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Maximum savings on any booking will be $200.* ** Only applicable to 1st and 2nd guests sharing an Oceanview stateroom category or higher on a select departures. Additional terms and conditions apply. + 1,000 BONUS AEROPLAN MILES PER PERSON!** Contact Us For Details! Book a Flight & Cruise package to the Caribbean, The Bahamas, the Mexican Riviera or Bermuda in an Oceanview stateroom or higher by March 10 and GET 50% OFF the 2nd FLIGHT!* HMGR0014944959 Prices include: Stateroom selected All meals on board Captain's Welcome & Farewell Receptions Unlimited beverages on board Gratuities Select excursions Use of bicycles and walking sticks TTERMS & CONDITIONS: Prices aTERMS & CONDITIONS: Prices aT re per person in CAD and based on double occupancy. Port cPort charges, taxes & fees included in price above. Non-refundable deposit due of $2,500 CADCAD per person at time of booking. Final non-refundable payment due by May 30, 2019. Classic Stateroom: $5,219 CAD pp Other stateroom categories also available at higher prices Burgundy & Provence River Cruise September 1 - 8, 2019 Onboard the Uniworld SS Catherine 905-845-6631 | info@advhouse.com Leisure | Corporate | Group Travel 101-1660North Service Rd. E. Oakville, ON L6H7G3 TICO# 3328157 Pneumonia is an illness that most people recognize as a serious lung infection. In fact, pneumonia is not a specific term and re- ally just means inflamma- tion in the deep lung tis- sues, where oxygen is ab- sorbed into the body and waste gases are expelled. There are many possible causes of pneumonia, a po- tential life-threatening disease. Most commonly, in ani- mals, pneumonia can be caused by infectious agents (viruses, bacteria, fungi, or even worms). Itfungi, or even worms). Itf can also occur as a result chemical inhalation, smoke inhalation or the aspiration of material, usually vomited or regur- gitated food, into the lungs. Conditions that predis- pose to aspiration pneu- monia include sedation, endotracheal intubation, mechanical ventilation, esophageal or neuromus- cular paralysis, esophage- al disease, vomiting, la- ryngeal disease, neurolog- ic disorders, force feeding, inhalation of foreign mate- rial, and gastric overdis- tention. Aspiration pneumonia is more common in dogs than cats. The most common signs of pneumonia, re- gardless of the cause, in- clude coughing, nasal dis- charge, lethargy, loss of appetite, weakness, diffi- culty breathing, fever and exercise intolerance. A diagnosis of aspira- tion pneumonia, as with other types of pneumonia, will require a physical ex- amination, laboratory tests, chest X-rays and pos- sible other testing. Treat- ment with antibiotics, supportive therapies, in- cluding oxygen adminis- tration and other mea- sures, may be required. Recently, a research study has shed some new light on dog breeds that are more likely to suffer from aspiration pneumo-from aspiration pneumo-f nia. Older studies have shown that being a large- breed dog (as opposed to a small or medium breed) was the most significant risk factor. These studies had found that brachycephalicfound that brachycephalicf breeds (those with a broad, short skull) did not appear more likely to de- velop aspiration pneumo- nia. However, with the in- creasing popularity of var- ious brachycephalic breeds - in particular, En- glish bulldogs, French bulldogs and pugs - a new study was designed. Medical records (80,137 records) from a large re- ferral veterinary hospitalferral veterinary hospitalf were reviewed from the years 2006-2015. Records with a diagnosis of aspira- tion pneumonia were fur- ther evaluated. This study showed (contrary to previ- ous studies) that French bulldogs and English bull- dogs are statistically more likely to develop aspira- tion pneumonia than oth- er dog breeds are. Pugs were not more likely to de- velop this disease. Such information is im- portant to know for own- ers of the breeds men- tioned, as well as for veter- inarians in clinical prac- tice. Barry Burtis is a local, retired, companion-ani- mal veterinarian. OPINION KNOW THE SYMPTOMS AND CAUSES OF PNEUMONIA IN YOUR PETS ASPIRATION PNEUMONIA MORE COMMON IN DOGS THAN CATS, WRITES BARRY BURTIS BARRY BURTIS Column