11 | O akville B eaver | T hursday,June 11,2020 insidehalton.com ANewCemetery forHaltonRegion A new cemetery has opened to serve members of the Catholic community in Halton. Located at the corner of Bronte Road and Lower Base Line, Holy Family Cemetery covers 100 acres - with space for 5,000 graves, 200 cremation lots and niche columbarium space in the first phase of development. Th e Roman Ca t ho l i c E p i s c op a l Co r po r a t i o n o f t h e D i o c e s e o f H am i l t o n i n On t a r i oTh e Roman Ca t ho l i c E p i s c op a l Co r po r a t i o n o f t h e D i o c e s e o f H am i l t o n i n On t a r i o www.thecatholiccemeteries.ca For more information and to view a site plan, call 1-800-661-5985. Even amid the global up- heaval of a pandemic, love conquers all. It's a sad reality for so many families that together- ness is not an option at the moment, and there are no exceptions for David and Lois Rock, both in their late 80s, married 62 years and separated by their care needs: David, 87, lives in Chartwell Waterford's re- tirement residence, while Lois, 89, resides in Water- ford's neighbouring long-ford's neighbouring long-f term care home. Until health and safety re- strictions closed it down, Da- vid would walk down the connecting Tunnel of Love to visit his wife twice a day. But things have changed and it's been weeks since David and Lois have em- braced or talked to each oth- er without a cellphone or iPad between them. "If it wasn't for people in the rec department and staff in this place, I don't think I would make it. I think I would have lost it a long time ago," said David. "What I have difficulty with personally is, I've done a lot of travelling business- wise, (and) if I was at the oth- er end of the world and I couldn't speak or touch my wife I could grasp that, but it's been nine weeks now, my wife is half a block away and I haven't even touched her. I can't hold her. I'm sitting here in my room and at times I'm ready to break out." To do their best to ensureTo do their best to ensureT "that this love story contin- ues," staff arranges for the couple to meet at the 'kissing booth' on the LTC residence patio, David on the outside and Lois inside, connected by cellphone, said Claire Bickley, Chartwell retire- ment residences' communi- cations and public relations senior manager. "I can see my wife and I can talk to her on average three times a week. It's a blessing by God that I can do this. Without that communi- cation, I don't know what I'd do." As their 62nd wedding an- niversary approached, Da- vid wished aloud that there was a way to celebrate a mar- riage he describes as one "that I happen to believe is made in heaven," said Bick- ley. Staff was determined to make it happen and set up an "elegant virtual lunch date with wine toasts and com- memorative photos," all via FaceTime. Attired in a suit with bow tie and sitting at a delightful- ly decorated table for one, the dashing charter member of the Burlington Welsh Male Chorus sang to his wife the same songs he sang at their wedding reception more than six decades ago. "We were embracing even though we weren't embrac- ing. It was like we were to- gether even though we weren't together physically. It was the next best thing," David said. "We are truly honoured to experience these moments of happiness through their eyes in such difficult times," said Eva Korompili, general manager, Waterford retire- ment residence. David vividly recalled seeing his future wife for the first time. It was Thanksgiv-first time. It was Thanksgiv-f ing weekend in 1956 at Yellow Point Lodge on Vancouver Island. That same night, David asked Lois to dance at a lodge function, then walked thefunction, then walked thef young nurse back to her cot-young nurse back to her cot-y tage. They married in the spring of 1958. After being transferred by his employer, Prentice Hall, the couple spent the next 50 years in Oakville and raised two chil- dren. "I've been truly blessed in so many ways. My dear wife, that is an incredible blessing." SEPARATED BY PANDEMIC, BOUND BY LOVE KATHY YANCHUS kyanchus@metroland.com NEWS Above: David Rock celebrating his 62nd wedding anniversary virtually. Left: Lois and David Rock on their wedding day. Jessica Pipilas photo Rock family photo "It's a blessing by God that I can do this. Without that communication, I don't know what I'd do." - David Rock