in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, A ug us t 2, 20 18 | 22 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY to pre-register or to schedule an appointment. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY QEW QEW 405 190406 420 20 104 LAKE ONTARIO St. Catharines Lincoln Lewiston Short Hills Provincial Park THOROLD • Niagara Falls • Niagara on-the-Lake 58 N SITE LOCATION FUTURE FUTURE $400,000'S$400,000'S LUXURIOUS ALL BRICK DETACHED HOMES & TOWNHOMES STARTING FROM THE LOW Niagara •FUTURE CELEBRATING 25 YEARSCELEBRATING 25 YEARS MARYDELHOMES.COM Another Luxury Community by PHASE 2 COMING SOON No matter how much we enjoy spending time outdoors during our short summers, we always want our homes to be comfort-we always want our homes to be comfort-we always want our homes to be comfort able spaces for living. But even with an air conditioner, this can be tricky during the hottest days of the year. Use these tips from Health Canada to create a more pleasant indoor environment for your family and guests. Simplify your cooking When the weather is gorgeous out, who wants to be in the kitchen making big, time- consuming meals? Keep temperatures down by preparing meals that don't need to be cooked in the oven. Do It Yourself shade If you live in a house, plant trees on the side where the sun hits the house during the hottest part of the day. Tree-shaded spots can be as much as 5ºC cooler than the surrounding area. Work with your windows Paying attention to what's going on out-Paying attention to what's going on out-Paying attention to what's going on out side can make a big difference if you adjust your windows and coverings accordingly. Block the sun by closing awnings, curtains or blinds during the day. Harness the eve- ning breeze by opening your windows at night, if it is safe, to let cooler air into your home. Fine tune your air conditioning If you have an air conditioner, make sure it works properly before the hot weather starts. Otherwise, find an air-conditioned spot close by where you can cool off for a few hours during very hot days. This will help you cope with the heat better. Stay informed about local weather fore- casts and alerts so you know when to take extra care. (NC) Keep your home cool all summer long Advertorial