14 Oakville Beaver Weekend Sunday May 16, 1999 To Your Health An Oakville Beaver Feature To reach this section call 845-3824 Fax:337-5567 Drug-related rapes on rise in Halton . ______ _ _________ S o m e a d v i c e o n h o w N O T t o b e c o m e a v i c t i m HcALTH NOTES Rape is happening in our society and the use of drugs to commit rape is not new. Drug related rape is the use of drugs, both legal and illegal, for the purpose of rape. One of many scenarios might be the follow ing: A female high school student is at a house party hosted by her best friend. Many people show up, both from their school and-other local high schools. She wakes at 4 a.m. with no clothes on, in a strange bed. She has no idea how she got there and doesn't remember what hap pened to her. She has been raped. A growing number of drug-related rapes are being reported in Halton. The actual number of assaults is much higher than the reported cases because many episodes go unreported to the police. You can reduce your risk of becoming a victim of drug related rape by knowing the facts about this crime and by taking steps to protect yourself. Here are the FACTS: -Drug related rape happens to male and females, young and old. I t can happen to anyone, anywhere. ARE YOU CARING FOR A LOVED ONE AT HOME? A VON CANACVX VON HALTON presents: " How To Be a F am ily C areg iver . . . and S urv ive" 4 W eekly S e s s io n s : 1. How to Survive and Thrive June 2, 1999 (l:30-3:00pm) 2. Staying in Control of Your Life June 9, 1999 (l:30-3:00pm) 3. Handling Guilt and Anger June 16, 1999 (l:30-3:00pm) 4. Community Resources June 23, 1999 (l:30-3:00pm) Call (905) 827-8800, Ext. 2200 to register A fee of $10.00/session will be charged to cover costs (subsidies available). & H O M E S E R V I C E S ONE WEEK ONLY! S A V E * 5 0 j Duct Cleaning Sale! $119 WHOLE HOUSE PACKAGE* Our reg. *139 IN C L U D E S : MAIN DUCTS UNLIM ITED VENTS BONUS N O C H A R G E F O R O N E A C C E S S D O O R Our reg. *30 CALL MONDAY - SATURDAY 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM 639-4222 Ask about our Electrostatic Air Filters B e n e f its : • Duct cleaning helps relieve symptoms of allergies, asthma and respiratory discomfort by removing indoor airborne irritants such as dirt, dust, animal dander and pollen. "For single furnace systems. Extra Charge for additional access doors if required. Residential orders only. Offer expires May 22,1999. -Drug related rape often happens in homes and at social gatherings, it is not limited to bars and raves. -Drug related rape is most often committed by someone the victim knows. This type of assault is not limited to strangers. -Drugs used to facilitated rape include prescription and illegal drugs. -The drugs used are often odorless, colourless, tasteless and difficult to detect in any type of drink. -The effect of the drugs on the vic tim varies depending on the type and amount of drug used. Victims have reported having feelings of confusion, nausea, drowsi ness, dizziness, loss of c o n t r o l over movement and in some cases loss of memory. Some victims are left unconscious and in extreme cases death can result. A group of people have come together to look at drug related rape and what can be done in Halton and surrounding areas. The drug related rape subcommittee of the Halton Violence Prevention Council is com prised of members from Halton Regional Health Department, Halton Rape Crisis Center, and Halton Regional Police Services. Our mes sage is simple - Drug related rape is happening in Halton. It can happen to anyone and everyone can reduce their risk by knowing the facts. Here are some tips on how you can protect yourself: -Always keep your drink in sight, even if it means taking it with you while you dance. -At a bar or club, accept drinks only from the bartender or server. -At social gatherings, don't accept drinks that have already been opened, or were made by someone else. -If you experience dizziness, extreme drowsiness, or other sudden and unexplained symptoms, call someone you trust. Go t o a hospital emergency room immedi ately. Try to keep a sample of the drink for testing. If you think you've been raped call your local Rape Crisis Centre or the Police at 911. * Reach out for help. Remember it's not your fault and you are not alone! * Thank you to Hoffman-La Roche for allowing the duplication of some of the information on their poster, "One will quench your thirst...The other could set you up for rape." For more information, contact Halton Regional Health Department at 825-6065, ext. 4545. TTY (905) 827- 9833. Health Notes is prepared by staff of the Halton Regional Health Department REBECCA MEDICAL ASSOCIATES ANNOUNCEMENT I regret to inform you that effective May 28th, 19991 will be leaving my practice for personal reasons. Dr. Alik Sood will m anage your care until permanent arrangements can be m ade for a physician to take over the practice. It has been a pleasure to ge t to know the people in my practice and I will take some fond memories with me. Thank you for giving m e th e opportunity to care for you. N a b i l a S h a d , M . D . , C . C . F . P . y [ D d w l i o l o f y 8 H e t a k o l i s m R o n n ie A ro n so n MD FRCPCFACE • Medical Weight Management Program > Multi-disciplinary Health Care Team • Metabolism Assessment > Computerized Diet Analysis by physician referral ( 9 0 5 ) 3 3 T - 0 0 4 0 or visit www.lmc.ca Trafalgar Road at OEW, Oakville Health Bu lle tin Board MON. MAY 17: Living With Cancer, support group, 7:30 p.m., Cancer Society office, 635 Fourth Line, Unit 51, call 845-5231. WED.MAY 19: ALS Society - Oakville/Burlingt on Chapter Support Group monthly meeting, 7:30 p.m., Brant Hills Presbyterian Church, 2138 Brant Street, Burlington. Call Bob Kruger at 336-8501. -New Advances in Treatment o f Asthma, OTMH auditorium, with Dr. Eric Leith, allergist, and Eileen Gagne, asthma educator. To reserve, call 3 3 8 - 4 3 7 9 . Parking fee, $3. http://www.lmc.ca