21 | O akville B eaver | T hursday,S eptem ber 19,2019 insidehalton.com STA RTI NG IN L OW $10 0K 'S 490 Empire Road, Sherkston, ON L0S 1R0 Sunday, September 22, 2019; 10am-3pm | 1 . 8 4 4 . 3 7 7 . 0 6 1 2 3 BEDROOMS | 2 BATHROOMS Meadow Rock 2 BEDROOMS | 1 BATHROOM2 BEDROOMS | 1 BATHROOM Springside WWW.QUARRYMEADOWS.COM Open House Sept. 22, 2019 Open House Sept. 22, 2019 conform to the Provincial Policy Statement, Growth Plan, Halton Region Offi- cial Plan, does not reflect a development that appropri- ately implements the Liv- able Oakville Plan, and is not considered to be good planning or in the public in- terest," said senior planner Robert Thun in his report to council. "Staff recommends that the subject applications be refused." During the Sept. 9 meet- ing 320 Bronte Road Inc. representative Russ Chee- seman noted rejection of the application by council would force the developer to appeal the matter to the Local Planning Appeal Tri- bunal. He called for the applica- tion to be referred back to town staff. The majority of council ultimately voted for this op- tion, with the developer giv- en a deadline of Oct. 3 to sat- isfy the concerns raised by town staff. Oakville Ward 1 council- lors Sean O'Meara and Beth Robertson, along with Ward 2 Coun. Ray Chis- holm voted against the de- ferral.ferral.f O'Meara said all the is- sues raised in the staff re- port were raised by resi- dents before and there has been no change in the devel- oper's application. "I'm not sure what a re- ferral back to staff is goingferral back to staff is goingf to do," he said. NEWS Continued from page 20 Plans for the proposed condo development at 320-350 Bronte Road. Town of Oakville photo.