19 | O akville B eaver | T hursday,D ecem ber 27,2018 insidehalton.com Pages 19-20 & 29-30 SEE MORE REAL ESTATE AT www.insideHALTON.com/PRINTEDITIONS Each of� ce is independently owned & operated Produced on behalf og the OMDREB, RAHB, MREB and TREB members Merry Christmas and Happy New Year May God bless all Miltonians and their FaMilies durinG this holy tiMe www.danknowsmilton.com Dan Jolic 905-338-3511 905-876-4672 Dan Jolic Sales Representative 416-970-7325 Jackie Peifer Sales Representative 416-560-9711 www.jackiepeifer.com From our "team" to yours, have a Happy New Year! From The Jackie Peifer Team 2From OurFamilyTo Yours 19HappyNew Year! Reminder Clients/ Friends Appreciation Event January 26th Client Sumo Dinner Party Happy NewNewNewYear! Every Thursday in PRINT online @ www.insideHALTON.com/PRINTEDITIONS Geoff Mayo 289-293-0663 gmayo@starmetrolandmedia.com Ty Tulloch 289-293-0690 ttulloch@starmetrolandmedia.com For all your print and digital needs, contact