15 | O akville B eaver | T hursday,O ctober 31,2019 insidehalton.com 5450 Harvester Rd, Burlington Overhead Door (Hamilton-Burlington) Ltd. 905.333.1772 info@overheaddoorburlington.ca overheaddoorburlington.ca Thermacore® For premium construction and maximum thermal efficiency, a Thermacore® insulated steel door is the ideal choice. This series of doors feature our sandwich construction of steel-polyurethane-steel as well as between-section seals with thermal breaks to reduce air infiltration. With several panel designs to choose from, these doors offer design flexibility, durability and thermal efficiency that will help keep your home comfortable in cold or hot climates. Insulated Steel Garage Doors Overhead Door Co. of Hamilton-Burlington™ Overhead Door Co. Proud to be Servicing the GTA for 35 Years. The Genuine. The Original Flat Rates to Airport & Out of Town • Out-of-Town Service • Regular In-Town Service • 10% Discount On Parcel Service • GPS Computerized Dispatch • Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles • Corporate Accounts Welcome • Airport Customer Wake-Up Service • 10% Senior Discount - In Town • Largest Taxi Company in Oakville • Gift Certificates Available www.oakvi l leunitedtaxi.com 905.338.0044 WeGetYou to Your Destination Safe & Secure. Our Drivers are Bonded & Insured OAKVILLE UNITED TAXI 24 HR • 7 DAYS AWEEK OAKVILLE UNITED TAXI KVILLEOAKVILLE ThemeTeR RATe when using our APP!20%OFF DOWNLOAD OUR APP If you've tried to get your flu shot but were un- successful because of vac- cine shortages, the rea- sons behind that are two- fold, according to the Min-fold, according to the Min-f istry of Health. "The identification of the common influenza strains circulating this year by the World Health Organization took longer than usual. One of the strains was identified ap- proximately one month later than usual. This re- sulted in a delay in the manufacturing of the flu vaccine this year," said Da- vid Jensen, media rela- tions co-ordinator with the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. Additionally, there have been production is- sues with some of the man- ufacturers of the flu vac- cine, he said. Health-care providers and pharmacies will re- ceive their supply of flu vaccines in the coming weeks, said Jensen. The distribution of available vaccine did be-available vaccine did be-a gin at the end of Septem- ber, as it normally does, for seniors and individuals who are at high risk for flu complications and hospi- talization. Concerns have been raised about the upcoming flu season because of Aus-flu season because of Aus-f tralia's severe season; however, "it is unclear what this means for Onta- rio, given our very differ- ent preceding season and inter-season activity." "Monitoring and pre- paredness for any early or unusual influenza activity in 2019-20 has begun and will continue throughout the season," said Jensen. "The ministry continues to monitor global influenza trends and surveillance data, including those in the Southern Hemi- sphere." Last year, Halton Re- gion reported fewer con- firmed flu cases than thefirmed flu cases than thef year prior. Chart A shows the number of confirmed flu cases over the past fiveflu cases over the past fivef years; however, the actual number of cases is likely more because many infec- ted people don't seek med- ical attention, or laborato- ry testing is not done, ac- cording to the region. Last year also saw few- er flu outbreaks in long- term care facilities and re- tirement homes than in the previous year. See Chart B for those numbers from the past five years.from the past five years.f NEWS DELAYED FLU VACCINES ON THEIR WAY (From left) Chart A shows the number of laboratory confirmed flu cases reported to Halton Region's public health department over the past five flu seasons. Chart B shows the number of reported flu outbreaks in Halton long-term care facilities and retirement homes in the last five years. Halton Region graphs SIGN UP FOR OUR WEEKLY NEWSLETTER AT INSIDEHALTON.COM