in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, Ja nu ar y 17 ,2 01 9 | 24 Welcome to KKT Orthopedic Spine Center! We are a new innovative treatment center for sufferers of back, neck and other chronic pain. KKT is a non-invasive, painless and fast treatment option which uses low-frequency sound waves to correct the position of the spine which results in pain relief, improved strength and mobility and may avoid the need for surgery or prolonged use of medication. KKT is scientifically proven, FDA and Health Canada approved and utilized in the treatment of many acute and chronic conditions such as: Back pain, Headaches, Neck Pain, Bulging Discs, Herniated Discs, Sciatica, Osteoarthritis, Whiplash, Scoliosis, Knee pain, Hip pain, Healed Vertebral Fractures and Facet Syndrome. We fix the cause of the problems that you are suffering from, we don't just treat the pain. KKT has been safely applied 450,000+ times over 15 years and now has 24 centers across 11 countries. We are pleased to inform you that the inventor of this new technology, Dr. Aslam Khan, is currently based out of our new clinic in Streetsville Mississauga. Our team looks forward to providing this treatment option to residents in Mississauga and surrounding areas. KKT is the solution people are seeking. Let us help stop your pain from taking away the things you love to do in life, and put an end to needless suffering. Please visit our website to learn more. We invite you to visit us at our new location 370 Queen Street South. For more information please call 905-285-0005 or email . . .. . . 8102 Burlington's best selection of BRAS A NEW YEAR A NEW YOU! BURL INGTON / LONDON / NIAGARA FALLS / S IMCOE / MYTOPDRAWER.COM Overhead Door Co. of Hamilton-Burlington™ 5450 Harvester Road, Burlington Overhead Door (Hamilton-Burlington) Ltd. 905-333-1772 Proud to be servicing the Gta for 35 years. Thermacore® Forpremiumconstructionandmaximumthermal efficiency, a Thermacore® insulated steel door is the ideal choice. This series of doors feature our sandwich construction of steel-polyurethane- steel as well as between-section seals with thermal breaks to reduce air infiltration. With several panel designs to choose from, these doors offer design flexibility, durability and thermal efficiency that will help keep your home comfortable in cold or hot climates. Insulated Steel Garage Doors Ontario will invest $5 million in Oakville and Bur- lington Transit. Oakville North-Burling- ton MPP Effie Triantafilo- poulos made the announce- ment Jan. 9, noting the province would provide funds from the provincial gas tax to assist local tran- sit. She said Burlington Transit will receive more than $2.3 million while Oak- ville Transit will receive more than $2.7 million. "This is an incredible in- vestment in our communi- ty," said Triantafilopoulos. "This $5 million invest- ment in our Oakville and Burlington community will help alleviate the conges- tion we see daily along our arterial roads like Dundas Street and Upper Middle Road." Municipalities receiving this gas tax funding are re- quired to use it for their public transit capital and/ or operating expenditures. This includes upgrading transit infrastructure, in- creasing accessibility, pur- chasing transit vehicles, adding more routes or ex- tending hours of service. "Fewer cars on the road will ensure quicker com- mutes for the residents of Oakville and Burlington, allowing them to spend more time with their fami- lies," said Triantafilopou- los. "Our environment also benefits when more people use public transit instead of driving." The Oakville North-Bur- lington MPP said this year the province is providing $364 million in gas tax fund- ing to communities re- presenting 92 per cent of Ontario's population. The program provides municipalities with two cents per litre of provincial gas tax revenues. PROVINCE TO INVEST $5 MILLION IN OAKVILLE AND BURLINGTON TRANSIT Oakville Transit bus. Eric Riehl/Metroland NEWS Do you have a great digital photo of a special place or event in Oakville? Have you ever dreamed of having your work published? NOW IS YOUR CHANCE! Please submit no more than three of your best images in jpeg format to (subject line Cover Photo Contest) before Mon. Jan. 28, 2019 Submission of photo is considered permission to publish in this exclusive magazine 2018 OA K V I L L Etwenty-eighteencommunity GU IDE 905.338.0044www.oakv i l l eun i ted tax i . com • Out-of-Town Service • Regular In-Town Service• 10% Discount On Parcel Service• GPS Computerized Dispatch• Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles• Corporate Accounts Welcome• Airport Customer Wake-UpService • 10% Senior Discount - In Town• Largest Taxi Company in Oakville• Gift Certificates Available DOWNLOAD OUR APP! Ask about our low Airport Rates! DIAMONDDIAMOND BU ILD ING BEAUT IFUL HOMES &COMMUNIT IES ACROSS OAKV ILLE Mattamy is proud to help build the fabric of Oakville. Today, our many Oakville neighbourhoods are home to hundreds of happy families enjoying all that this quaint town offers. Our Preserve community offers a full variety of both Towns and Detached Homes while our new Condo Building showcases innovative suite designs.Mattamy's Oakville neighbourhoods are continuing to grow. We hope you grow with us. Please visit to find out about new Oakville neighbourhoods. THE PRESERVE MODEL HOME Rotherglen is so much more than a vibrant learning community. It's a place where friendships are made, challenges are faced and achievements are celebrated. It's where students grow, become inspired, discover their talents and develop a love of learning. It's where every child's individual educational journey and experiences are nurtured and encouraged.Seeing is believing! Contact us to learn how a Rotherglen education can be part of your child's bright future and path to success. Rotherglen, what school should be. C O M M U N I T YFostering a culture of kindness and a love of learning.R O T H E R G L E N S C H O O L Oakville Primary CampusMontessor i: Age 3 to Grade 12045 Sixth Line, Oakville, ON905-338-3528 | Oakville Elementary CampusGrade 1 to 82050 Neyagawa Blvd., Oakville, ON905-849-1897 | tdupreez@rotherglen.comErin Mills CampusAge 3 to Grade 63553 South Common Court, Mississauga, ON905-820-9445 | Meadowvale Elementary CampusAge 3 to Grade 8929 Old Derry Road,Mississauga, ON905-565-8707 | w w w . R O T H E R G L E N . C O M 2018 Your photo may appear in the 2019 EDITION O F THE OAKVILLE B EAVER COMMUNITY GU IDE