in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, Ju ly 18 ,2 01 9 | 8 Notice of Intention to Designate On January 18, 2019, Oakville Town Council resolved to pass a Notice of Intention to Designate the following property under Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. O.18, as amended, as a property of cultural heritage value and interest: Captain G. E. Morden House 489 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville, Ontario Description of Property The Captain G.E. Morden House is a grassed property with several mature trees that contains a rectangular +1% 98>;(Q AE9>@;Q 98;6,86;( .6YC8 ,G -X$XG O8 Y9 located among other residential estate homes along Lakeshore Road West in Oakville, Ontario. The house is orientated south towards Lake Ontario and directly >==>9Y8( :==C(.Q 7>CC(#(I E =;(98Y#Y>69 =;YTE8( 9,!>>C founded in 1911. Statement of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest Design Value or Physical Value The Captain G.E. Morden House has design value as an example of an estate house of an original settler Y@ 5EUTYCC(G 2!Y9 +1 -F+ 98>;(Q !>A( !E9 E 9QAA(8;Y,EC façade, with three evenly spaced openings on the AEY@ &C>>; E@* *(,>;E8YT( !>>* A>6C*Y@# E.>T( 8!( 9(,>@* 98>;(Q SY@*>SG 2!( !>A( Y9 (E9YCQ Y*(@8Y&YE.C( .Q Y89 98((=CQ =Y8,!(* &;>@8 #E.C( ;>>&G 2!( *>6.C( 98E,U .;Y,U ,!YA@(Q Y9 E =;>AY@(@8 &(E86;( >@ 8!( street front elevation, as is the front porch, although it is a more recent addition. Historical Value or Associative Value The house has historical value as an example of an >;Y#Y@EC ;(9Y*(@8YEC (98E8( !>A( .6YC8 *6;Y@# 8!( time of settlement in Oakville. Original owner John 2G P>S(CC E@* !Y9 SY&( PE@@E! .6YC8 8!( !>69( ,G-X$X =;Y>; 8> 8!(Y; >&&Y,YEC E,<6Y9Y8Y>@ >& 8!( CE@* Y@ -XZ$I which required, as a condition of the sale, that they ,C(E; 8!( CE@* E@* .6YC* E 98;6,86;( @> C(99 8!E@ 8S(@8Q1&>6; &((8 .Q (Y#!8((@ &((8 AE*( >& 98>@(I .;Y,UI >; &;EA( ,>@98;6,8Y>@G The house also has historical value in its association with Captain George Hardy Morden (1837-1934) who =6;,!E9(* 8!( =;>=(;8Q Y@ -V//G : 9ETTQ .69Y@(99AE@I he owned and operated several Lake Schooners, founded the Morden Line steamers, and amassed over E 8!>69E@* E,;(9 >& CE@* .Q 8!( 8YA( >& !Y9 *(E8! Y@ 1908. He also served as Reeve of Trafalgar Township. His family lived in the house from 1900 to 1974. Both an Oakville Road and a school are named after the Morden family. Contextual Value 2!( =;>=(;8Q !E9 ,>@8(R86EC TEC6( .Q 96==>;8Y@# E@* maintaining the character of the area, as an estate !>69( >;Y(@8(* 9>68!SE;*G 2!( E;(E Y9 *>AY@E8(* .Q residences on the north side of Lakeshore Road West &E,Y@# :==C(.Q 7>CC(#(G Description of Heritage Attributes N(Q (C(A(@89 8!E8 ,>@8;Y.68( 8> 8!( !(;Y8E#( TEC6( >& this site include: • The house's orientation south towards Lakeshore 4>E* 0(98I :==C(.Q 7>CC(#(I E@* MEU( 5@8E;Y>G N(Q (R8(;Y>; E88;Y.68(9 >& 8!( !>69( S!Y,! (A.>*Q Y89 physical and historical significance from the original (R8(;Y>; *(9Y#@ ,G -X$X Y@,C6*(D • The original, symmetrical front facade with three evenly spaced openings on the main floor, with one serving as an entrance to the home; • 2!( *(,>;E8YT( S>>* SY@*>S !>>* E.>T( 8!( +@* floor opening; • The 3rd floor lancet windows (currently set into a rectangular wood window frame); • 2!( #E.C( ;>>& SY8! *>;A(; SY@*>S9B • The high pitched roof topped at the front with a tall *>6.C( 98E,U .;Y,U ,!YA@(QI S!Y,! #YT(9 8!( !>69( prominence; • The reconstructed front porch that spans the first floor of the residence. :@Q >.W(,8Y>@ 8> 8!Y9 *(9Y#@E8Y>@A698 .( &YC(* @> CE8(; 8!E@ :6#698 -VI +/-VG 5.W(,8Y>@9 9!>6C* .( *Y;(,8(* 8> 8!( 2>S@ 7C(;UI -++$ 2;E&EC#E; 4>E*I 5EUTYCC(I Ontario L6H 0H3. :@Q Y@<6Y;Y(9 AEQ .( *Y;(,8(* 8> 369E@ 3,!E==(;8I !(;Y8E#( =CE@@(; E8 V/$HX'$H""/-I (R8G )XZ/ K22L V/$H))XH'+//JI >; .Q (AEYC E8 2!( CE98 *E8( 8> &YC( E @>8Y,( >& >.W(,8Y>@ is August 19, 2019. Vacant Property Registry By-law We need your input! Join us at our open house Wednesday, July 31 from 6:30-8 p.m. Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road Bronte Room The Town of Oakville is proposing to implement a vacant property registry by-law. If you are the owner of a vacant property you will be required to register your property with the town under the proposed new by-law.Municipal enforcement staff will be proactively monitoring properties that appear vacant. A draft by-law was presented to Council at the Planning and Development Council meeting on June 10. Council directed staff to gather further public input and present a new proposed by-law in September. Why a Vacant Property Registry By-law? Vacant and unoccupied buildings that are not maintained can become infested with pests, attract trespassers, and have negative impacts on property values. Although the town's Property Standards By-law addresses some of the issues that vacant properties present, other issues such as ensuring buildings are regularly inspected and have sufficient insurance need to be addressed. Accessibility If you have any accessibility needs, please contact John Mattocks at or 905-845-6601, ext. 3890 (TTY 905-338-4200) one week before the meeting. Questions? For more information, visit or contact ServiceOakville at or 905-845-6601. Is it time for you to stop just investing? Investing can easily be- come a way of life. Every year certain investments get made on what seems like an automatic basis. Don't forget to contrib- ute to your registered re- tirement savings plan. And then there is your tax-free savings account. If there is extra cash, you can invest in your non- registered investment ac- count. With so many alterna- tives to choose from, decid- ing which investments to purchase can be confusing. Hot investments come and go. When the stock market is performing well, you might feel confident to pur- chase stocks directly, or mutual funds that own stocks. During times of un- certainty, you might decide to buy something more conservative like a bond or a guaranteed investment certificate. After several years your investment portfolio can look like a random collec- tion of everything. No real direction, just a whole lot of different stuff. Investing without plan- ning is a significant mis- take that is all too easy to make. The purpose of invest- ing is to allow you to reach OPINION STOP INVESTING AND START PLANNING DIRECT FUNDS WITH A PURPOSE, WRITES WATSON PETER WATSON Column See page 9