in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, M ay 31 ,2 01 8 | 2 Dear Oakville Voter, Weare facing themost critical election in decades. This election is a stark choice between continuing on a path of positive change or risking cuts to the programswe value. We can choose to . . . I have proudly served you for over three decades as a volunteer coach, Children's Aid Society president, environment- alist, local and regional councillor (18 years) and Oakville's longest-serving MPP (15 years). On June 7, I ask you to chooseme. For positive change. ForOakville. . . . InCREaSE HEaLTH CaRE and HOSpITaL pROGRaMS (InCLUdInG FREE pRESCRIpTIOn dRUGS for those 65 and older and those 25 and younger), or risk losing them in Doug Ford's search for "efficiencies." . . . Expand EdUCaTIOnaL OppORTUnITIES WITH FREE TUITIOn FOR Many and FREE CHILd CaRE FOR aLL, or risk losing our edge in the knowledge economy. . . . pROTECT GREEn SpaCE or risk losing it in back room deals with developers. . . . pROTECT OUR COMMUnITy from the whims of greedy developers or risk losing the cultural heritage that makes us unique. . . . FIGHT UnHEaLTHy and ExpEnSIvE SpRaWL by preserving green space and building up not out, or risk paying higher property taxes to pay for the extra roads and pipes that sprawl needs. . . . InvEST In THE InFRaSTRUCTURE THaT HaS LEd TO dRaMaTIC ECOnOMIC GROWTH - 500 jobs created each working day, unemployment at its lowest in almost two decades, and contin- uing to lead the G7 nations in economic growth. "Kevin has done a great job for Oakville, getting us the clean air, abundant green space and community amenities that attract business and the talented people businesses rely on in our knowledge economy." ~ Chris Hughes, President & CEO, Laker Energy, and Oakville resident "Every woman should be worried about Doug Ford. He has insulted female journalists. He has pandered to people who want to deny women the right to legal and safe abortions. He admits he would have voted for Donald Trump, a man who is sexist and proud of it. Meanwhile, Kevin Flynn has supported women at every opportunity." ~ Marsha Grout, Oakville community volunteer "I have a teenager working part-time to save for a car, so I can spend less time driving and more time on my business. So, of course, I am in favour of a higher minimum wage!" ~ Sharn Kandola, Oakville mom, freelance writer and entrepreneur "Kevin has delivered more for our town than any MPP in our history: greenspace, neighbourhood protection powers, schools, local rec centres, arenas, playing fields, transit, and our state-of-the-art hospital." ~ Rob Burton, Mayor of Oakville "It worries me when Doug Ford talks as if immigrants were not a vital part of Ontario. Kevin Flynn, as a first-generation immigrant, knows better. I will be voting for Kevin." ~ Mahmood Khan, former CAW leader at Oakville Ford plant On June 7, re-electKevinFlynnMPP forOakville T: 905-827-2223 E: @KFlynnOakville KevinFlynnOakville Campaign Office: 2330 Lakeshore Rd. W., Unit 4Authorized by the CFO for the Kevin Flynn Campaign