in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, N ov em be r 1, 20 18 | 6 2525 Old Bronte Rd., Suite 470 Palermo Professional Centre, Oakville (at Dundas Street) Monday to Friday 7:30 - 5:00. Evening and Saturday appointments available. Call to book your appointment or consultation.DR. VINEET BHANDARI BSc DIH DDS 905.825.5110905.825.5110905.825.5110905.825.5110905.825.5110905.825.5110905.825.5110905.825.5110905.825.5110905.825.5110905.825.5110905.825.5110 Before Crowns After Crowns BRING IN YOUR FAMILY FOR A CHECK-UP AT OUR NEW MODERN CLINIC 489ce 1inS 489ce 1inS 489ce 1inS 489ce 1inS 489ce 1inS 489ce 1inSBHANDARI FamilyDentistry Porcelain Veneers❖Crowns and Bridges❖ Teeth Whitening❖ Restorations ❖Composite Resin❖Dental Implants❖ Laser Dentistry❖ Periodontist on site NEWPATIENTS &DENTAL EMERGENCIESWELCOME We deal directly with your Insurance Company. Discover Your Choices Retirement Living At Its Best380 Sherin Drive, Oakville, Ontario(905) 847-1413 Thanks Oakville for once again voting us the Best Retirement Residence in Oakville Call today for your personal tour. We'd love to have you join us! The Town of Oakville is asking for feedback on a sec- ond round of design con- cepts for Town Square, lo- cated at 210 Lakeshore Rd. in downtown Oakville. Members of the commu- nity are invited to a meeting on Thursday, Nov. 8, at 6:30 p.m. at Town Hall where the town's design consultants will present two new design concepts. This includes a hybrid option that incorporates fea- tures from the four concepts presented during the first round of consultation in the summer and a "facelift" op- tion that is an enhanced ver- sion of the existing design. Residents can also view the design concepts online and submit comments through the town's Idea Fo- rum tool online until Nov. 16. "Community input is a critical part of creating a vi- brant and attractive down- town for everyone to enjoy," said Oakville Mayor Rob Burton. "I encourage everyone to weigh in on the new designs of this important public space in the heart of down- town Oakville." Town staff will make a recommendation to council for final approval in Decem- ber. The redevelopment of Town Square will be co-ordi- nated with the first phase of Lakeshore Road recon- struction, between Navy and Dunn streets, beginning spring 2019. The design will comple- ment the Lakeshore Road streetscape and will incor- porate the traditional style of furniture and materials endorsed by local residents and businesses and ap- proved by council in 2017 as part of the Lakeshore Road East Reconstruction and Streetscape Project. For more information about the Town Square Re- development project, visit culturerec/towne-square- redevelopment.html. OAKVILLE LOOKING FOR FEEDBACK ON NEW TOWNE SQUARE REDESIGN CONCEPTS Residents James Parsons and Sanda Laszlo view Towne Square redesign options presented during the summer of 2018. Graham Paine/Metroland NEWS