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This means we will be looking at all the areas that are cur- rently working and see if there are other areas that can be improved on." Burlington MPP Jane McKenna said the Province would be seeking more in- put from their regional partners on bettering re- gional government. Crawford said more de- tails will be coming out in the near future regarding this review. He and McKenna de- clined to provide their own opinions on whether an amalgamation would be good or bad for Halton. McKenna said the idea that the provincial review would lead to amalgam- ation was speculative. Burton takes issue with the idea of amalgamation for Halton.for Halton.f "I feel I have a duty to point out that all these claims of saving money by amalgamation have always failed to deliver savingsfailed to deliver savingsf and have always produced more expensive local gov- ernment," he said. Burton also voiced con- cerns that amalgamation could result in a large city structure that is not as re- sponsive to its residents. Milton Mayor Gord Krantz said when the pro- vincial government was elected in June there was some mention of the possi- bility of amalgamation or restructuring of some re- gions. He noted that while Hal- ton was never singled out Niagara was. "I've gone on record say- ing I don't mind the provin- cial government having a look at anything as long as it makes reasonable sense to the structure of govern- ment in Ontario and that includes municipalities," said Krantz. "I have also said bigger is not necessarily better. There has to be efficiencies in it ... In my opinion it is something they would have to go about very cautious- ly." Krantz went on to say Halton appears to be an un- likely candidate for amal- gamation, calling it one of the best examples of a com- munity with a functioning regional government structure. "I know how well and how efficient Halton oper- ates and that includes the four municipalities," hefour municipalities," hef said. "But there are other re- gions that I know of that aren't." He said a more likely tar- get of amalgamation, if the province chooses that route, might be Niagara with its 12 municipalities. Burlington Mayor Mari- anne Meed Ward said that while she is open to any dis- cussion of how government can be made better and more efficient, she said that conversation should in- clude the public instead of something just being im- posed by the province. She said an important issue facing Burlington and other Halton munici- palities is that too much is out of the control of local representatives. "There is something about local government that we need to protect and preserve because it pro- vides immediate and direct access, and we have learned through planning matters that residents want to have as much con- trol as possible over not just planning matters, but really any issue that direct- ly affects their lives. They want that control locally," said Meed Ward. "I'm in favour of that ... I think giving decision-mak- ing control to residents and their directly elected offi- cials, and having us be the final decision makers is thefinal decision makers is thef key." She said that while greater co-operation be- tween municipalities is necessary to tackle certain issues like affordable hous- ing and transportation, she doesn't believe amalgam- ation is necessary to achieve this. Meed Ward echoed some of Krantz's words, noting Burlington already has a small municipal govern- ment, which she argued sets the standard for effi- ciency. "I don't think they need to mess with us," she said. "They should be looking to us to set some examples for others."for others."f That said Meed Ward noted she doesn't believe anyone can predict what the province will do next. Burton is calling on resi- dents to contact their local MPPs and make their views on amalgamation clear. NEWS Continued from page 4 STORY BEHIND THE STORY MPP says review is to ensure regional government is working harder, smarter and more efficiently. THE ISSUE: OAKVILLE MAYOR WORRIED PROVINCIAL REVIEW OF REGIONAL GOVERNANCE COULD RESULT IN AMALGAMATION OF HALTON MUNICIPALITIES. LOCAL IMPACT: AMALGAMATION WOULD EFFECT ALL HALTON RESIDENTS IN TERMS OF THEIR GOVERNMENT SERVICES Local journalism makes a difference. Support us by registering at insidehalton.com