in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, N ov em be r 15 ,2 01 8 | 6 Discover Your Choices Retirement Living At Its Best380 Sherin Drive, Oakville, Ontario(905) 847-1413 Thanks Oakville for once again voting us the Best Retirement Residence in Oakville Call today for your personal tour. We'd love to have you join us! 2525 Old Bronte Rd., Suite 470 Palermo Professional Centre, Oakville (at Dundas Street) Monday to Friday 7:30 - 5:00. Evening and Saturday appointments available. Call to book your appointment or consultation.DR. VINEET BHANDARI BSc DIH DDSBSc DIH DDS 905.825.5110905.825.5110905.825.5110905.825.5110905.825.5110905.825.5110905.825.5110905.825.5110905.825.5110905.825.5110905.825.5110905.825.5110 Before Crowns After Crowns BRING IN YOUR FAMILY FOR A CHECK-UP AT OUR NEW MODERN CLINIC 489ce 1inS 489ce 1inS 489ce 1inS 489ce 1inS 489ce 1inS 489ce 1inSBHANDARI FamilyDentistry Porcelain Veneers❖Crowns and Bridges❖ Teeth Whitening❖ Restorations ❖Composite Resin❖Dental Implants❖ Laser Dentistry❖ Periodontist on site NEWPATIENTS &DENTAL EMERGENCIESWELCOME We deal directly with your Insurance Company. Oakville's town council is taking the fight to pre- serve Glen Abbey Golf Course to the Ontario Court of Appeal. Councillors voted unan- imously during the Mon- day, Nov. 5, council meeting to proceed with an appeal of an Oct. 25 decision by the Ontario Superior Court of Justice that stated Glen Ab- bey Golf Course owner Clu- bLink has the right to bring forward an application toforward an application tof demolish the renowned fa- cility. ClubLink is hoping to demolish the golf course, which regularly hosts the Canadian Open, and build 3,222 residential units at the 1333 and 1313 Dorval Dr. site, including nine apartment buildings between nine and 12 storeys in height. The plan would incorpo- rate the existing RayDor Estate, the Canadian Golf Hall of Fame and Museum, and stables into the pro- posed development. Town staff have said Clu- bLink's plan is inappropri- ate for the Dorval Drive lo- cation, noting it would es- sentially turn the Glen Ab- bey Golf Course into an unplanned growth area. Council voted unani- mously on Feb. 12 to reject ClubLink's demolition ap- plication based on planning and heritage merits. ClubLink attempted to appeal this decision to LPAT (Local Planning Ap- peal Tribunal); however, with the town's designation of Glen Abbey Golf Course under the Ontario Heritage Act on Dec. 20, 2017, the town argued ClubLink could not make this appeal. Town lawyers said that because the golf course is a landscape, ClubLink could only appeal the rejection of their demolition applica- tion under Section 33 of the Ontario Heritage Act, which would see the matter heard by the province's Conservation Review Board. This approach favoured the town because the re- view board's recommenda- tions are not binding and the ultimate decision on whether to permit the de- molition application rests with the town. ClubLink then appealed the matter to the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, and during a hearing July 16 and 17 in Toronto argued the golf course is not a land- scape, but rather a con- structed structure, and as such, the company has the right to appeal the demoli- tion application to LPAT under Section 34 of the On- tario Heritage Act. This route is preferred by ClubLink because in this scenario the decision would rest with LPAT and not the town. FIGHT FOR OAKVILLE'S GLEN ABBEY GOLF COURSE HEADING TO ONTARIO COURT OF APPEAL DAVID LEA NEWS See - page 7