THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 6, 2018 $2.00 WEEKLY IN PRINT. MUCH MORE ONLINE ANYTIME. AAAAAUAUAUTOTOTOPRPRPROOOOO OOOAOAOAKVKVKVILILIL EELELELE 2212212 2 W2 yecroft Road, Oakvkvillilleee 905-469-24422 MECHANICAL SERVICES 905-842-6030 3420 Rebecca Street, Oakville 905.469.6072 4 family dentistry 4 teeth whitening 4 emergency care 4 digital xrays 4 we love Lakeshore Woods DentaL Care #Southeast corner of Rebecca and Great Lakes Blvd. family dentistry teeth whitening emergency care Southeast corner of Rebecca with NEW Pa tient Examin ation X-Rays and C leaning. $150.00 V ALUE Expires Sept. 30th, 2018. FRE E TEETHW HITENIN G ORMOU TH GUAR D Real Local People. Real Local Service. Darryl R Demille, CFP 905-842-1020 is becoming: Support YOUR local news sourcePeel police said five youths are under arrest and are facing charg- es in connection to what they're calling a robbery spree in the GTA, including Oakville. Peel police media relations offi- cer Const. Danny Marttini said five people under the age of 18 were ar- rested shortly after midnight on Saturday, Sept. 1, following a colli- sion with a police vehicle at the in- tersection of Williams Parkway and Centre Street North in Bramp- ton. Police couldn't say if there were any injuries stemming from the collision. The Special Investi- gations Unit responded to the scene. It is unclear if the police watchdog invoked its mandate. Police have confirmed the ar- rests were made in connection with a series of robberies that hap- Sailboats hit the water in Saturday's Bronte Rocks Regatta. The event at Bronte Harbour Yacht Club saw numerous vessels take to Lake Ontario in the annual race. For more photos, visit Ray Lavender photo FIVE YOUTHS ARRESTED IN CONNECTION TO GTA ROBBERY SPREE GRAEME FRISQUE IMPACTING YOUR COMMUNITY Continued on page 16 SETTING SAIL