39| O akville B eaver | T hursday,N ovem ber 1,2018 insidehalton.com 1276 Cornwall Road, Unit C, Oakville Ontario, L6J 7W5 T: 905-845-0767 • F: 905-845-5552 •www.haxelllaw.com • lawyers@haxelllaw.com Personal Professional Service at Competitive Rates Buying? Selling? Re Call us for a quote at 905-845-0767 ext. 223Jameson Glas GOLDGOLD 905-845-0767 ext. 223Jameson Glas Print coupons instantly or receive by mail - free! Redeem coupons at any major retailer in Canada. flyers. coupons. shopping lists. Shop Smart Get coupons for products you use and love Learn more at Save.ca/mobile Welcome Home to tHe neWly renovated Queens avenue retirement residence Now offering 6-moNths Rent-Free* 1056 Queens Avenue, Oakville, Ontario L6H 6R3 www.queensavenueretirement.com *T er m s an d co nd it io ns ap pl y. Experience a retirement community designed for the perfect life balance featuring: l Updated spacious suites with full kitchens and meal programs l Your choice of either Independent or Assisted Living packages l Social and activity programs for all interests l 24-hour staffing and daily status checks Explore the new Queens Avenue and ask about our six-months rent-free offer today CALL 905-815-0862 or EmAIL info@queensavenueretirement.com to book A vISIt In honour of Children's Grief Awareness Month during November, Oak- ville's Lighthouse for Grieving Children will un- veil Kaleidoscope, an out- door art installation of 500 blue butterflies on Nov. 1. The butterfly installa- tion has been a grassroots project, and has engaged children, teens and adults over the past three months. Each unique but- terfly, a symbol of hope, has been handcrafted and each is dedicated to the memory of a loved one by Lighthouse families and supporters. "At Lighthouse, we be- lieve that if we can inspire #oneconversation about children's grief, we can create a community of compassion for grieving children and families in our communities," said Deirdre Thomas, Light- house executive director. On Nov. 15, known in- ternationally as Chil- dren's Grief Awareness Day, town hall will be illu- minated in blue to recog- nize this day and bring light to the fact that nu- merous children in local communities, in clubs, sports teams and schools have been affected by a close family member's death," added Thomas. Across Canada, one child in 50 is bereaved which means that in Hal- ton, approximately one child in every two class- rooms experiences the death of a close family member every year, she said. "The thought, content and activities put together at Lighthouse along with the dedicated space and time have been instru- mental in assisting our family through an ex- tremely difficult loss," said one Lighthouse fa- ther. "Had it not been for Lighthouse, our family would be an unresolved, unimaginable mess." No one can take away a child's grief or bring back the person who has died, but by creating a commu- nity of caring and compas- sion, we can show griev- ing children and their families that they are not alone," said Thomas. Grief needs time, space and understanding, and Lighthouse provides just that, she said. Anyone interested in starting #oneconversa- tion, volunteering or sup- porting Lighthouse, is welcome to attend its open house and breakfast on Thursday Nov. 15 from 8-9 a.m. Please RSVP to in- fo@grievingchildren- lighthouse.org. For more information on Lighthouse, located at 2522 Rebecca St., visit www.grievingchildren- lighthouse.org. NEWS OAKVILLE'S LIGHTHOUSE HONOURS CHILDREN'S GRIEF AWARENESS MONTH WITH ART INSTALLATION We're there When neWs happens in your community. FIND BREAKING NEWS DAILY AT INSIDEHALTON.COM