10 Oakville Beaver W eekend D isco ver D o w n t o w n Editorial Spring has arrived and the weather is finally beginning to get warm and sunny. W hat better time to take a stroll through downtown Oakville? W hether you are shopping, eating, or just browsing, Oakville's downtown offers something for everybody. There are hundreds of boutiques, galleries, restaurants, cafes, and much more for you to experience, all within walking dis tance of each other. New to downtown is Ergo, a ladies wear store opening this weekend. According to owner Jaci Bolyki, Ergo will offer distinctive clothing for the sophisticated woman, including everything from business wear to evening wear to weekend wear. Ergo's grand opening party will be on June 5. Rob Christie of radio station Mix 99.9 will host the party, which will include an appearance by Canadian designer Dominique DeSentino and a mini fashion show. ____ _ on all Floor Models LIMITED TIME ONLY E V E N T Choosefrom FOUR FLOORS of Sale-Priced Floor Models and Save the GST! Enter Contest when you pick up our latest flyer in store. Custom orders also on sale m SQU6S INTERIORS LTD. 844-3530 Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 9:30-6 p.m., Fri. 9:30-9 p.m., Sat. 9:30-5 p.m. ANNOUNCEMENT Haircraft is pleased to welcome Karen G olezyk as our newest Aesthetician. A Professional addition to our staff, she ivill provide experience and skills to all of your aesthetic needs. For a limited time receive 50% off all regularly priced aesthetic services Call today for your appointment 905-845-7671 ALL F/ " R!CS B e d r o o m Intef. - -- f t It e m s • P ic t u r e G a lle r y Bedroom Interiors Quality Bed Linens Custom Drapery & Bedding 267 Lakeshore Rd., Oakville (905) 849-6200 Grand Opening Saturday, May 15th Designs fo r today s sophisticated, complex, in ternational w om en. 2 0 - 2 5 % o f f a l l i t e m s i n s t o r e O n e w eek only! Featuring: D eSentino Collection, Chochotte, Cheri M ilaney D ' S p o r t ----------------- I DKEKlTINO 3 0 2 L a k e sh o re R o a d E ast, O ak v ille 849-0855 Hours: Mon. - Wed. & Sat. 9:30-6, Thurs. & Fri. 9:30-9, Sun. 12-5 Look for this Downtown Feature in the Oakville Beaver every other Sunday.