in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, A ug us t 29 ,2 01 9 | 26 Striving to showcase the importance of shopping locally and supporting Canadian brands, the Canadian Beauty Box delivers a selection of beauty, fashion and lifestyle prod- ucts to your door every season. � e inspiration to start the sea- sonal subscription box came from an Oakville couple - Stephanie and Brent Kilborn - who had a love for subscription boxes. � e two noticed subscription boxes were becoming more and more popular, but many weren't available in Canada. Sending out their � rst box in spring 2019, the Kilborn's focused on not only making the box easily available to Canadians but also including all Canadian made products and brands. "We don't � ll these boxes with just any- thing," Stephanie explained. "We search across the country to � nd our subscribers truly authentic Canadian brands. Some- times these brands are large nationwide companies and more o� en they're in their � rst years in business. We don't believe any business is too small or any company is too big." With the goal of bringing awareness to shopping locally and to share all of the hidden gems of Canadian beauty, the Canadian Beauty Box partners with brands across the country to include six to eight full sized products every season. � e seasonal subscription retails at $69.95 and each box is valued at more than $140. Shipping is free to Canadian residents, and the boxes ship to the United States and inter- nationally with a shipping charge. "� ere are so many incred- ible Canadian brands right under our noses, the majority of which we aren't even aware of," Stephanie said. "Our focus is to assist our partners in advertis- ing their brand and getting their product direct to the Canadian consumer." For more information on the Canadian Beauty Box, visit Canadian-made products delivered to you "� ere are so many incred- ible Canadian brands right under our noses, the majority of which we aren't even aware of," Stephanie said. "Our focus is to assist our partners in advertis- ing their brand and getting their product direct to the Canadian consumer." and supporting Canadian brands, the Canadian shopping locally and to share all of the hidden gems of Canadian beauty, the Canadian Beauty Box partners with brands across the country to include six to eight full sized products every season. � e seasonal subscription retails at $69.95 and each box is valued at more than $140. Shipping is free to Canadian residents, and the boxes ship to the United States and inter- M-W 10-6, T-F 10-8,M-W 10-6, T-F 10-8, Sat 10-6, Sun 12-5Sat 10-6, Sun 12-5 NN W in st on C hu rc hi ll W in st on C hu rc hi ll W in st on C hu rc hi ll W in st on C hu rc hi ll W in st on C hu rc hi ll W in st on C hu rc hi ll W in st on C hu rc hi ll W in st on C hu rc hi ll W in st on C hu rc hi ll W in st on C hu rc hi ll W in st on C hu rc hi ll W in st on C hu rc hi ll W in st on C hu rc hi ll W in st on C hu rc hi ll W in st on C hu rc hi ll W in st on C hu rc hi ll W in st on C hu rc hi ll W in st on C hu rc hi ll W in st on C hu rc hi ll W in st on C hu rc hi ll W in st on C hu rc hi ll W in st on C hu rc hi ll Er in M ill s P kw y Er in M ill s P kw y Er in M ill s P kw y Er in M ill s P kw y Er in M ill s P kw y Er in M ill s P kw y Er in M ill s P kw y Er in M ill s P kw y Er in M ill s P kw y Er in M ill s P kw y Er in M ill s P kw y Er in M ill s P kw y Er in M ill s P kw y Er in M ill s P kw y Er in M ill s P kw y Er in M ill s P kw y Er in M ill s P kw y Er in M ill s P kw y Er in M ill s P kw y Er in M ill s P kw y Er in M ill s P kw y Er in M ill s P kw y Er in M ill s P kw y Er in M ill s P kw y Er in M ill s P kw y Er in M ill s P kw y Er in M ill s P kw y Er in M ill s P kw y Er in M ill s P kw y Er in M ill s P kw y DundasDundasDundasDundasDundasDundasDundasDundasDundasDundasDundasDundasDundas QEWQEWQEWQEWQEWQEWQEWQEWQEW MISSISSAUGA HOME AND DESIGN CENTREMISSISSAUGA HOME AND DESIGN CENTREMISSISSAUGA HOME AND DESIGN CENTREMISSISSAUGA HOME AND DESIGN CENTREMISSISSAUGA HOME AND DESIGN CENTREMISSISSAUGA HOME AND DESIGN CENTREMISSISSAUGA HOME AND DESIGN CENTREMISSISSAUGA HOME AND DESIGN CENTREMISSISSAUGA HOME AND DESIGN CENTREMISSISSAUGA HOME AND DESIGN CENTREMISSISSAUGA HOME AND DESIGN CENTREMISSISSAUGA HOME AND DESIGN CENTREMISSISSAUGA HOME AND DESIGN CENTREMISSISSAUGA HOME AND DESIGN CENTREMISSISSAUGA HOME AND DESIGN CENTREMISSISSAUGA HOME AND DESIGN CENTREMISSISSAUGA HOME AND DESIGN CENTREMISSISSAUGA HOME AND DESIGN CENTREMISSISSAUGA HOME AND DESIGN CENTREMISSISSAUGA HOME AND DESIGN CENTREMISSISSAUGA HOME AND DESIGN CENTREMISSISSAUGA HOME AND DESIGN CENTREMISSISSAUGA HOME AND DESIGN CENTREMISSISSAUGA HOME AND DESIGN CENTREMISSISSAUGA HOME AND DESIGN CENTREMISSISSAUGA HOME AND DESIGN CENTREMISSISSAUGA HOME AND DESIGN CENTRE 2575 Dundas St. W., Mississauga (Between Winston Churchill(Between Winston Churchill(Between Winston Churchill(Between Winston Churchill(Between Winston Churchill(Between Winston Churchill(Between Winston Churchill(Between Winston Churchill(Between Winston Churchill &&& Erin Mills Pkwy)Erin Mills Pkwy)Erin Mills Pkwy)Erin Mills Pkwy)Erin Mills Pkwy)Erin Mills Pkwy)Erin Mills Pkwy)Erin Mills Pkwy)Erin Mills Pkwy) 905.820.4111 | "Made in Canada" produCts"""" 20-25%off saLe eVent Labour day Weekend ask about our Condo Living Collection design Consultation available August 29th - sept 3rd