9 | O akville B eaver | T hursday,N ovem ber 7,2019 insidehalton.com Pud bySteveNease FREE 14 Day Trial WANTED PEOPLEWITHHEARING LOSS Promo Code NSP-TBYB-OAKB Call or book online: HearingLife.ca/FreeTrial Call toll-free 1-855-803-8837 2 clinics in Oakville WhoWant to Try a Revolutionary Hearing Device.1 Hear the difference hearing aids can make. Try the latest advanced or premium digital hearing aids for 14 days.* Book your FREE hearing test and hearing aid trial - offer ends November 29th 2019. * Trial valid until November 29th, 2019 and is subject to change without notice. A comprehensive hearing assessment is provided to adults ages 19 and older at no cost. The results of this assessment will be communicated verbally to you. If you request a copy of the Audiological Report, a fee will apply. Child hearing tests are conducted at select locations for a fee, please contact us for more information. Offer not valid in Quebec. [1] https://www. oticon.ca/hearing-aid-users/hearing-aids/products/opn-s The Ontario government heard that local communities should decide what's best for them in terms of governance, decision-making and service de- livery. After careful consider- ation of the feedback we heard through the course of the exten- sive review, our government stands firm in its commitment to partnering with municipali- ties. We will provide municipal- ities with the resources to sup- port local decision-making. As I made it perfectly clear before, my belief was Oakville would remain a distinct munici- pality within a two-tier region of Halton. I strongly represented the voice of Oakville residents every day. MPP Effie Triantafi- lopoulos and I established a pe- tition to collect your signatures since spring 2019, we had count- less discussions with our col- leagues at the legislature on this matter, and we consistently communicated with constitu- ents. I would like to thank and rec- ognize the entire team at We Love Oakville, and the residents of Oakville, for working hard to- gether as a community to en- sure that we continue to live in our remarkable Town of Oak- ville. In addition, thank you to the mayor of Oakville, and town councillors who signed my peti- tion. Our community is stron- ger when we work together. The results of the regional re- view include: • Providing up to $143 million to all municipalities to help them lower costs, find more effi- cient operations, and improve service and programs for local residents over the long term. • The Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund will provide a total of $500 million to most mu- nicipalities across the province. • The province will launch a consultation with municipali- ties about whether to align the municipal and provincial fiscal year to ensure better fiscal man- agement and predictability. • Ontario is also proposing to eliminate duplication by com- bining the provincial and mu- nicipal voters' lists, giving Elec- tions Ontario the responsibility of managing the updated list and taking the burden off of mu- nicipalities. We are fortunate to live inWe are fortunate to live inW such a wonderful community with so many engaged citizens who are passionate about Oak- ville. I am honoured to re- present our community as your member of provincial parlia- ment. Stephen Crawford is the Oakville MPP. OAKVILLE CONTINUES TO REMAIN A DISTINCT MUNICIPALITY OPINION PROVINCE COMMITTED TO MUNICIPAL PARTNERSHIP, WRITES STEPHEN CRAWFORD STEPHEN CRAWFORD Column BEAVER TRAILS Ken Murray and Sue Lindstrom read their local community news 2,300 metres above sea level at the 5th station on Mount Fuji, Japan. Take a travel photo that includes the Oakville Beaver and the picture may appear here. Send high res jpegs to Beaver news editor Kevin Nagel at knagel@metroland. com. Ken Murray photo SALE 65" 4K SMART#122506#122506#122506#122506#122506#122506#122506 · 3HDMI · 60Hz· 3HDMI · 60Hz· 3HDMI · 60Hz· 3HDMI · 60Hz· 3HDMI · 60Hz· 3HDMI · 60Hz· 3HDMI · 60Hz· 3HDMI · 60Hz· 3HDMI · 60Hz· 3HDMI · 60Hz· 3HDMI · 60Hz· 3HDMI · 60Hz· 3HDMI · 60Hz SAVE $100VE $100 $898 65UM6900 65" LG FREE CHANNELS INCLUDED! LEADS THE WAY! $20DELIVERYNOOO MINIMUM PURCHASE!Y IN BADBOYIN BADBOYTRADINGTRADINGAREAS.AREAS. VISIT US AT BADBOY.CA!