in si d eh al to n .c o m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | Th ur sd ay , A pr il 19 ,2 01 8 | o NEWS Council approves downtown Lakeshore Road reconstruction plan Metroland photo Plans to reconstruct Lakeshore Road between Navy and Allan streets was approved by council. Work is expected to being in the spring of 2019 and will be carried out in two phases. Reconstruction begins spring 2 0 1 9 OAKVILLE - Oakville council voted to approve the final design for the downtown Lakeshore Road reconstruction dur ing a special meeting of the planning and development council April 10. The reconstruction of Lakeshore Road between Navy and Allan streets is scheduled to start in the spring of 2019 and take place in two phases. Phase 1 will see the re construction of Lakeshore Road between Navy and Dunn streets from spring to the fall of 2019. Phase 2 involves the re construction of Lakeshore Road between Dunn and Allan streets from spring to fall 2020. "Downtown Oakville is essential to the cultural and economic well-being of our community," said Oakville Mayor Rob Bur ton. "We will be working closely with the Downtown Oakville BIA and individu al businesses to implement measures that will encour age residents to continue visiting downtown throughout the recon struction." Work on revitalizing the downtown streetscape be gan last year with the re construction of the Lake- shore Road Bridge. The bridge incorporat ed the new streetscape fea tures such as granite curbs and light standards that will be included for the Lakeshore Project. This year the town will also be undertaking the conversion of existing one way streets to two-way op eration including the re surfacing of Navy, Randall, Church, George and Dunn streets. "With Lakeshore Road East, (Navy Street to Allan Street) coming to the end of its lifespan, the town un dertook extensive re search and public consul tation to identify broader opportunities," said Dan Cozzi, the town's director of engineering and con struction. "This undertaking will improve traffic, beautify streets and improve pedes- trian/cycle ways in the downtown." During the April 10 meeting council also heard about potential mitigation efforts intended to ensure sustainability of the com mercial district through the construction period. "We have examined pro jects in other communi ties," said Dorothy St. George, town director of economic development. "Further consultation with businesses, Down town BIA and other stake holders will help ensure that we have the right plan for Oakville." Visit and search "Lakeshore Road Reconstruction Pro ject" for more information. m a k e a Breakfast Pastries Belgium Waffle Station & Omelette Station Salad Bar Hot Entree Selection & Carving Station Dessert & Chocolate Fountain Station Beverage Station Adults - $45.00 Children Age 5 to 12 - $25.00 Children under 4 - free Tax included / Gratuities extra 1120 Burloak Drive, Burlington K I T C H E N S O F O A K V IL L E AyA KITCHENS OF OAKVILLE 1195 NORTH SERVICE ROAD WEST 905.847.1522 AYAOAKVILLE.COM BURLINGTON CONVENTION CENTRE M o th e r 's D a y B run ch F o r T icke ts C a ll: 905-319-0319 Sunday, M a y 13, 2018 Starts at 11:30am Cash Bar Available