SUNDAY, APRIL 11,1999 Page 31The Oakville Beaver CLASSIFIED To place an ad please call 845-3824 or 337-5610 or Fax 632-8165 Mon.- Fri. 8:30 am - 6 p.m. real estate P j j r o j RENTALS LEISURE LIVING W a T * MERCHANDISE 100-165 a s a automart 400-465 170-196 B M K help wanted 500-599 200-265 B r = a announcements 600-675 300-375 services 700-800 DEADLINES & CANCELLATIONS: M o n . 6 p.m. fo r W ednesday Issue. All classified ads m ust be prepaid Wed. 6 p.m. for F r id a y Issue. Thurs. 6 p.m. for S u n d a y Issue. W e A ccen t C h ea u e or c a sh A D V E R TIS IN G ER R O R S A N D O M IS SIO N S: The Oakville Beaver assumes no financial P liability for typographical errors or copy omissions by the newspaper other than the cost of space occupied by the error. Claims for errors must be made prior to next publication date. SALE by owned East Oak- ville. 1450 Prince John Cir- cler. 2300 sq.ft., profession ally finished basem ent, new windows, 400 sq.ft, deck, 3+1 bedroom s, 2.5 baths, 2 fireplaces, ceramic/ hardwood floors. A/C, C/V. O pen House; S atu rda ys Sunday, 2-5pm or appoint- ment$217,500. (905)829-3450 OPEN House Sunday- April 12th, 1-4pm ., 958 Birch- wood Avenue, Aldershot. 3 bedroom with In-Lawsuite. 681-0007_________________ BR AN T Hills- Bright. 3 bedroom home on friendly court. Large cedar deck. $155,000. Call 335-5083 BRONTE: Excellent loca tion. Quiet crescent. Four bedroom bungalow. F in ished basement. $219,900. 825-4258. P R ES TIG IO U S end unit townhouse. 3 bedroom s, 2.5 baths, ground floor fam ily room, gas fireplace, fin ished rec room, 5 built-in appliances, private back, indoor pool, suana, hot tub. Private sale. $189,900. 905-331-0751 B E A U TIF U L 1-bedroom condo on Lake. Royal Vis ta, 5280 Lakeshore Rd.. Burlington. Freshly painted, updated bathroom with ce ram ics. 11th floor. $135,000. 681-7881 WE specialize in Con d o minium Sales. Linda Da vies Real Estate Ltd., Real tor, 333-4347, 827-7728 ■ k v ] lots & acreages LOT wanted by m iddle- aged couple in the Burling ton area. Please call 336-1918 Q EW / Guelph Line, B ur lington. 1500 sq.ft. Shop & Office. O verhead door. 681-2317, nights__________ VERY Inexpensive ware house space, unheated, 10,000 sq.ft, or less. Oak ville location. Call Joe Luyk, 845-7597 O A K V IL LE - Lakeshore/ Kerr; prim e retail/office space, 1100sq.ft. + full basement + parking. $1280/mo+ hydro. 842-3196 ♦FOR RENU Office suite in professional building facing Q E W • free parking • approximately 580 sqft gross Madex Corporation 905*849*1100 TW O Offices, furnished, approx. 12'x14', 10'x14\ $600/mo. includes utilities. Harvester area office com plex. May3rd occupancy. (905)332-9045 IN D O O R shopping mall. West Oakville. Retail space for lease, suitable for fash ion boutique, books and gifts. (905)825-0719 10$K (U .S .) interim funds, investment doubled in 90 days. Guarantee, serious principles only! (416)724- 3401_______________________ LA N D S C A P IN G / Snow Removal operation. Clients in Burlington and Oakville. Fully equipped. Owner re tiring. $27,500. Stan Span- ik, Assoc. Broker, S .Todd R.E., 639-3300____________ WORK from home! 6 figure income potential. No sell ing, not MLM, car pmt, bo- nuses. (905)543-0496 FRANCHISE for sale. Mar ket to the 50+ through publi cation, direct mail and trade shows. (905)309-1525. $$ Government Funds $$. Grants and loans informa tion to start and expand your business or farm. 1- 800-505-8866. I mortgage, loans BAD C re dit??? Let us Help! Absolute Credit Re- pair. 335-8851 (24 Hrs) MORTGAGES. Low Rates. No fees to qualified bor rowers. Self employed? We can helpl Th e Personal Mortgage Group. Richard, (905)336-9966 LARGE 1-bedroom apart ment, quiet crescent, South Burlington. Call 6:30pm - 8:30pm for appointment to view: 681-0531.___________ FREE. Apartment Locator. Save time and money. One Stop Apartment Shop. All areas and prices...... (905)524-3000____________ BURLINGTON- 2 bedroom, May 1st + parking. Two, 1 bedrooms. June 1st. Utili ties included. 639-3301 2-B E D R O O M Suites among refined tenants in luxury building close to Burlington Mall. Call "The Princess*, 639-3009_______ TH IR D Floor loft- Bronte Road 2 bedroom, May 1st, $900/mo includes utilities, appliances & cable. 825-1813 S. of Lakeshore next to Ap pleby college. Lower level 1 bedroom apt., study, open concept livingroom/kitchen. New appliances in lovely home. All amenities, park ing. Suit quiet single pro fessional, non-sm oker $800/mo. with references. 849-7528_________________ 1 - B E D R O O M , J u n e l s t . $735/mo.+ parking; 2-Bed room, July 1st, $850/mo.+ parking. Sunken living- room, eat-in kitchen. Quick Q E W access, Guelph Line near New St., Burlington. 637-9725__________________ UPPER Middle/ Brant St. Large 1-bedroom , living, dining area, kitchen, C/A, storage space, patio. Back yard, parking. Jun e 1st. $740/mo. 335-9870________ BRAND New professionally finished 1-bedroom base ment apartment, large liv- ingroom, extra large bed room, separate entrance... bright, sunny! Parking, laundry, heat, hydro, cable, air included. Walk to G O , O akville Place. N on- smoker. No pets. Suit quiet mature m ale. $700/mo. (905)815-1582____________ Q U IET! Non-sm oking. Very large, completely re modelled basement apart ment. Large bright wind ows. Burlington. $800./un- furnished, $1,1 OO./fur- nished. (905)331-6071 3020 Glencrest Road, Bur lington. Available April: 1 & 2 - 1/2 bedroom apartments from $695/mo. Call (905)632-0129 apartments & flats for rent apartments & flats for rent Value Added FREE MICROWAVE W h e n .... You Lease one of our Exceptional 1 BEDROOM SUITES for one year O ffe r E xp ires A pr. 30 /99 - M ay O ccupancy M agnificent Indoor Pool & Fitness C entre • Utilities & Parking Included • Fantastic Location! TO VIEW CALL (905) 639-8583 P lease p re se n t this a d a t tim e o f viewing. S om e restric tions apply. BURLINGTON TOWERS A P A R T M E N T S 2 & 3 Bedroom s Also Available Downtown On-The-Lake BURLINGTON PLACE BACHELOR, 1, 2 & 3 BDRM SUITES F itn e s s fa c ilit ie s • O u td o o r P o o l CALL TODAY FOR AN APPT. TO VIEW: 333-9141 Minto Management Ltd. DISCOVER OAKVILLE LIVING! OPEN HOUSE • Sats & Suns, 1-4 W H IT E O A K S C O U R T 1297 Marlborough * (905) 815-1628 1 & 2 Bedrooms with den. Penthouse with fireplace & dishwasher. Utilities inch, C/A, sunken livingroom, indoor pool, squash court, Jacuzzi, sauna. M A R LB O R O U G H C O U R T 1229 Marlborough • (905) 844-7332 1,2&3 Bedrooms. Ensuite storage, utilities Incl. Easy Access to QEW& GO Train • M-F, 8am-7pm Luxury Living on the Lake DIPLOMAT I & II 5166 & 5170 Lakeshore Rd., Burlington 2 & 3 BEDROOM SUITES (Breathtaking lake view & Utilities Included) Billiards • OUTDOOR POOL • BBQ Area Call to V iew : 333--9533 or 333-9522 Professionally Managed by M into Management Limited ★ ★ 1460 Ghent Avenue ★ ★ (at Brant Street) Freshly Painted, Cleaned & Carpeted Lofts • S tu d io s • 1 4 2 B d rm s • 1 B d rm + IDen • All 2 -Bdrm . units with 2 full baths A • Indoor pool & saunas • Appliances, A/C, utilities, cable i n c l 'C , • Near GO, public transit, easy hwy. accesS" --- -- * B U R L IN G T O N S Q U A R E Tel: 639-4677 • Weekends: 639-4798 Mon-Thu., 9-7; Fri. 9-5; Sat & Sun 11-4 8URLINGTON.Immediate/ - 2 bedroom - $650./mo., utilities included. 1 bedroom- $597/mo., utilities included. Quiet, near lake. Apply 2435 Second St. ApL208, 634-8089 (3-6pm) O A K V IL LE Lakeshore/ Kerr Bright, spacious 2 bedroom , 4 appliances, parking. $995/mo + hydro. (905)842-3196 BLUEFIELDS Drive, Bur lington. 3-Bedroom town- home, no dogs, hardwood, patio, fenced yard, laundry. May/June $839./mo. 336- 7207. BURLINGTON Downtown. W ellington Place, 478 Pearl Street. Newly deco rated 1&2 Bedroom Apart ments with scenic views. 632-1643 170 apartments & flats for rent TYANDAGA Terrace, Bur lington. 2-bedroom 2-level apartments, Apr/May. Low- rise building, Garden like setting. Private landscaped patios. 336-0015. 336-0016 LAKESHORE. Burlington. 2-bedroom , Immediate $900/inc!.; 1-bedroom, Ju nelst, $800/incl. Panoramic view of Lake. Call 681- 7126 Professionally man aged by L.T. Greenwin Property Management BURLINGTON. 2-Bedroom. Immediate, from $790.; 3- Bedroom , J u n e ls t from $895/mo. Well maintained, quiet building. W alk to shopping, Hospital, Lake. 637-0321 BURLINGTON- 2-bedroom apartments. Well-located, quiet building. Near down town, buses, highway, lake. Call 333-0869________ Q EW / Kerr, Oakville. Bachelor, from $659/mo. 1- bedrooms, from $759.00/ mo. Includes 2 % discount for prompt payment. Excep tionally w ell-m aintained highrise. Fitness room. (905)845-9502____________ A 2 Bedroom available on Bronte Road by the Lake. Call (905)827-6783________ OLD Oakviile. 2 apartments for rent in house. Walking distance to hospital, GO , downtown. 1-bedroom top floor, $750/mo.; 1-bedroom basement, $550/mo. Avail- able May 1st. 339-3594 SPAC IO US 1.2&3 B ed rooms. Freshly painted, bright. Com petitive rent. Burlington high-rise. Well- maintained. Convenient lo cation. (9 0 5 )3 3 3 -9 8 4 6 , Noon-8pm ★ 2-BEDROOM Apartments $760. (Utilities included). 2386 New St. at Guelph Line. Rental Office Openl 1- 8pm. 639-5761____________ RENOVATED 2 bedroom apartment. Available May 1st, (on Kerr St). Small, well maintained building. 844-7843. REFURBISHEDApartments Downtown Burlington. Eliz abeth Manor, 477 Eliza beth Street. 1&2 Bedroom Apartments with spectacu lar view. 634-9374 BRONTE- 2 bedroom, Main floor of 4-plex. $1:050./in- clusive. Pets okay, 1 park ing. Junelst. (905)-469-0020 ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ Premier Court • Oakville • Luxury 1 .2 & 3 Bedroom Apartments. Air conditioning, and pool! Please Call for Info! (905) 738-3342 GEORGIAN Apartments. Apr/May/June: 1.2&3 Bed rooms. Heat/ hydro includ ed. Parking Extra. (No pets) Burlington, 639-0456, M- F :9 -4 , 6:30-8:00pm , Sun: 11-3pm___________________ G UELPH/ New. Large 2- bedroom over professional office. C/A, 4 appliances. Ideal for working couple. $895/mo. inclusive. 689-7724 C A N A D IA N A .. Spacious 1&2 bedrooms, 1100 sq.ft.- 1425 sq.ft. From $895. Utili ties included. Available June. (905)632-5486 IMMEDIATE. Burlington. 1 bedroom, utilities included, fitness room, sauna, indoor pool/ parking. $840./mo. 318-7259 2 -BE D R O O M apartments in tri-plex. Main floor- $1, Upper Level- $700./mo. Close to Oak ville downtown. 847-3564 D O W N TO W N Oakville. 1- bedroom apartment. $845./ mo. available May1. Call Forbes, 416-420-3952; (905)842-9275 OLD Oakville. 2-bedroom, $998/mo.; 1-bedroom , $875/mo.; in beautifully maintained, quiet building downtown... Step out to shops! Lots of seniors. 845- 8254. Leave message 2 BEDROOM- walk to Oak ville Place & Sheridan Col lege. Available Immediate ly.$820./heat- hot water parking included. 8 4 7 - 1138. BA CHELO R basement apartment. Available May. 1 st. River Oaks area. Park ing, cable, utilities included. $500/mo. Fem ale pre ferred. No pets. (905)842- 9961. After 6:30pm._______ 1.5-BDRM basement apart ment, C/A, cable, parking, non-sm oker. No pets. $700./mo. plus 1/3 utilities. May.lst. Kevin, 465-0589 QUIET, Convenient, Well- Maintained! 3055 Glencrest Rd., Burlington. Very spa cious 3-bedroom , Imme diate. From $1000./mo. 637-3921 LAKEFRONT Burlington! Large 2-bedroom suites available immediately thru May. (Parking included) 2338 Lakeshore Rd., 681- 8938 BURLINGTON 2-bedroom apartment in lowrise apart ment building. Quiet ten ants and no pets. $595/mo. Call 388-5236 B U R LIN G TO N - 3 bedroom , livingroom , diningroom, eat-in kitchen, 2- 4 pee. baths, storage. Under-ground parking, 5 appliances. W alk to shopping, easy highway access. 19 free amenities. Call to find out more. (905)335-9639____________ BURLINGTON Near Water front! 1-bedroom, $725/mo; 2-bedroom, $825/mo. Re modeled units. Quiet build- ings. (905)639-5079. BURLINGTON Lakeshore area. Prestigious, newly renovated 1-bedroom , $850/mo. & 2-bedroom $950/mo. includes heat/ hydro/ parking. Immediate. 637-6701 SP A C IO U S 2-bedroom apartment, $715/mo. plus hydro, near Q EW / Guelph Line, quiet building. Please call 319-8919 BRONTE on the Lake. Penthouse, 2-bedrooms, 2 balconies with lake view. Pool, tennis. One under ground parking. M a ylst. Call to view: 827-9169, Sir Richard Tow er, www.on- DO W NTO W N Oakville, near Kerr/ Lakeshore. Large, bright 2-bedroom in quiet building near park. Hardwood! Available May 1st. $725/mo. (9 05 )2 77 - 4728 SEMI-PRIVATE basement bachelor apartment. Single female only. May 1st $400/mo + phone. Parking, on bus route, A/C, private bath. 845-8488 2-BEDROOM apartments, well located, quiet building. Near downtown Burlington, buses, etc. Call 634-3635 2-BEDROOM sublet, sun ken livingroom, spacious, Guelph Line/ New. $880/mo. all inclusive. Available im m ediately. 336-5486. 2 bedroom s, remodeled, walk-out basement, back yard deck, non-smokers, no pets, Headon Forest area. $850 + 1/3 utilities 3 1 9 - 3557 SHORT-TERM Rentals, 3+ months. Spacious One Bedrooms. Utilities, Indoor Pool, Work-out Room. Bur lington Towers. 639-8583 WALK to GO! 5-plex, Brant/ Fairview. Clean, attractive 1-bedroom ($590.) Non- smokers/ pets. Apr/May. Heat, parking included. 389-7013, 526-8257 BURLINGTON Downtown; Uniquely furnished 3 rooms, first floor in house. Kitchen/ dining, office/ den, living/ bedroom , wood burning F/P, deck, garden. $880 /mo. Parking &utiiities included, non-sm oker/ pets. 317-9253.____________ CLEARVIEW (Oakville)- 2 bedroom basement apart ment. 4 appliances, air, ga rage. $1000/mo. June 1st. 829-1762 B E A U TIFU L 3 bedroom basem ent for rent, near Sheridan College. $750./mo. (416) 677-0404, G LEN A B B E Y : tw o-bed- room, private walk-out, laundry, one parking only, jacuzzi bath. No sm ok- ing/pets. May 1.847-6831. HUGE 2 bedroom apartment for rent, park ing for 1 car. $710 /mo plus utilities 564-0134 or 842-8736 available May 1. 172 Y T Y Y Y FU RN ISH ED Luxury! 1-3 Bdrm Corporate, Executive Homes, Condos. 1-2 baths, 6 appliances, C/A, Jacuzzi, rec centre, pool, security, t v , V C R , stereo, from .... $995/mo.! "Snowbirds"... We have Triple A tenants who'll pay your bills while you're south!! 6 8 1 -R E N T (7368). 173 rentalsfurnished O A K V ILLE- (Dow ntow n) furnished basem ent, 1 bedroom , suit business lady. No pets, non-smoking. $700/mo. 842-8383 I condominiums for rent BURLIN G TO N- available June 1st, 2 bedroom, liv ingroom, diningroom, en suite, washer/ dryer includ ed. $818/mo includes hy- dro. Call (905)689-7341 LIVINGROOM, diningroom. 2 oedrooms, 2 baths. 1430 feet. Appliances, security. All rec facilities, 2 under ground parking, $1300. May 1st, Palace Burlington, 844-6976 All The Advantages of Condo Living 1&2 BDRM SUITES WITH SOLARIUM! Rec. facilities, 24 -hr security & more. Conveniently located in the Mapleview area! = 637-3155 ® HARBOR lights. 2 bedroom , 2 bath, 5 appliances. Jun e 1st. $160Q/mo. 525-7118 185 N .B U R L IN G TO N - Upper level, 3 bedrooms, kitchen, front entrance, livingroom, diningroom , parking. $1075/mo. inclusive. May. 1st. Non-smoker, No pets. (905)-332-8177____________ SHORT term rental. June to December 1st. Furnished, 4 bedroom home in Tyanda- ga. Lawn & pool m ain tenance included. $2200/ mo. Please call Kathy Duschl, Sales Rep. Re/Max Garden C ity Realty Inc. 333-3500 PLAINS/ Francis- Burling ton- 3 -bedroom s, 1-1/2 baths, finished basement, laundryroom . Parking. $900/mo.+ utilities. Avail able May 1st (9 0 5 )5 7 8 - 6996 OAKVILLE. Glen Abbey. Luxury 4-bedroom, 3 baths, detached, open concept. Entertainers delight. Avail able Immediately. $2195/ mo. plus utilities. (905)338- 0800. O A K V ILLE G len Abbey new detached 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 baths, no pets. $1,500/mo. + utilities, June 1st. 844-9022 O A K V IL LE North. 3200sq.ft., Executive, 4- bedroom s,3 baths, main floor den, familyroom, dou ble garage. Available Im- mediately. 637-0880 O A K V IL LE , Sixth Line/ U pper Middle. Upstairs house for rent, 4-bedrooms, 2 full baths, familyroom, liv ingroom, approx. 2800sqft., non-sm oker, no pets. $1,195/m o+ util.. Im m e diate. 844-2457 REDECORATED, large 3- bedroom sem i, Appleby Line, 4 appliances. Imme diate. $895/mo.+ utilities. 689-7724 HOMES to rent w/option to buy, or creative financing available to facilitate pur chase of home with little or nothing down! Ja y Nelli- gan, Sales Rep, (905)575- 5478 Re/Max Escarpment Realty Inc., Realtor________ FOR rent - Main floor of house, 3 bedroom , suit young couple. Fourth Line/Stephens CRES. Ref erences, no pets. $825. plus utilities. Available Junelst. C a ll844-2317, TRAFALGAR/UPPER Mid dle: Beautiful hom e, 4 bedroom s. $14 00 ./m o.+ utilities. (416)677-0404 190 LARGE 3-bedroom, June 1st. From $1069/mo.; Very large 4-bedroom, July 1st, $1159/mo; (+ utilities). 5 appliances, garage, park like setting. Longmoor Dr, Burlington. (905)681-0070 ROUNDTREE M ANO R TOWNHOMES Across from Burl. Mall 3&4 Bdrms from $849+ 795 Dynes Road Tel: 639-1748 BEST RENTAL VALUE IN BURLINGTON! Amelin Property Mgmt WALKER'S/ new St. 3 oed- rooms, 1.5 baths, 4 ap pliances, finished base ment. June 1st. $1100/mo. 829-1762 B R O N TE. Ideal location near harbour. Newly paint ed & carpeted condo town- house. 4 appliances. 1-1/2 baths, garage. Immediate/ M aylst. $1130/mo.+ utili ties. Warren Hill, Trafalgar Property M anagem ent, 338-1130 PARK like setting. 2&3 bedroom townhouses near Tyandaga Golf Course. 1 1/ 2 baths, finished basement, fireplace, hardwood floors, fridge & stove. Available June 1st. 335-3001 O A K V IL LE . 2,3& 4 B ed room Tow nhouses avail able Maylst/Junelst, 4 ap pliances. Hopedale Mall area. Lakeshore Manage ment, (905)876-3336 BURLINGTON: Availalbe Junelst, 2-bedroom from $892.85/m o.+ utilities, 3 appliances. 1.5 baths, near schools, shopping. Park like setting; Also, 3 -b e d room, $959.18/mo.+ utilT- ties. 333-1190 PALMER area. 3-4 bed room, finished rec-room, 1- 1/2 baths, garage, pool, p layground in com plex. $1200/mo+ utilities. J u nelst. 332-4472 2224 Upper Middle Rd.. 3- bedrooms, $975/mo. May 1st. Active Management, 333-5506, Ext.52 housing wanted to rent ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ EARN $ 1 ,0 0 0 .- $2,000. Now for your Residence! Triple "A* corporate clients waiting to move in! All your bills paid for 1-12 months! Don't leave your home un secured! 681-R E N T (7368) UPPER Middle/Dorval, G len Abbey, Large furnished room, 2nd floor. Share bath. $400/inclusive. Im m ediate. First/last. 847-5040. ROOM available. Share liv ingroom, bathroom, kitchen ette w/one other. Female non-sm oker preferred. Parking. Near Sheridan College. $425./mo. 338-0400. A /C , laundry, parking, shared kitchen, smokers welcome. 1 large nannies room. $400/mo. Available May 1st. Also,1 bedroom, $360/mo, available imme diately. First/Last. 469-8219 OAKVILLE- $500/utilities included. Furnished. Must be seen! Suit Professional working single, Immediate. First/Last. 842-5984 (mes sage) BURLINGTO N- Near bus Bedroom / sitting room, $395/mo. Fridge, mi crowave, phone. Suit work- ing female. 335-6005. K E N W O O D / Lakeshore Room in private home, share bath. Near bus/ plaza. C lean, quiet p$xn- smoker. 681-9847. WALKER'S/ Upper Middle- Bedroom with sitting room. Sharing Living/ dining room. Kitchen/ Laundry facilities possible. Elegant Townhouse. Parking. Pre fer working adult. 336- 1125 (message) NEAR U pper Oakville Shopping Mall. Share house. Pool, A/C. $350./ month. May. 1st. (905)- 337-3848 or (9 0 5 )-3 3 8 - 1502 DO RVAL/ Upper Middle: Lovely, clean, bright, share kitchen, laundry. Bus/park- ing. Quiet non-smoking fe- male. $375/mo. 847-0459 ROOM for rent. Furnished room in executive home. Heated pool, all inclusive. R esponsible Individual . Trafalgar/upper middle. 338-5956__________________ LARGE Furnished room, Upper Middle/ Guelph Line. Air, pool, laundry, cooking privaleges. Non-sm oker. Immediate. Call 331-9468 194 AVAILABLE June 1st near Mapleview mall. Young fe male looking for same to share 2 bedroom, parking available, smoking okay, must like cats, $380/mo. Call Shauna after 6pm weekdays. 637-2533 BURLOAK/ QEW . Room w/ bath, parking, cable, full use of house, $500/4T)o. includes utilities. 681-4577. BR O N TE condo pent house. Furnished, equipped. Quiet, private, many extras. Mature pro fessional. First/last. Refer ences. 825-5257 FEMALE only, non-smp^er to share 3-bedroom home- Fireplace, c/air, parking. Im mediate. $400/mo. Guelph Line/ QEW . 331-7010. LARGE house to share with one other non smoker, avail Maylst $400 + utili ties. 631-7827 SPACIOUS Cheery 2 stor ey condo. Near Sheridan- 1 1/2 baths, lakeview ter race, guest room, laundry, includes utilities, phone, house cleaning. Some pets welcome. 1st room: May 1st $575/mo., 2nd room: walk-in closet, June 1st, $590/mo., 1 under-ground parking $30/mo 337-3814