30 am 1375,1371 &1383 Old English Lane Perego Stroller, Lit tle Tykes Toys,kitchen cupboards and morel! ■A-A'-A-A-A- GARAGE SALE Sat May 15 8am- 12noon 1151 Chapelton Place (G len Abbey) A-A-A-A-A-A^ G A R A G E S A L E Sat May 15 8 am 1364 Holbome Place Toys,clothing, house hold items, electric snow shovel, weed eater, etc... GARAGE SALE Sat May 15 8 am 2336 Canso Rd. (off Oigby, or Devon) Duvets 4 comforters, furniture, New twin bed 4 boxspring, computer, printer, desk 4 chairs, CD's, lamps, luggage, cabbage patch (kills 4 much more. S om e th ing fo r everyone! (raindate Sun May 16tti) GARAGE SALE Sat May 15 8:30 -2pm Milton Rd And Priory Court Neighborhood G arage Sale GARAGE SALE Sat May 15 7:30 am 1135 Mayfair Rd GARAGE SALE Sat May 15 7:30-12noon 1143 Westview Terrace (rain date may 16) m icrow ave, hom e fu rn ish ings, and decorations GARAGE SALE Sat May 15 8-12noon 2197 Dunedin Rd (south of Royal Windsor off Ford) books, c lotnes, exe rc ise equip m ent, b ikes,m isc househo ld G A R A G E SA L E Sat May 15 8-1 pm 1272 Mapleridge Cres. Baby and household items!!! Rain Date May 16 GARAGE SALE Sat May 15 8-11am 290 Lawson St. (near O TM H ) A n accum ulation o f m any years!!! Garage Sale Sat. May 15 8-1 1338 Creekside Dr. (Upper Middle/ Grand) toys, furniture, something for everyone! Garage Sale Sat. May 15 7:30-Noon 1577 Stationmaster Lane ' (West of Thrid Line, near Upper Middle)