in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, A ug us t 16 ,2 01 8 | 18 481 North Service Rd. just west of Dorval 905.825.2337 One Week Only! Hours: MoN. closed. tues.-tHur. 11-7, frI. 11-5 sat. 9-5 sunday by appointment only. One Week Only! Birthday Wine Sale We Are Celebrating 26 Fantastic Years In OakvilleFRee burgers, hot dogs & cake for our valued customers Saturday August 18th from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm Starting Saturday, August 18th to Saturday, August 25th *Closed Mondays It's our 26th Birthday Bash! Take advantage of this once a year sale to have your aged wine ready for Thanksgiving and Christmas!481 north Service Road W. 905-825-2337 Some conditions apply, see store fordetails. Offer ends August 26, 2017. Purchase one batch of wine at regular price and receive the second batch at Prepared by you on site. # Ein Stein Wine House $40.00 OFF When town staff bring recommendations to coun- cil concerning improve- ment plans for Lakeshore Road West in early 2019, they will have to come with at least one design that doesn't involve any tree loss or expropriation of pri- vate property. Oakville's planning and development council voted unanimously to provide town staff with this direc- tion during a Tuesday, Aug. 7, meeting that also saw staff directed to com- plete additional public con- sultation on the Lakeshore Road West improvements class environmental as- sessment. The town's community services committee put the brakes on the improve- ment plan back on May 22, when it was revealed the preliminary proposal would have cost more than $35 million and have result- ed in the removal of about 300 trees and the expropri- ation of land from 69 prop- erties. That plan called for changing Lakeshore Road West, between Mississaga Street and Dorval Drive, to a three-lane road platform with a continuous centre turning lane, as well as in- tersection improvements, improved storm drainage systems and streetscape features. The plan also called for sidewalks and 1.5-metre bike lanes, on both sides of the street. Repairs would also be done to McCraney Creek Bridge during this process. Town staff previously stated the construction would not only improve the poor pavement conditions present along some sec- tions of Lakeshore Road, but it would also improve intersection operations; accommodate transit; pro- vide and improve pedestri- an and cyclist facilities; im- prove traffic, pedestrian and cyclist safety; improve existing drainage and stormwater management; improve creek crossings; and accommodate future municipal services and utilities within the ulti- mate right-of-way. The plan, which was panned by residents and councillors alike, was re- ferred back to town staff. The town held a public meeting on the subject on July 25, and staff is cur- MAYOR CALLS FOR LAKESHORE ROAD WEST PLAN OPTION WITH NO TREE LOSS AND NO EXPROPRIATION DAVID LEA NEWS See TOWN, page 20