in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, Ja nu ar y 24 ,2 01 9 | 30 OPENHouse Saturday,February 2nd 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Formore information: 905.337.8283 or EDUCATION IS NOT A RACE... IT'S A LIFELONG JOURNEY WITH FRIENDS. DEARCROFT MONTESSORI SCHOOL 1167 Lakeshore Rd E, Oakville, Ontario L6J 1L3 (905) 844-2114 • Dearcroft Montessori is Celebrating over 50 years An Oakville Tradition with a National Reputation for Excellence Canada's Leader in Elementary Experiential Education Offering an Enriched French & Music Program for ages 3 to 13 TODDLER TO GRADE 8 OPEN HOUSE Saturday, February 2, 2019 from 10am - 2pm YOUR NATURAL CHOICE SINCE 1968 DEARCROFT MONTESSORI SCHOOL 1167 Lakeshore Rd E, Oakville, Ontario L6J 1L3 (905) 844-2114 • Dearcroft Montessori is Celebrating over 50 years An Oakville Tradition with a National Reputation for Excellence Canada's Leader in Elementary Experiential Education Offering an Enriched French & Music Program for ages 3 to 13 TODDLER TO GRADE 8 OPEN HOUSE Saturday, February 2, 2019 from 10am - 2pm NewMontessori Summer Program for 2019Toddler and Casa (ages 18months to 6 yrs) Guitar, Piano, Drums, Vocal & Ukulele ratiuG ,smurD elelukU & MUSIC LESSONS Sign up toda y... • No RegistRat ioN Fees • No CoNtRaC ts • PRIVATE - oN e oN oNe • all ages wel Come • all levels av ailable, R to advaNC ed 905.257.3110 • 380 Dundas St. E. at trafalgar Road in longo's Plaza 905.257.3110905.257.3110 • Expert Service and World Class Repairs all la begib NNeR to advaNCNCed HUGE SELECTION OF GUITARS, AMPS, UKULELES, ACCESSO RIES & MORE! MuSical iNStruMENtS MuSic lESSONS education Dearcroft Montessori recently celebrated a 50th anniversary milestone as Canada's leader in elementary experiential education. Established in 1968, it is Oakville's original Montessori School. The campus is located on a beautiful, wooded, two-acre historic property, walking distance to down- town Oakville and beautiful parks. Dearcroft is Canadian Council of Montessori Admin- istrators (CCMA) accredited and a found- ing member of the Oakville Independent Schools. The nurturing, highly dedicated staff pro- vide a warm and engaging learning envi- ronment for students. Dearcroft offers pro- grams for Toddlers (18 months) to Grade 8, through a dynamic, highly enriched learning experience within the supportive and close- knit community. Experienced and qualified staff, excellent ratios and long-term relation- ships allow the school's staff to focus on all aspects of each child's development. A Montessori education, due to its unique ability to identify and nurture individual strengths, does a remarkable job of creating graduates who go on to change the world. The founders of Google, Amazon and Wiki- pedia are fine examples of innovative, cre- ative and fearless entrepreneurs who start-ative and fearless entrepreneurs who startative and fearless entrepreneurs who start ed their academic journeys in Montessori classrooms. They never stopped learning and continue to push boundaries, creating exciting new paradigms within their chosen fields. Their business cultures are outstand- ing examples of meaningful change and as individuals they have emerged as world am- bassadors of inspired leadership. Learn more about Dearcroft Montessori at An Oakville tradition with a natural reputation for excellence