in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, A ug us t 29 ,2 01 9 | 18 UNITEDPENTACOSTAL DIRECTORY If you'd like to advertise your place of worship in this feature please call FIONA RUDDER 289-293-0691 Worship SUNDAY Bible Teaching & Worship Service, 12:30-2:30pm (SOUTH RIDGE ROOM) IROQUOIS RIDGE COMMUNITY CENTRE 1051 Glenashton Dr. Glenashton & Eighth Line FRIDAY Teaching & Youth Service 7-8:30pm Tel: 416-892-8123 Pastor: Elder M.J. Brissett Email: JESUS IS LORD 1469 Nottinghill Gate, Oakville 905-825-5292 GLEN ABBEY UNITED CHURCH REV. TED VANCE will return Tuesday Sept 3rd. PLEASE START YOUR SUNDAY OFF RIGHT WITH RICK SANDS LEADING WORSHIP! THIS SUNDAY, September 1st: 9:30am Coffee, Tea, Hot Choc, Cookies and Conversation 10:00amWorship Service Message: Where Should I Sit? Luke 14:1, 7-14 Here you will find Church the way you wished it could be! Friendly people, Great Music Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit! edge and her expertise has al- lowed me to explore the digital world more than I ever fathomed, exploring certain markets that are geared and tailored to my busi- ness," said Luxton. Both the Ontario and Oakville governments have committed funds to the program. Qualifyingfunds to the program. Qualifyingf businesses are able to receive $2,500 to purchase and adopt digi- tal tools and technologies. Adopting digital technologies has been identified as vital to small businesses. The program can be used for everything from enhancing social media to back-of- fice systems like payroll and in-fice systems like payroll and in-f ventory. Michelle Bali, a digital service squad member with Digital Main Street, described her role as help- ing to level the digital education of local businesses. "It's important to marry online activities with off-line activities instead of separating them and be- ing like, hey, here's my e-com- merce store and then there's a dif- ferent entity, which is my brick-ferent entity, which is my brick-f and-mortar. It's important to make sure you're tracking your online activities as well as your off-line activities and gaining in- sights ... it's important that neither of those aspects are ignored," said Bali. For more information, includ- ing on how to apply for the grant, visit ontario. NEWS Continued from page 17 ADOPTING DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES IS 'VITAL' STORY BEHIND THE STORY: There's been talk for years about the death of Ontario main streets. Despite the challenges, Oakville has maintained a strong retail core. We talked to a few involved locals to find out why that is and what they're doing to keep it that way. Halton police are investigating after being made aware of an on- line video in which a male ap- pears to throw a metal traffic sign off a QEW overpass in Oakville. In the video he can be seen holding an orange "Right Lane Exits" sign, which he appears to throw over the edge of the over- pass. The person filming the individ- ual can be heard laughing after the sign is thrown. "A police investigation has de- termined that this occurred on the Winston Churchill Boulevard overpass of the Queen Elizabeth Way in Oakville," said police in-Way in Oakville," said police in-W vestigators. "The sign was thrown down onto the live, eastbound lanes of the highway." Police have not determined when this incident occurred. "The behaviour depicted in this video is extremely dangerous and criminal in nature," said po- lice. "The Halton Regional Police Service is committed to identify- ing the person(s) responsible." It is unclear at this time wheth- er the sign struck any vehicles. Anyone with information about this incident is asked to contact Halton police at 905-835- 4777 ext. 2216 or ext. 2285 or ext. 2245 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800- 222-TIPS (8477). POLICE LOOKING FOR MALE AFTER SIGN THROWN OFF OVERPASS DAVID LEA An image of the sign just before it is thrown down onto the QEW. Reddit photo