in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, N ov em be r 7, 20 19 | 16 Saturday, November 16, 2019 at 9 a.m. Rain or shine. Oleg's NoFrills 1395 Abbeywood Drive, Oakville oleg's no frills PriCes effeCTiVe THUrsDAY, noVeMBer 7 To WeDnesDAY, noVeMBer 13, 2019. Lest We Forget remembrance Day is monDay, november 11th reaL canaDian natUraL sPring Water 147 588Lb 12.96/kg club size 47 bLUeberries product of Peru or Argentina, no. 1 grade HAULER OFFER #HAULER #HAULHARD @NOFRILLSCA 6 OZ CLAMSHELLboneLess striPLoinboneLess striPLoinboneLess striPLoinboneLess striPLoinboneLess striPLoinboneLess striPLoinboneLess striPLoinboneLess striPLoinboneLess striPLoinboneLess striPLoinboneLess striPLoinboneLess striPLoinboneLess striPLoinboneLess striPLoinboneLess striPLoinboneLess striPLoinboneLess striPLoinboneLess striPLoinboneLess striPLoinboneLess striPLoinboneLess striPLoinboneLess striPLoinboneLess striPLoin griLLing steaKgriLLing steaKgriLLing steaKgriLLing steaKgriLLing steaKgriLLing steaKgriLLing steaKgriLLing steaKgriLLing steaKgriLLing steaKgriLLing steaKgriLLing steaKgriLLing steaKgriLLing steaKgriLLing steaKgriLLing steaKgriLLing steaKgriLLing steaK cut from Canada AA grade beef or higher or USDA selectAA grade beef or higher or USDA select grade beef or higher, freshgrade beef or higher, fresh armstrong cheese barsarmstrong cheese barsarmstrong cheese barsarmstrong cheese bars selected varieties, 400-500 gselected varieties, 400-500 g 9972 97 697 sWiss chaLet bbQ or honey garLic PorK ribs FULLy cooKeDribs FULLy cooKeDribs FULLy cooKeD 600 g600 g600 g arm & hammer LaUnDryarm & hammer LaUnDryarm & hammer LaUnDry Detergent 4.43 L, FLeecy Fabric soFtener LiQUiD 4 L or sheets 200's, selected varieties Dr. oetKer ristoranteDr. oetKer ristorante or casa Di mama PiZZa selected varieties, frozen, 300-410 g pizza selected varieties, 400-500 g 397 arm hammerhammerhammerhammerhammerhammerhammerhammerarm & hammer 597 147hereForDhereForDcorneD beeF 340 g 244 PKGOF 24 maXWeLL hoUse or nabob tassimo or KeUrig PoDs selected varieties 220-292 g Earlier this year, our government launched a re- view of Ontario's regional governments, including Halton Region and its mu- nicipalities. In this review, our gov- ernment wanted to find out the opinion of local resi- dents about how their mu- nicipal governments could work better - how they could be more streamlined, provide better services and respect taxpayers' dollars. The review, as the mu- nicipal affairs minister stated, had no predeter- mined outcomes and the government had said that amalgamation was not the purpose of the review. We wanted to know what the people thought - another example of our government listening to views of Ontari- ans before making policy changes. This review, though, led to many people being con- cerned about the possibili- ty of amalgamation. People in Oakville and Burlington, in my riding, told me that their municipalities worked well - that they didn't need change. I made sure that the gov- ernment knew what my constituents thought - through petitions tabled in the legislature and by working with my colleague MPP Stephen Crawford making sure the review - and the minister - heard. And the Ontario govern- ment listened to the people in our community and made it clear: there will be no amalgamation in Hal- ton. So what changes will the Ontario government make in response to this review? The government is going to renew the Municipal Modernization Program - with up to $125 million over four years. The govern-four years. The govern-f ment will renew Audit and Accountability funding for 39 large urban municipali- ties. They will have access to up to $6 million annually over the next three fiscal years. We will also consult withWe will also consult withW municipalities on aligning the municipal fiscal year with the province's and start the process of consoli- dating the municipal voters list with the Chief Elections Office of Ontario. Effie Triantafilopoulos is the MPP for Oakville- North Halton. OPINION NO AMALGAMATION NEEDED HERE DECISION REACHED AFTER EXTENSIVE CONSULTATION, WRITES TRIANTAFILOPOULOS EFFIE TRIANTAFIL- OPOULOS Column