37| O akville B eaver | T hursday,O ctober 4,2018 insidehalton.com ' T i s Th e S e ason To C e l e b rat e A l l That i s D e l i c i o u s , And B e Thank f u l For I t ! AllThanksgivingWeekend long, join us atRicarda's for a delightfulThanksgiving dinner! Free Range Turkey | Creamy Mashed Potatoes | Bacon Brussel Sprouts "Better Than Mom's" Turnip Casserole | Homemade Apple & Pecan Stuff ing | Endless Gravy our mouth-watering Pumpkin Tart topped with Brû lée Marshmallow Friday October 5th and Saturday October 6th | 5:00-10:30pm Call or email to make your reservation, and let us do the cooking for you! (905) 844-7401 | reservations.oakvi l le@ricardas.com R I C A R D A ' S • l o v e a t f i r s t s i g h t • Make this the year you discover a new destination! Make this the year you discover a new destination!