in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, D ec em be r 12 ,2 01 9 | 20 The True Meaning of ChristmasThe True Meaning of Christmas If you would like to advertise your place of worship, please call Fiona Rudder 289-293-0691 Oakville PentecOstal aPOstOlic centre 454 Rebecca St (St. Paul's United Church) Oakville ON sunday service 12:30- 3PM sunday school and congregational Worship sunday evening service 7:00PM - 8:30PM tel: 416-892-8123 Fax: 1-866-281-5983 Bishop M. Brissett (Pastor) Email: Jesus is lOrd Apostolic Greetings from St. Paul's! CHRISTMAS SERVICES Thursday, December 12 Christmas Carol Service 1:30 PM Sunday, December 15 Sunday-School Christmas Pageant Wednesday, December 18 "The Longest Night" Service 7 PM Sunday, December 24 - Two services Family Christmas Eve service 4:30 PM Communion Service 10:00 PM Come visit us at St. Paul's United Church 454 Rebecca St. Oakville 905-845-3427 How To Have a Meaningful Christmas Many people are consumed by Christmas preparations. There are at least 3 main areas that can cause stress: Gifts- Just as the Wise Men brought gifts with particular meaning; we should choose thoughtful gifts wisely. By sticking to a gift giving budget, we can also provide gifts to people somewhere in the world, whose lives will be improved, or perhaps even saved. Christmas Dinner- Why not concentrate on whom we're sharing it with? Jesus was famous for sharing hospitality with people from every walk of life. Why not brighten the life of someone who would be alone, by inviting them to our Christmas feast? Traditions- Sometimes as families change, new traditions are developed. Hopefully one that will never change is going to Church on Christmas Eve. Singing Christmas carols, hearing the old, old story and basking in the glow of candles, as we sincerely celebrate the real meaning of Christmas. You wouldn't maintain your car just once per year, why not resolve to bring your family to the Church of your choice more often in 2020? Try to relax… and have a Merry, Blessed and meaningful Christmas! Rev. Ted Vance Glen Abbey United Church ADDRESS 500 Great Lakes Blvd Oakville, ON L6L 6X9 WEB PHONE 905-827-4888 @HopeBibleOak HBCOakville /HopeBibleOakville @HopeBibleChurchOakville This Christmas we are excited to share with you a time of celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, who changed the world some 2000 years ago. John 14 tells us that He is THE way, THE truth, and THE life. THE Saviour of the world loves you. JOIN US THIS CHRISTMAS EVE! DECEMBER 24 Residents involved in aResidents involved in aR car crash who find them- selves trapped can now be soothed with the knowl- edge that one of the best ex- trication teams in the world will be coming to their res- cue. The Oakville fire depart- ment's extrication team has ranked sixth at The World Rescue Organisation's Ex- trication Challenge, which was held recently in La Ro- chelle, France. The international event saw the Oakville firefight- ers square off against 35 other teams from five conti- nents, in scenarios that ranged from extracting a single victim from a NEWS OAKVILLE FIREFIGHTERS EXCEL AT WORLD CHALLENGE DAVID LEA Oakville firefighters participate in the World Rescue Organization's Extrication Challenge in La Rochelle, France. The firefighters ranked sixth in the world. Oakville Fire Department photo See - page 21