23 | O akville B eaver | T hursday,M ay 14,2020 insidehalton.com We SALUTE our NURSES! Please SELF-ISOLATE to FLATTEN the CURVE. #Stayhome Staying home, means Saving liveS! By doin g so, p uts less stress on our health c are sys tem. So our health c are wo rkers can de al with the peo ple who re ally nee d it. TRN Income Tax &BookkeepIngServIceS Richard Turner Burlington 905-335-8286 2201 Brant Street, Burlington, on l7P 5C8 guelPh 519-265-2464 res/office 404-693 Woolwich Street guelph, ontario email: trntaxes@gmail.com @stcrawford2 @stephen_crawford_for_oakville Stay strong. Stephen Crawford MPP for Oakville Constituency Office: 905.827.5141 | stephen.crawfordco@pc.ola.org @SCrawfordforOakville Nurses are working hard to help our community, and we can't thank them enough. You're amazing and we all deeply appreciate your exceptional work. RESIDENTIAL - TOWN HOUSES FULLY INSURED FOR YOUR PROTECTION • INSURANCE CLAIMS ACCEPTED • REPAIRS & REPLACEMENT We thank all the front line workers for keeping us safe! WeareOpentO Safely ServeyOu We cover Burlington and Oakville areas. Call Now For Free Estimate We're Family Owned & Operated References Available 476 Kerr Street (just south of Speers Road) 905-845-2933 www.oakvilleappliance.com Thank You For All That You do! You are true Heroes! Delivery & Pick up available