in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, A ug us t 29 ,2 01 9 | 10 Notice of Intention to Designate August 6, 2019, Oakville Town Council resolved to pass a Notice of Intention to Designate the following property under Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. O.18, as amended, as a property of cultural heritage value and interest: Jordan Munn House 3020 Post Road, Oakville, Ontario Description of Property The Jordan Munn House is located on the west side of Post Road near the intersection of Post Road and Huguenot Road. The property contains a 1½ storey brick house known as the Jordan Munn House. Statement of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest Design Value or Physical Value The Jordan Munn House has cultural heritage value as an early to mid-19th century house built in the Classic Revival style. Inspired by the architecture of ancient Greece and Rome, the most striking feature of this style is the 'temple form'. The Munn House is a simple vernacular version of this style, containing a gabled front façade, medium pitched roof with deep returned eaves and a wide cornice, symmetrical window placement and an off-centre door, typical of the style. Built on a stone foundation, the house was clad in red brick in a Common Brick Bond. The house remains one of the few Classic Revival style homes in Oakville, designed and built by early pioneers using local materials. While not the traditional, definitive example of the style, these vernacular versions are considered to be significant as they help to tell the story of early European settlement in Oakville. The house also has heritage value for its unique timber frame construction. While common for barns, this type of construction was very unique for a house in 19th century Upper Canada. Large vertical and horizontal squared timbers were connected with mortise and tenon joints and the spaces between the timbers were filled with layers of brick. The brick house was actually an addition to an older timber frame section clad in horizontal wood siding. This portion of the house was likely the original house on the property but had deteriorated significantly and was demolished in 2015. Historical Value or Associative Value The Jordan Munn House has cultural heritage value for its historical associations with the Munn family. The house was likely constructed by Jordan Munn, or possibly his father Daniel Munn. Daniel and his wife Millicent were the founders of Munn's Corners, a former hamlet at Dundas Street and Sixth Line. They operated an inn on the northwest corner and helped develop a school, church and cemetery in the village. The inn andmost of the houses associatedwithMunn's Corners have disappeared, but the church, cemetery and Jordan Munn House still stand as reminders of this community and the significant contributions of the Munn family. The house also has historical value as an early example of a timber frame house in Oakville. The original frame house was likely constructed anywhere between 1816 and 1841 and the existing brick section was likely added between 1830 and 1860 when the Classic Revival style was prevalent in Ontario. Contextual Value The property has contextual heritage value as a reminder of the historically agricultural landscape of this part of Oakville. While the house was relocated 200 metres from its original location to the southwest, the building's association with the historic village of Munn's Corners and the significant route of Dundas Street remains. The property also has contextual associations with the ancestors of the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation who used the land prior to European settlement of the area. The property is contextually significant as a reminder of not only the development of the area by early settlers like the Munn family, but also of the land's association with Indigenous peoples for centuries prior to European settlement. Description of Heritage Attributes Key attributes of the property which embody the cultural heritage value of the Jordan Munn House include the following attributes, as they relate to the north, east and south exterior elevations of the 1½ storey brick house: • The 1½ storey rectangular form of the house, including the medium pitch gable roof with deep returned eaves; • The red brick cladding in Common Brick Bond, including red brick headers; • Fenestration of the original front door and window openings on the north and east elevations; • The use of a wood panelled front door with wood transom window; • The design of, and use of wood material for, the 6/6 windows and window trim; • The design of, and use of wood material for, the soffit, fascia and cornice with cornice returns; • Lakestone cladding on foundation above grade; and • The two red brick chimneys on each gable end of the brick house. The contemporary frame addition is not considered to be a heritage attribute. Any objection to this designationmust be filed no later than October 1, 2019. Objections should be directed to the Town Clerk, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario, L6H 0H3. Any inquiries may be directed to Carolyn Van Sligtenhorst heritage planner at 905-845-6601, ext. 3875 (TTY 905-338-4200), or by email at The last date to file a notice of objection is October 1, 2019. There is a problem in Canada that can negatively affect us all. The problem is housing. There are not enough affordable rental units available to those who have a lower earning ability. The Canadian economy de- pends on all segments of the pop- ulation working in a co-ordinated effort to supply our high standard of living. From minimum wage jobs to those that pay top dollar, all co-ordinate together to keep our towns and cities operating every day. All jobs are important. All peo- ple who fill those jobs need a fair and decent standard of living. Many workers with a low in- come cannot find affordable hous- ing. If we as a country do not pro- vide affordable housing for all, then it is just a matter of time be- fore our current economic systemfore our current economic systemf collapses. The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives completed a study on the Canadian rental housing prob- lem. In a survey of 795 neighbour- hoods, the study found that only nine per cent of minimum wage earners could afford a one-bed- room rental apartment. Almost two-thirds of 36 Canadi- an metropolitan areas had no op- tions that would allow a full-time worker earning minimum wage to afford accommodation. This as- sumes housing costs are no more than 30 per cent of employment in- come. The rental housing problem and the cure come down to the same thing. Supply and demand. We either decrease the numberWe either decrease the numberW of people needing rental accom- modation or increase the supply of rental housing. Canada's popula- tion is not decreasing, it is doing the opposite. The solution is to in- crease the number of rental units. More competition in the rental market will result in more compet- itive, affordable and, therefore, lower rental rates. Canada is a big country. We have the land needed to build more rental units. We have developers that can complete the construc- tion. And we have historically low interest rates that would be favour- able to finance these projects. We need some leadership fromWe need some leadership fromW local governments to free up land - via zoning bylaws - that can be used for new rental housing pro- jects. Every Canadian worker con- tributes to our economic prosper- ity and deserves affordable hous- ing. That includes those making minimum wage. Peter Watson, of Peter Watson Investments MBA, CFP®, R.F.P., CIM®, FCSI offers a weekly fi- nancial planning column, Dollars & Sense. He can be contacted through www.peterwatsoninvest- OPINION SHORTAGE OF AFFORDABLE RENTAL HOUSING IN CANADA ALL WORKERS ENTITLED TO IT, WRITES PETER WATSON PETER WATSON Column