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The five-member panel at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario suspended Dr. Clarence Clottey's licence for one year and banned him from doing breast, pelvic and rectal exams on any pa- tient. Clottey pleaded no con- test to a charge of profes- sional misconduct with re- gards to his physical exams of five female patients, meaning he does not con- test the facts but also does not admit guilt. At the same time, the college withdrew the allegation that the 59-year-old physi- cian sexually abused the patients. "We are dismayed, dis- tressed and disappointed in your callous disregard for your patients' dignity and comfort," panel chair Dr. Carole Clapperton told Clottey in a public repri- mand at the college. "It is clear that the long term effects of your mis- conduct have been signifi- cant with some of your pa- tients. They no longer trust male physicians. Your ac- tions besmirch the reputa- tion of the whole profession and that affects us all." Clottey failed to have a chaperone present when conducting a physical ex- am on the five patients who formed part of the college'sformed part of the college'sf case, as well as failed to ex- plain the rationale for the exam and obtain the pa- tients' informed consent, according to a statement of uncontested facts filed at the discipline hearing. Clottey applied pres- sure on their nipples and/ or touched their clitoris during physical exams without a proper explana- tion, making them feel un- comfortable and dis- tressed, according to the statement. "I have flashbacks and nightmares. I fear male doctors and older men," one patient said in a victim impact statement that was read by college prosecutor Simmy Dhamrait. "My hopelessness pre- vented me from doing my work and in turn caused me to be more hopeless," said another patient in a statement. The patients were the same complainants in Clot- tey's criminal sexual as- sault case, in which they all testified in court as did Clottey. He was acquitted by a judge of the sexual as- sault charges in 2018. He was arrested on a new sexual assault charge last year by Halton region- al police, according to his profile on the college's pub- lic register. The alleged of- fence took place in 2014.fence took place in 2014.f The college said in a state- ment that it is aware of the recent charge and will monitor the criminal pro- ceedings. Under Ontario law, a physician found guilty in criminal court of sexual assault must have their licence revoked. His lawyer, Jennifer McKendry, told the disci- pline panel that Clottey ac- cepts the penalty imposed on him, but said the pro- cess had taken its toll on the doctor. "Dr. Clottey appears be- fore you today truly andfore you today truly andf sincerely humbled and frankly exhausted by a pro-frankly exhausted by a pro-f cess that has taken four years to unfold," she said, going on to say the process has caused him much stress and financial diffi- culties. "It would be an un- derstatement to say this process has deeply, deeply affected Dr. Clottey and his family."family."f Jacques Gallant is a Toronto-based reporter covering legal affairs. Follow him on Twitter: @JacquesGallant LOCAL DOCTOR BANNED FROM DOING BREAST, PELVIC AND RECTAL EXAMS ONTARIO DECISION COMES OVER WHAT PANEL CALLS HIS 'CALLOUS DISREGARD' FOR FEMALE PATIENTS JACQUES GALLANT Dr. Clarence Clottey's lawyer told the discipline panel he accepts the penalty, but said the process had taken its toll on the doctor.