17| O akville B eaver | T hursday,July 19,2018 insidehalton.com 3164Ninth Line (403&DundasSt.),Miss./Oakville,ON ArborMemorial Inc. Call today to take the first step: 905-257-1100 glenoaks.ca Look for us onFacebook YYou arYou arY e uniquee unique. Y. Your four f. Your f. Y. Your f. Y amily is uniqueamily is unique. A. Ask oursk our trusted specialists about personalized options for lasting remembrance, andpreserve the memory of one special life forever. Asdistinctive as you are FamilyOwned. ProudlyCanadian. GlenOaks Funeral Home&Cemetery byArborMemorial Isn't It About Time For A Hearing Test???Isn't It About Time For A Hearing Test??? Come And Visit An Independent, Caring Family Hearing Aid Clinic Latest in technology, models and stylechnology, models and styles, blue tooth and accessories.sories. Price ranges from $500.00 to elite levels. All Services, Sales, Hearing Tests, Programming, Repairs, Batteries, Home Visits All Services, Sales, Hearing Tests, Programming, Repairs, Batteries, Home Visits 113 JONES STREET, OAKVILLE, ON • 905-827-2902 Over 25 yearsof knowledgeand experience. Established Since 1979 Lakeshore Paramedical H E A R I N G S E R V I C E S Jennifer Nolan Wendy Caswell Over 35 years of knowledge and experience. Custom made Kitchen and Bathroom Cabinetry | Closet Systems Entertainment Units | Basement Renovations | Full Renos and More! Create Your Dream Look ♦ 100% Canadian Made Cabinetry ♦Quality Craftsmanship ♦ 20+ Years Experience ♦ Visit our 6000 sqft Design Centre Units 2-3 333 Wyecroft Rd, Oakville T 905.844.3332 F 905.844.3334 www.aromakitchens.ca | info@aromakitchens.ca NOWOPEN IN OAKVILLE AT 2501 HAMPSHIRE GATE, UNIT 7A (South side of Dundas, just west ofWinston Churchill) TEL. 905-287-4148 www.fabricland.ca 1 DAY ONLY! SATURDAY, JULY 21sale OFF our regular prices on almost EVERYTHING in the store! UP TOUPTO Details in-store. given when you shifted your flight patterns over the northern parts of Oak- ville," said Burton, talking about changes dating back to 2013. "You did nothing until the community fought back." Burton went on to say that the larger the airport grows the more negative ef- fects they need to mitigatefects they need to mitigatef with traffic, noise and more. "I haven't seen you pro- actively engaged," he told the pair of delegates. "You, by contrast seem to be drag- ging your feet every step of the way." He said that the airport authority has failed to take responsibility for the over- head noise in Oakville, Mil- ton and Halton Hills. "If only you had an atti- tude change at your board," he said. Other councillors weighed in on the issue, like Jane Fogal, who said that she was talking to a lady who worked for Navigation Canada and says that part of the reason why planes fly low over Halton Hills is for fuel efficiency and reducingfuel efficiency and reducingf carbon footprint. Coun. Tom Adams thanked the GTAA dele- gates for the improvements already made by Pearson but said, "It's unfortunate that we had to jump up and down." He urged the GTAA to continue their efforts. "We're trying to ensure that we're flying over the least number of people as possible," said McKee. The A320 retrofit pro- gram is set to be tackled in two years, and Oakville re- gional councillor Jeff Knoll said that the timeline is simply too drawn out. "Two years isn't fast enough," he said. "Oakville residents and Halton resi- dents are pretty much at their breaking point." He asked Gregg if he would, as the Halton repre- sentative, be sitting in on the Community Environ- ment and Noise Advisory Committee meetings in or- der to play a more active role in addressing the prob- lem. "I'll stop short from giv- ing you a full commitment at this point," said Gregg, explaining that he would need to speak with his col- leagues to ensure that he is within his capacity to sit in on the meetings. "The lack of board pres- ence is glaring," said Knoll. "You're really damaging your public relations and your community good will." NEWS Residents 'at their breaking point': Knoll lContinued from page 16