Oakville Beaver, 17 Mar 1999, A5

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Wednesdsay March 17,1999 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER A5 Siblings won '/ be forced into different schools There should be some happy par­ ents and school children in Hal ton. Trustees with the Halton District School Board passed a resolution at a recent board meeting allowing for the 'grandfathering' (exempting) of younger siblings in relation to optional attendance. A brother or sister bom on or before Dec. 31, 1998, can now or eventually attend the same school that their older sibling(s) currently attend. Optional attendance is a practice which refers to students choosing to attend schools outside their home area. As well, the board agreed to let younger siblings attend kindergarten at a school under optional attendance if the student intends to enrol in the French Immgrsion program there start­ ing in Grade 1 and an older sibling is already at the same school for French Immersion. Kindergarten is not part of Halton's French Immersion program. One person in attendance Wednesday who was thrilled with the board's decisions was Phil Robinson. The vice-chair o f Burlington's Glenview elementary's School Council appeared before the board twice last year and again Feb. 10th to address the fear of sibling separation. "I am very pleased the motion to grandfather siblings for optional atten­ dance and French Immersion passed. I made some phone calls after the motion carried and parents are very happy," said Robinson. The impact of another deferral of the matter had been asked about earlier in the evening by Burlington trustee Michael Ellis. Gary Sadler, the board staff member who investigated the possible impact of grandfathering younger siblings, told trustees there are a number of siblings in line for optional attendance and administration needed a decision by mid-March for staffing purposes. Sadler also told the board his find­ ings showed, in the large majority of cases, the impact of grandfathering appears to be minimal for the 1999- 2000 school year. "It needs to be noted, however, there will be some ongoing compounding effects (over several years)... that may, sometime in the future, cause the use of additional portables," he said in his report. Burlington trustee Sheila Flook had forwarded the motion asking for the grandfathering o f siblings after it appeared likely optional attendance would be closed at many Halton schools in response to board directives aimed at limiting the use of portable classrooms. At a previous board meeting, Flook had told trustees, "My phone has been ringing off the hook about this. I've had calls from outside my area, even from Oakville." Flook noted parents and school councils were not warned about option­ al attendance changes because they are currently administrative procedures. Enjoy March break outdoors Halton conservation areas are alive with activity during March break this week. Maple Syrup Days at the Mountsberg Conservation Area and the Sweet Water Season at the Crawford Lake Conservation Area are in operation all this week and week­ ends and holidays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. to April 11th. The Mountsberg Conservation Area has a sugar bush with a complete range of pioneer and modem syrup-making demonstrations. Horse-drawn rides take thousands of annual visitors out to the sugar bush that has a sugar house with a wood fueled evaporator and a candy house, where maple sugar is made. Products and pancakes are also available. The Crawford Lake program takes place in the pre-his- toric Iroquoian Village where the Sweet Water Season cele­ bration was dh important time during the .aboriginal calendar. Here, you will learn how aboriginal people discovered 'sweet water' and turned it into maple sugar. During March break, three daily presentations are available at 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. For downhill skiers and snowboards, the Glen Eden Ski Area is open daily during the March break with lots of great skiing and boarding still available. You can also cross-coun­ try ski or visit the beautiful falls at the Hilton Falls Conservation Area or take in some superb scenic viewing at Rattlesnake Point. Mount Nemo is also a great spot for win­ ter hiking and scenic viewing. Call 905-336-1158. Glen Abbey arsonist sought Investigators in Oakville seek clues to the identity of an arsonist after fire caused several thousand dollars of damage to a fast food out­ let in Glen Abbey. At about three o'clock in the early Wednesday morning of March 3rd, staff noticed smoke coming from an air vent at the Subway store on Dorval Drive at the North Service Road. The source of the smoke was in the men's room. Someone had set fire to the towel dispenser. Store staff was able to put the fire out before firefighters arrived, but not before an estimated $3,000 to $5,000 worth of smoke and fire damage was caused. The culprit in this case probably thought of this as a prank, but fires can be unpredictable and deadly. The person responsi­ ble for this arson must be identified before a similar crime is committed, and someone gets hurt. If you think you know who was responsible, Crime Stoppers wants to hear from you. If you have any information that leads to an arrest in this or any other case, you may be eligible for a cash reward. You need not give your name, and your information can be taken with complete anonymity. Crime Stoppers does not subscribe to Call Display. Please call 1-800-222-TIPS or 825-TIPS (that's 825-8477) .ning.com/~crimestoppers.html. Halton Conservation areas are open all this week to take advantage of March Break T h e Oa k v il l e B ea ver ANNOUNCEMENT M a r i l y n M a n n T o n y B o v e Ian Oliver, Publisher of The Oakville Beaver is pleased to welcom e M arilyn M ann and Tony Bove to the Advertising D epartm ent. M arilyn jo ins The Oakville Beaver w ith 3 years of m arke ting experience and 2-1/2 years w ith M etroland com m unity newspapers, m ost recently w ith The B urling ton Post. M arilyn grew up in Oakville and holds a B.A. in Law and W om en's Studies. She was recently m arried. Tony brings to The Oakville Beaver 18 years of advertising sales experience. W ith an extensive sales m anagem en t background, Tony was form erly w ith the N iagara Falls Review. He is m arried w ith th ree ch ild ren and is actively involved in coaching m inor boy's soccer. M arilyn and Tony jo in the Beaver's award w inning Advertising D epartm ent. The Beaver is cu rren tly nom inated for 5 categories in the OCNA Awards to be announced April 10th: Best Special Section, M ost O riginal Ad Idea (tabloid), O riginal Ad Idea (pony), Original Artwork, In-H ouse Prom otion. CORRECTION NOTICE We wish to draw your attention to the following in our current "1999 Catalogue": P ag e 13 - Item # 1 4 , Lounge Pad, 88 -0 6 64 -2 . C opy reads: 4 4 .9 9 each . Should read: 4 9 .99 each. P ag e 1 0 0 - W id e P aram ount Fishfinder, 7 9 - 3 8 2 7 -0 . C opy reads: 6 9 9 .9 9 . Should read: 7 4 9 .9 9 . P ag e 1 0 0 - W id e P an o ra m a Fishfinder, 7 9 - 3 8 2 6 -2 . C opy reads: 5 4 9 .9 9 each . Should read: 5 7 9 .9 9 each . P ag e 1 0 0 - H um m inbird V H F Radio, 7 9 - 3 8 9 8 -0 . C o p y reads: 3 2 9 .9 9 . Should read: 349 .9 9 . P ag e 1 0 0 - E ag le O p tim a Fishfinder, 7 9 - 3 8 2 5 -4 . C opy reads: 4 9 9 .9 9 . Should read: 5 6 9 .9 9 . P ag e 1 0 3 - Item #4 , B attery Boxes, Fuel Tanks, Accessories, 7 9 -0 3 1 2 X . C opy reads: 1 1 .99 to 1 5 .9 9 each . Should read: 7 .9 9 to 4 4 .9 9 each. P ag e 1 1 3 - Item # 6 and #7 , Supencyde Bikes, 7 1 -1 2 0 0 8 /1 2 0 6 6 . T h e illustrations should b e transposed. T h e bike pictured as # 6 is the T w is te r and the bike pictured as #7 is the 'Illusion'. P ag e 1 3 6 - Inglis Sm all Appliances. T h e Inglis coffee m aker, iron, toaster and cordless ketfie will not b e available until D e c em b er 1999. P ag e 1 5 2 - Item # 2 , R ep lacem en t Twin Rollers, 4 9 -0 7 2 8 X . C opy reads: package of 2, 7 .9 9 . Should read: E ach 7 .9 9 . P ag e 1 9 2 - Item # 1 , M o e n Pressure- B alanced Tub a n d S how er Set, 6 3 -3 8 29 -2 . This product is not pressure-balanced as stated in the flyer. P ag e 2 2 5 - O n M y W a y Travel System , 4 6 - 6 0 5 6 -4 . C o p y reads: 2 1 9 .9 9 . Should read: 2 3 9 .9 9 . P ag e 2 9 2 - A lum inum Rail Tonneau Covers, 4 1 -0 8 0 0 X /2 4 0 1 X . C o p y reads: E a 9 9 .99 - 2 8 9 .9 9 . Should read: H ook & Loop Tonneau Covers, 4 1 -2 4 4 0 X . Tough, rot-resistant, rein­ forced vinyl, e a . 9 9 .99 -1 3 9 .9 9 . A lum inum Rail Tonneau Covers, 4 1 -0 8 0 0 X /2 4 0 1 X . S nap-on heavy-duty vinyl, e a 2 8 9 .9 9 . P ag e 2 9 2 - Item # 2 , A lum inum Steps, 4 1 - 4 7 2 3 X C opy reads: Pair, 3 4 .9 9 6 7 .9 9 . Should read: C h ro m e Universal Truck Step, 4 1 -4 7 2 3 -8 . S ingle Step, 3 4 .9 9 . Alum inum Steps, m ost m akes, 4 1 -4 7 2 4 X . Pair, 6 7 .99 - 136 .99 . P ag e 3 2 9 - Item # 1 , C o b ra M obile C B Radio, 3 5 -0 1 0 1 6 . C o p y reads: Plugs conveniently into cigarette lighter. Th is is incorrect This product d oes not have this feature. We sincerely regret any inconvenience w e may have caused you. _________________________ cnote '99cat - Zones 2-9 CRIME STOPPERS T Call 825-TIPS o r 1 -800-668-5151 T h e Oa k v il l e B e a v e r , m m t o m for tie oex! m m m m iHppssiK. USED VEHICLE IIWEfllTORY UOUIDflTlOH F I I M A I M C I I M G 7 pas, V/6, auto, ar, AM/FM cass, His big beautiful blue ■people earner- is absolutely flgglss h every respect and you can surely see we've priced i IP 90 SUZUKI SIDEKICK JLX 4X4 COIW. Automatic!! Very low km!! Bright red! Ail ordinal!! Rawtesssssl! When you buy this gorgeous little 4X4, you'll be only it's second owner! The first one loired it too!! S R Q Q Q Air Condibonedl! only 75,000 kmsi! only Ifie best!! This beauty is flawless, totally original, fully reconditioned and certified, and as you can see, " ' ' ...... Full price only I 94 FORD TEMPO GL V/6H, auto, am/fm cass, air, cruse, tilt p/w, and lots more. This car is gorgeous, the equipment's all ther and the Ire are right!! At Ihis price the V/6 engine is free!! Ifs a Steal!! Full price only g Fully. Fully Loaded! Leather too' Slider too! One-of-a-kind! This is the "Big One* It's a dandy, and gosh, the price m jm i rr n u n Full price only 11 9 3 FORD PROBE SE V®, Auto, am/fm cass, air, cruise, St pAtpfl, rear wloer washer, decal package, maos, thewhole works!! Words canl orooerly describe how nice this few imleaoe beauty really is!! Full price only *7 .9 9 9 0% fin a n c in g on above m en tione d ve h ic le s is fo r 12 -m onth te rm on ly . O .A .C . L O W M O N T H L Y P A Y M E N T S ALL PRICES SLASHED 3 S $ j 4-dr. auto, air, cruise, St mag wheels, new Uniroyal Loredo raised lettered tires & lote more. Believe it or not winters cominq: and nice low mileage aggressively priced beauties like this are hard Idling. Check itw tl S C ' T I T Per Full price only 4 / r j ma 44.000 K'sl! This gorgeous luxury sedan isn't in our new car showroom but it surely could be! it's tawtessssii Full price only $M (Q f>er W i33#m o. 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AM'FM cass., air. cruise, mags, sunroof, the works! Believe us. this is a real cube. Runs great & looks even better AtotofcarfoKJjfe M i n i s > 5 money1 L lp O c A L SPECIAL OF THE WEEK '98 CHRYSLER SEBRING CONVERTIBLE Green! Stunnin^^ ll tw e k n o w ^ iic a T Ip u t top down for a few months but at this price you surely cannot afford to wait Till spring! i&Jk 88 Chrysler 5th Ave.t t V8. auto. AM FM. cassette on met tit PW PL P Seat rare (.heels ncrircnw c- Alot of fie B i year old care out (w a re *. .1 tired. rustyandieadytortheboneyanaNOI THIS ONE'It's g ^ u s Monthly payments are 36 month lease, plus PST, GST & fees. '97 Sebrlng Convertible $2,000 down, '96 Ram $2,000 down, '96 Jeep $2,000 down, '98 Sebring Convertible $1,600 down, '96 Cirrus LX1 $2,200 down. Plus PST & GST. O.A.C. & D odge Dodge Trucks 1 CHRYSLER 1 OflKWLLE DODGE CHRYSLER Jffl> 845-4211 *A s traded 646 4th L ine , S p eers R oad , O a k v ille w w w .o a k v il le d o d g e .c o m W Speers Rd. 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