55| O akville B eaver | T hursday,O ctober 18,2018 insidehalton.com 1276 Cornwall Road, Unit C, Oakville Ontario, L6J 7W5 T: 905-845-0767 • F: 905-845-5552 •www.haxelllaw.com • lawyers@haxelllaw.com Personal Professional Service at Competitive Rates Buying? Selling? Re Call us for a quote at 905-845-0767 ext. 223Jameson Glas GOLDGOGOGOGOGOGOGOLDLDLDLDLD 905-845-0767 ext. 223Jameson Glas moc.lavitseFsdaerhTfodlroW lavitsefsdaerhtfodlrow# sdaerhtfodlrow# .sweivretni ,skrowtra ,snoitibihxe ,stsitra gnidulcni ofni lavitsef lluf rof etisbew eht kcehC .ellivkaO ,daoR egdirB 2032 ertneC larutluC dna ytinummoC kraP htebazilE neeuQ EERF :noissimdA mp 5 - 21 .nuS mp 6 - ma 01 .taS-.noM :sruoH 8102 ,52 .voN .nuS - 31 .tcO .taS :setaD mp 03:3-1 8102 ,02 tcO .taS :noitpeceR gninepO .ASU ,nedewS ,aissuR ,yawroN ,dnalerI nrehtroN ,sdnalrehteN ,yragnuH ,dnalgnE ,kramneD ,adanaC morf stsitrA 56 yb skrowtrA 303 trA elitxeT & erbiF yraropmetnoC lanoitanretnI & lanoitaN ,lacoL If there's a chill in the air these days, it's not just be- cause of a drop in tempera- ture; it's the eerie ghosts and goblins, spiders and witches that lurk in door- ways, trees and front yards causing goosebumps. As we inch closer to Hal- loween, more and more homes are decorated to give little trick or treaters a bit of a thrill as they come to the door to collect candy. A few homeowners, however, go all out to deliv- er a spine-tingling experi- ence for those who dare en- ter their property. One of the most popular and well known is located at 119 Walby Dr. in Oakville, where Mike Wilson and his wife Jody Cunningham have been offering up a Haunted Backyard laby- rinth for approximately 20 years. "With many different passages to take, including some new ones, most peo- ple take about 20 to 30 min- utes to explore it entirely," said Wilson, who wel- comed about 3,000 visitors last year. "We expect even more this year; we always go into overtime." This year, the labyrinth offers two new displays. One dedicated to Keegan Parkinson, who was fatally shot in Oakville this past July. "The Parkinson family are close friends; they own the Beehive Hair Studio which has been a longtime donor for us. Keegan and the whole family have par- ticipated and volunteered many times over the years. They are much loved and Keegan is missed greatly." Despite their heartache the family has donated an animatronic mummy in a crate in their son's memo- ry, said Wilson. The other new display is based on the move IT and on Oct. 19, there will be an IT theme night with "a bunch of other clowns thrown in for extra scares." The Haunted Backyard is free, but for the past nine years, the family has col- lected donations for the Ca- nadian Cancer Society. The goal this year is $10,000 for a total of $30,000. Every donation is welcome but for a $20 donation visitors will be given a free raffle ticket for one of the many prizes donated by area businesses. "If you're scared but still wish to stay, you can say/ yell/scream "chicken!" and our monsters will unmask and become friendly. Fur- ther, we have chicken masks for the less brave to wear; our monsters are afraid of chickens." The Haunted Backyard runs every Friday and Sat- urday in October, between 6 to 9 p.m. and of course, on Halloween, 6 to 9 p.m. There is also a special "scare-free" matinee Oct. 28 between 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. with no monsters, simply displays. The family will also ac- commodate group outings and birthday parties. How- ever, the group must sup- ply their own volunteers. Wilson wanted to thank all his sponsors, donors, volunteers, participants, family and friends but one sponsor in particular, RO- NA, which stepped in and saved the display after a spring storm decimated it. "The damage was so great I could not afford the repairs." "We all get something out of the Haunted Back- yard. A good time, pride in having helped the charity and a chance to be brave. But, I do believe I get the most out of this due to many reasons. The biggest of the reasons is, I picture my father, who died from cancer, sitting in heaven smiling down on me and being very proud." Anyone wishing to con- tact Wilson to be a volun- teer, to book a group out- ing, or donate a prize, email mikewil- son1@bell.net. Also in Oakville is Hell's Gate at 2256 Munn's Ave. This year will mark the fifth year for Team Gar- ber's Charity Haunted House in Milton. In that short period of time, the Garber family has raised $24,000 for the Kidney Foundation of Can- ada, a project close to Mitch Garber's heart as he has kidney disease. This year's goal is $10,000 and they are hoping to have 2,000 visitors on Oct. 31 between 4 to 10 p.m. at 1086 Meighen Way. On this special evening, the family home features a haunted maze and a garage walk-through filled with zombies, skeletons and much more. "We have added a few new props and scares in- cluding a hearse parked out front of the house," said Garber. Garber wants to thank all his sponsors, family, friends and the Town of Milton, without whom he couldn't offer this treat to the community. Those who wish to do- nate, can do so at the door, through the Kidney Foun- dation of Canada at https://bit.ly/2Or0nWs, or send an email money transfer to Teamgar- ber@gmail.com. CHECK OUT THESE HAUNTED HOUSES IN OAKVILLE AND MILTON Oakville's Mike Wilson has once again transformed his 119 Walby Dr. home into a Halloween Haunted Backyard, inviting the public every Friday and Saturday evening, 6-9 p.m., as well as on Halloween night and Sunday, Oct. 28 for a special matinee 11 a.m-3 p.m. Here, student volunteers and brothers Lex (gorilla), Matt, (swamp monster), and Leo McKinnon, (hay man) join Wilson, (Michael Meyers) in the boneyard. Graham Paine/Metroland NEWS