in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, D ec em be r 12 ,2 01 9 | 10 Hydro line clearing Open House Tuesday, January 7, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Queen Elizabeth Park Community and Cultural Centre, 2302 Bridge Road Tree pruning near hydro lines begins this January in north and west Oakville (zone 2). The town's professional contractor will prune trees on behalf of Oakville Hydro to ensure safe clearance around hydro lines, poles and guy lines to minimize safety hazards and power outages. Trees are pruned to the Electrical Safety Authority's (ESA) industry standard of providing a minimum three metre (10-foot) clearance. In rare instances, trees growing too close to hydro lines may require removal when the clearance standard cannot be achieved using acceptable pruning practices. In some situations, the town must prune or remove privately owned trees if they are growing too close to hydro lines. In cases where hydro lines are located in rear yards, Oakville Hydro has an easement through the property which allows the arborist to access the tree. Be informed: Join us for a public open house where you can ask questions of Oakville Hydro staff and Town of Oakville Forestry Services staff. If you have any accessibility needs, please contact ServiceOakville at 905-845-6601 (TTY 905-338-4200) or email More information on tree pruning around hydro lines can be found at or Stormwater Master Plan Updated Notice of Completion- Stormwater Master Plan Study The Town of Oakville has completed Phase 2 of the Be Rain Ready Stormwater Master Plan Study (primarily focused on areas of the town located south of the Queen Elizabeth Way Highway, between Winston Churchill Boulevard to the east, Burloak Drive to the west, and Lake Ontario to the south) and the project file is currently available for public review. The study assessed the town's existing stormwater management system in order to understand vulnerabilities related to flooding. The study included consideration of land use changes (e.g. land redevelopment) and climate change (e.g. increased rainfall frequency and intensity). The Environmental Assessment Study (EA) provides an evaluation of works to decrease the risks of flooding and pollution, including the consideration to adopt new/revised procedures and/or standards to ensure that the town's storm sewer system continues to operate effectively. The study provided recommendations for both storm sewers and roadside ditches (the minor system) and road right-of-ways (the major system) based on network performance. Recommendations include minor works such as improvements to inlet grates, as well as more substantial works such as upgrades to storm sewers, increasing system storage, and roadway re-profiling. Work will be prioritized based on the relative risk for flooding, condition and age of infrastructure and consideration of other capital works. The TownofOakville StormwaterManagementMaster Planhas been conductedas aMaster Plan in compliance with Section A.2.7 Master Plans (ref. Municipal Engineers Association "Municipal Class Environmental Assessment," (October 2000, as amended 2007, 2011, and 2015) which addresses Phases 1 and 2 of the Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Process). The Master Plan process included consultation with regulatory agencies, stakeholders and the public, including two Public Information Centres that were held during the study. The recommended solutions incorporate public, local municipal and agency comments received during the course of the study. Extended project file availability for public review The project file has been prepared to document the planning and decision-making process for this study. By this notice, the project file will be on the public record with the deadline for comments being extended to January 6, 2020 on the town's website at and at the following location: Town Hall, ServiceOakville and Clerk's departmentTown Hall, ServiceOakville and Clerk's departmentT 1225 Trafalgar Road Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Written comments can also be provided to one of the project team members listed below: Kristina Parker, P. Eng. Town of Oakville, Development Engineering tel: 905-845-6601, ext. 3889 (TTY 905-338-4200) fax: 905-338-4159 or Ron Scheckenberger, P.Eng. AMEC Foster Wheeler, Environment & Infrastructure tel: 905-335-2353 fax: 905-335-1414 If concerns regarding this project cannot be resolved in discussions with the Town of Oakville, a person or party may request the Minister of the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) to make an order (referred to as a Part II Order) for the project to comply with Part II of the Environmental Assessment Act which requires completion of more rigorous study by way of an individual environmental assessment. The written request must be received by theMinisterwithin the reviewperiod, nowextended to January 6, 2020. The request must be copied to the Director, Environmental Approvals Branch listed below and the project team. Honorable Jeff Yurek, Minister Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks College Park 5th Floor, 777 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario, M7A 2J3 Director, Environmental Assessment and Permissions Branch Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks 135 St. Clair Avenue West, 1st Floor Toronto, Ontario, M4V 1P5 For more information visit