31 | O akville B eaver | T hursday,F ebruary 21,2019 insidehalton.com MacNeil Guitar Lessons MacNeil Guitar Lessons It's a MusicalResolution! DAYTIME OR EVENING LESSONS CALL US TODAY!Y!TODATODATODA All Styles,TecTecT hnique &Theory ALL LeveLS Private and Beginners - Advanced STePHeN MACNeIL TeachingTeachingT all levels for over 20 years 1312 Speers Rd, Oakville 905-334-5092 www.mglessons.com General $8.50 | Children & Seniors $6.50 | All seats Tues $5.00 Film.CA CinemAS ShowTimeS For FebruAry 22-28 2019 newThiSweek: howToTrAin yourDrAGonThehiDDenworlD 171 Speers Road, Oakville (at Kerr St.) 905-338-6397 (MEWS) www.film.ca Howtott traintrtrtrtrtr YourYY DraDrDr gon:gongon tHeHiDDenworlDww (Pg) Fri:FF 11:00AM, 1:20, 5:00, 6:30, 9:20 Sat & Sun: 12:30, 2:45, 5:00, 6:30, 9:20 Mon - ThTTT u: 1:20, 5:00, 6:30, 9:20 alitalitlitlitlitlit : BaBB ttleangel (14a)44 FriFF & Sat: 1:00, 3:45, 7:15, 8:50 Sun: 1:00, 3:45, 6:45, 8:50 Mon - ThTTT u: 1:00, 3:45, 7:15, 8:50 isnii 't it romantic (Pg) FriFF - ThTTT u: 1:15, 4:00, 7:30, 9:30 colDcc Pursuit (14a)44 FriFF - ThTTT u: 9:15 PM tHe legomovie2: tHe seconDsecsec ParPPPPP t (g) Fri:FFF 1:10, 4:30, 7:00, 9:45 Sat: 12:00, 2:15, 4:30, 7:00, 9:45 Sun: 12:00, 2:15, 7:00 Mon - ThTTT u: 1:10, 4:30, 7:00, 9:45 ontHeBasisBBB of sex (Pg) FriFFFFFF - ThTTT u: 12:45 PM tHe fafffff vouritevvv (14a)44 FriFFFFFF & Sat: 6:45 PM Mon - ThTT u: 6:45 PM greenBook (Pg) Fri:FFF 10:30AM, 3:20 Sat - ThTT u: 3:20 PM spaces and 10 parking spac- es for the retail component of the development. This is a slight increase over the 366 parking spaces the developer proposed when this matter came be- fore council for public com-ff ment in December 2018. Residents in the area have previously voiced con- cerns about the building's height, the additional traffic it will bring to the area and the availability of schools for the children of these newff residents. Town staff said both school boards were contact- ed about the proposed de- velopment and had no ob- jection provided those pur- chasing units were in- formed that students mayformed that students mayformed that students mayf be accommodated in schools outside the area. On the subject of traffic, staff said a review has found the road network has suffi- cient capacity to accommo- date the new development without compromising the functionality of the networkff and its intersections. Town staff ultimately said the proposal represents good planning and recom- mended it be approved. Council disagreed with this assessment, noting the amount of parking pro- posed is still a major con- cern. Ward 7 Town and Re- gional Councillor Pavan Parmar questioned why one parking space for each stacked townhouse was considered appropriate. "We have a lot of the overnight on-street parking permits in Ward 7. It seems to me that by allocating one parking space per stacked townhouse we are pretty much setting up the resi- dents to have to purchase those permits to accommo- date their second vehicle if they have one," she said. Parmar also pointed out that more than half the units in the 10-storey build- ing are two-bedroom units or larger, which she argued makes it more likely the oc- cupants will have more than one vehicle. Town staff said the amount of parking provided does meet town bylaws. Parmar noted those by- laws need to be reexamined particularly for minimum visitor parking. Ward 7 Town Councillor Jasvinder Sandhu said she was concerned there was no visitor parking allocated to the stacked townhouses and noted this development was likely to make the existing parking issues in Ward 7 even worse. A representative of the developer said parking is an extremely expensive com- ponent of a development project noting having too much parking can actually reduce the development's affordability. He said something 393 Dundas LP is proposing is to sell the parking spaces and the building units sep- arately so that if a tenant doesn't want a parking space they don't have to spend the extra $35,000 to $40,000 to get one. He also said there is a segment of the population that is comfortable with things like Rideshare and Uber or taking transit and as such they do not feel the need to have their own vehi- cle. Making a section of Trailside Drive wider so it can accommodate around 28 additional on-street park- ing spaces is something else the developer is exploring. Councillors voiced more concerns about parking not- ing the separate selling of building units and parking spaces could create more problems and result much more on-street parking. Council ultimately voted to defer the matter until April to give Town staff time to address some of council's parking concerns with the developer. NEWS Continued from page 3 STORY BEHIND THE STORY The separate selling of building units and parking spaces for the development could create more problems. A rendering of the 10-storey mixed-use building proposed for 393 Dundas St., W. Town of Oakville photo THE ISSUE: CONCERNS OVER PARKING AT 10-STOREY DEVELOPMENT IN NORTH OAKVILLE LOCAL IMPACT: DEPENDING ON DECISION, THERE COULD BE MORE STREET PARKING IN VICINITY RESIDENTS HAVE VARIOUS CONCERNS ABOUT DEVELOPMENT'S IMPACT STUDIO PAVAS 905-403-9435 1-2301 Royal Windsor Dr., Mississauga www.studiopavas.com info@studiopavas.com E X P O R A R M U C D R A M A D A N C E Performing and Visual Arts School Register Now Day, Evening and Weekend Classes Beginner to Advanced • Ages 3 yrs to Adult Art, Music, Drama, Dance MARCH BREAK CAMPS Mar. 11-15 Small Class Sizes Camera Viewing of All Studios Family-Focused Scheduling Annual Musical Productions Specialty Workshops E X P L O R E A R T M U S I C D R A M A D A ts School eekend Classes Beginner to Advanced • Ages 3 yrs to Adult Art, Music, Drama, Dance amily-Focused Scheduling