21 | O akville B eaver | T hursday,July 16,2020 insidehalton.com Helping small and medium businesses connect with customers. marketing360.ca learn more at THURSDAY • JULY 23 • 1PM WEBCONFERENCE FOR INTERNATIONALLY EDUCATEDNURSES PRESENTED BY www.canadianimmigrant.ca/web-conference FREE TO ATTEND THURSDAY • JULY FOR INT EDUCATEDNURSES www Canadian Immigrant presents a free virtualanadian Immigrant presents a free virtual web conference for Internationally Educatedweb conference for Internationally Educated Nurses and Health Professionals.Nurses and Health Professionals. This 90-minute event will discuss careerhis 90-minute event will discuss career development, education and key informationdevelopment, education and key information about about working in Canada. Learn fromabout about working in Canada. Learn from industry experts speaking to you from acrossindustry experts speaking to you from across Canada with the goal to help you succeed onCanada with the goal to help you succeed on your chosen path.your chosen path. REGISTERONLINE!REGISTERONLINE! www.canadianimmigrant.ca/web-conferencewww.canadianimmigrant.ca/web-conference The momentous day may have had to be tweaked to align with COVID-19 health and safety guidelines, but the occasion did not go unmarked. Instead of being surrounded by her family on the grounds of Chartwell Waterford as she turned 100, Barbara Maguire had to settle for a Zoom party with her son and one of her two daugh- ters. "Our plan was to basically stand in the parking lot while she was on the other side of a fence so we'd be 12 feet apart .... we planned to have pictures but the whole thing came unglued," said her son, Brian, referring to the necessity to adhere to Ministry of Health restrictions for long- term-care homes. Inside the home, however, the woman of the day was feted with balloons, presents, goodies and cake, a combined family and staff effort. Barbara and her husband, Clarence, moved to Oakville from Montreal in 1980 and were "happi- ly married" for 42 years until his death in 1987. In her early 20s, Barbara be- came the second woman from No- va Scotia to join the Canadian Women's Army Corps during Second World War, which she "loved," said her son. "It was her opportunity to get out of the Maritimes and see some of the world, much to her mother's horror. She met my fa- ther, who was also a Lieutenant in the army. They were married three months later, even though my dad was away for six weeks of that time." His mom has always been a "very strong, determined (stub- born) woman," he said Once the war was over, Barba- ra became a stay-at-home mom until her three children were grown and then she returned to work. "She's still pretty sharp; ask her about the military (and) she just lights up," said Brian. Along with three children, Barbara has six grandchildren and nine great grandchildren. COMMUNITY MILESTONE BIRTHDAY CELEBRATED VIRTUALLY (From left) Barbara Maguire in 1940. Barbara Maguire celebrated her 100th birthday virtually with family. Chartwell photo Barbara Maguire photo