in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, Ja nu ar y 24 ,2 01 9 | 40 Falgarwood Drive residents Shannon McPeak and Sidney Cooke brought a copy of the Oakville Beaver with them on their tour of Australia in November. Here they are at the World Heritage site of Uluru in the Northern Territory. Sydney Cooke/photo BEAVER TRAILS TRAVEL 461972-41972-41972- 201720172017 Best Travel Agency Suite 300, South Oakville Centre • 1515 Rebecca Street, Oakville 905.827.1100 CORPORATE • GROUP • LEISURE O nt R eg N o 14 37 98 5 The time for savings is now! Experience any of our immersiveThe time for savings is now! Experience any of our immersive Last-Minute Voyages at an even greater value. We've taken the liberty of adjusting the exchange rate in your favour offering CAD @ Par. Choose from select close-in voyages & enjoy world-class savings when you pay in full at the time of booking. AND PAY USD PRICES IN CAD. That equates to up to 35% off your voyage of choice. Where will this value take you? Contact Us To Find Your Voyage! Terms and Conditions Apply. Contact us for applicable sailings and details. NOT combinable with any other offer, promotion or value add programTerms and Conditions Apply. Contact us for applicable sailings and details. NOT combinable with any other offer, promotion or value add programT Presentation Series Continues IRELAND - EXCLUSIVE SMALL GROUPTOUR 2019 50021919 Upcoming Presentations: Explore Africa: Feb. 4th Rivers of Asia & Active Discovery River Cruises in Europe: Feb 6th • Explore the Natural Beauty, the fascinating history, the vibrant culture and the friendly people of Ireland. • Enjoy the peaceful ambiance of small villages, pull a pint in a local pub, take a jaunting car through Killarney National Park and so much more! • Professional Local guide • Deluxe Accommodation Including 2 Nights in Dromoland Castle Wednesday Jan.30th, 7pm - 9pm Join our Ireland Specialist and Tour Leader, Sandy Lidka AverAge grouP Size 18 Presentation held at our office: 77 Bronte Road (Bronte Rd. & Lakeshore) refreshments and Door Prizes r.S.v.P. 289-813-1969