in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, S ep te m be r 19 ,2 01 9 | 10 Notice of Heritage Designation On September 9, 2019, Oakville Town Council resolved to pass By-law 2019-092 to designate the following property under Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. O.18, as amended, as a property ofAct, R.S.O. 1990, c. O.18, as amended, as a property ofAct cultural heritage value and interest: Captain G.E. Morden House 489 Lakeshore Road West Part of Lot 18, Plan 390, designated as Part 9 on Plan 20R-20463 Town of Oakville, Regional Municipality of HaltonTown of Oakville, Regional Municipality of HaltonT Further information regarding this designation is available from the Town of Oakville. Any inquiries may be directed to Susan Schappert, heritage planner at 905-845-6601, ext. 3870 (TTY 905-338-4200), or by email at Oakville Town Council wants to hear from you! Halton Region Integrated Growth Management Strategy (IGMS) Evaluation Criteria Ontario is growing and the provincial government has directed Halton Region to plan for 1,000,000 people and 470,000 jobs by 2041. Halton Region -- which includes Oakville, Burlington, Milton and Halton Hills -- is currently determining where the additional people and jobs should go. A portion of these people and jobs will come to Oakville. Halton Region has created a number of different scenarios of where people and jobs should go within the Region as part of its IGMS. Halton Region has also created a set of criteria to help choose the best scenario. Town Council wants your input on which of the criteria are most important to Oakville and how much importance should be given to each criterion. Join your Ward Councillors at one of the following meetings to give your input. If you are unable to attend the meeting for your Ward, you are welcome to attend any of the other meetings. Ward 2 - Tuesday, September 24 Trafalgar Park Community Centre, Multipurpose Room 3Trafalgar Park Community Centre, Multipurpose Room 3T 133 Rebecca Street Ward 1 - Thursday, September 26 Queen Elizabeth Park Community and Cultural Centre, Multipurpose Room 1 2302 Bridge Road Ward 3 - Tuesday, October 1 Oakville Public Library - Central Branch, Auditorium 120 Navy Street Wards 4, 5, 6 and 7 - Wednesday, October 2 River Oaks Community Centre, Community Room B 2400 Sixth Line Doors open at 6:45 p.m. Presentation at 7:00 p.m. If you are unable to attend a meeting, an online survey will open from September 23 to October 18. Visit to participate. Accessibility requirements If you have any accessibility needs, please let us know one week before the meeting by contacting Geoff Abma at 905-845-6601, ext. 3034 (TTY 905-338-4200), or by filling out the accessible online feedback form on Questions? For more information, visit or contact ServiceOakville at or 905-845-6601. TEST DRIVE Get up to speed with the latest "virtually invisible" hearing aid technology! Call to book your 21 DAY TRIAL FREE BEHIND THE EAR Behind-the-Ear models hide behind the auricle (the visible part of your ear) and have a thin clear tube that runs into the ear canal. Promo Code NSP-TDRV-OAKB No-cost hearing tests are provided to adults ages 19 and older. A fee will apply for a copy of your audiogram. Child hearing tests are conducted at select locations for a fee, please contact us for more information. Please see clinic for details. Offer not valid in Quebec. TESTDRIVE this hearing aid today! Offer expires September 30th 2019 Call us today to schedule your FREE TEST DRIVE. Did you know that the latest hearing aids are barely visible? That's why we're offering a FREE 21 day trial to anyone with hearing loss who would like to experience these new hearing aids for themselves. Bronte | 2419 Marine Drive Call Debbie at 1-855-788-2068 The Town of Oakville would later apologize for this removal, noting town staff at the event were not aware of Elections Canada requirements related to candidates. The Town of Oakville's director of strategy, policy and communications, Jane Courtemanche, said what unfolded at Kerrfest was different. She said Kerrfest is not a town event, but rather is run by the Kerr Village BIA. "The town provides an- nual funding to all three BI- As to support their activi- ties. As a result, the BIAs recognize the town as a sponsor for events," said Courtemanche. She also drew attention to section 81.1 of the Canada Elections Act, which lists the places where a candi- date cannot be prevented from campaigning.from campaigning.f These areas are de- scribed as public places that are open "without charge" to members of the public. The words "without charge" are significant be- cause an admission fee was required to enter Kerrfest. Myriam Croussette, se- nior communications ad- viser for the Office of the Commissioner of Canada Elections confirmed that section 81.1 of the Canada Elections Act does not ap- ply if an admission is paid to attend an event. Meaney argues it shouldn't be OK to remove someone from a public place for wearing a PPC shirt and handing out a few business cards. Oakville PPC Party trea- surer Bruno Santia, who was also escorted out of Kerrfest, said if those are the rules than they should be applied uniformly. "We don't mind playing by the rules, but are the rules the same for every- body here," he asked. "We're being targeted. This is twice now." Meaney said he will con- tinue his efforts to spread the PPC message in Oak- ville, including at future Oakville public events. "We'll never stop," he said. Want help making sense of this fall's federal elec- tion? There's a new newslet- ter that you might like. It's called The Lead, and it'll be your whip-smart, can't- miss guide to all the latest election news from across the country, written by vet- eran political journalist Ka- dy O'Malley. Sign up for The Lead here today to make sure you don't miss an edition. NEWS Continued from page 5 RULES SHOULD BE APPLIED UNIFORMLY, SAYS PPC