in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, N ov em be r 21 ,2 01 9 | 26 NOMINATIONS WANTED Nomination forms are available from this newspaper, and at Or call 416-923-7724 ext. 4439 DEADLINE IS NOVEMBER 30, 2019 Do you know someone between the ages of 6-17 who is making a difference within their community? Nominate them for an Ontario Junior Citizen Award today! CCOOOORRDDIINNAATTEEDD BBYY:: We're excited to launch Laurier's first degree program in Milton. Wilfrid Laurier University's two-year, part-timeMaster of Education (MEd) begins at the Milton Education Village Innovation Centre in January. A few spots remain: Apply by December 1 for January 2020 start. Visit for more information. WILFRID LAURIER UNIVERSITY | Proud partners in Milton. At Leon Pharmacy, we stand by the belief that quality pharmacy care means more than just simply dispensing prescriptions. A certified diabetes educator is available to answer all your diabetes-related questions. Home Health Care including Compression Stocking Therapy 340 Kerr Street, Oakville, ON L6K 3B8 905.845.2811 2013 Professional Services Provider of theYear Nominee Thankyou oakville for voting us your • Favourite Pharmacist-Robert 2013 P ServiceS include leon Pharmacy 15% Senior discount every day! offers a AUTOMATED system for preparing and dispensing solid oral medications in blister cards (pill organizers) Free Prescription Delivery Male & Female doctors accepting new patients at the Kerr St. Medical Center Order your prescription online to your work or at home our website