in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, Ju ne 4, 20 20 | 26 With heavy hearts we announce the passing of our Mother Hon- oria Alice Groves most com- monly known as Nora, at Tans-TTTTT ley Woods LTLLL C ON. Predeceased by her late hus- band Ernest Groves and step- daughter Carolyn, survived by her children Christine Franks (Brian), David Groves (Bonnie) and Stephen Groves (Kerri). Step children Keith Groves and Bill Groves. She will be dearly missed by all her grandchildren and great grandchildren who all sleep with her made with love blankets. Born April 26th, 1923 in Stock- port, Cheshire, England, she emigrated to Canada with her mother in March 1948. Having survived the war in Britian she had to learn hard lessons at an early age. Nora married Ernest Groves and moved to John St in Oakville in 1956. She went back to school in 1977 and attended Sheridan College for a secretarial refresher and then took on a job at Oakville Social Planning Council. In 1980 she found herself a per- fect job as a correspondent for World Vision Canada Head of- fice, where she stayed until she retired. Mom was always very active in her church. She became the pianist/organist for the Church of the Nazarene in 1965. She taught Sunday School, VBS and bible study as much as she could, right up until she came to reside at The Village of TansleyTTTTT Woods, in March 2018. In 2001 she was honoured and named Senior of the YearYYYYY for the TownTTTTT of Oakville. Ellie VanVV Vliet, Halton Regional Police "Village Constable' said Nora goes about quietly helping others in the community,communitycommunitycommunitycommunitycommunity nev- er drawing attention to herself and a super,supersuper super lady! When the government pro- posed a program to keep se- niors in their home (Aging at Home), a program that she fought for,forforfor Mom became one of the 1st recipients to receive it. Nora was a special guest speaker at the Canadian Coptic Centre in Mississauga. Of her many community roles, some of her highlights were that she was a rep for the Com- munity Consultation Committee with the Halton Regional Police, she was a board member and secretary for the Co-op housing for the John Scott building in Oakville. She did weekly Radio readings of the TorontoTTT Star for the blind, she was a Member of the Mayor's Committee for Se- nior Safety,SafetySafetySafetySafetySafety and was involved in Community Activism with TownTTTTT Council, participated in making Senior Safety Video's and much more. Nora was blessed with musical talent. Music has always been in her heart, a talent, and a joy of hers that not only poured out onto the keys of the piano, but also in her voice. If you have ever had any con- tact with Nora you will know her talent for writing poetry and if you were lucky you have at least one of her booklets. Po- etry was her way of expressing herself and helping others. Cremation has taken place and a private interment will take place at St Judes Cemetary in Oakville. Donations would be appreci- ated, please send to TansleyTTTTT Woods LTLL C for their music and physio departments. WHEN I AM OLD, PLEASE RE- MEMBER.. If I become forgetful, please re- member this - I never forgot to love you! If I happen to overlook some- one's birthday,birthdaybirthdaybirthday remember how I rejoiced when each child was born, And that I cared about all of you every day,daydayday all year.yearyearyear If I become confused, bear in mind that I used to think clearly and I was dependable and com- petent. If I drift into sadness and de- pression, don't forget my happy and productive days. If I perhaps become difficult to get along with, try to recall the kind and thoughtful things I al- ways tried to do. If I become feeble and helpless, think back to when I was active and strong, because I once was young and energetic, and years ago, when you were small and helpless, I willingly did things for you. Should I become unable to care for myself,myselfmyselfmyselfmyselfmyself remember how I liked to be clean and tidy.tidytidy If my speech should become repetitious and boring, please be patient and kind and try to understand. No one wants to become use- less or dependent on the assis- tance of others! Neither does anyone enjoy having to be reminded of every- thing, or to constantly be told they had forgotten something - again! We all want to stay healthy in mind and body,bodybodybody and be vitally alive and independent. So, when I am old - please re- member - I want to remember - and I never forgot to love you! - Honoria A. Groves GROVES,GROGRO Honoria Alice In Loving Memory Douglas Michael Smith June 28, 1977 - June 7, 2012 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ While we as a world grieve the effects of Covid -19 and the loss of normality it has created, we will never lose sight of those nearest and dearest to us. As time carries on, our thoughts and love for you will never end We love you! We miss you! We will meet again! Love Mom & Dad your "Little Princess" Vanessa John, Robert and families Remembering on Father's Day Tributes for this section must be received by 6 p.m. on June 12th. Wee will be pubpublislishing a special Fatheraa "ss Dayaaa In MeMorIaMMeMorIaM section onon Thursdasday,yyy June 18,18, 20202020 1-800-263-6480 on all memoriams placed in this feature special 25% ddiscount For vvererse suggestionstions or to placeplace yyour InIn MemoriaMemoriam please email your name, addraddress and phone number along with the photo and ttext for yourour announcement to: EXPERIENCE MATTERS Probate 905.639.1222 Call The Law Firm of Green Germann Sakran OBITUARIES | REMEMBERING THE LIVES OF THOSE IN OUR COMMUNITY And have you gone, forever gone and left us here to weep. Till we are called to follow you, and in the grave to sleep; yet since you could no longer stay to cheer us with your love, we hope to meet with you again in the bright world above. Always so good, unselfi sh and kind, none on this earth your equal I'll fi nd. Honourable and true in all your ways, loving and faithful to the end of your days, honest and liberal, ever upright, just in your judgment, always right; loved by your friends and all whom you knew, one in a million, that person was you. And have you gone, forever gone and left us here to weep. Till we are called to follow you, and in the grave to sleep; yet since you could no longer stay to cheer us with your love, we hope to meet with you again in the bright world above. IN MEMORIAMOBITUARIES