15 | O akville B eaver | T hursday,N ovem ber 19,2020 insidehalton.com Serving Oakville since 1955 DUNDAS & TRAFALGAR 400 Dundas St. E. • 257-TIRE 403 & DUNDAS 2510 Hyde Park Gate • 829-5552 KERR ST. & QEW 1100 Kerr St. • 844-0202 3 Great Locations to Serve You Kerr St. & QEW Dundas & Trafalgar 403 & Dundas Kerr St. & QEW Dundas & Trafalgar 403 & Dundas Past, Present, Future... IT'S A PLEASURETO SERVE OAKVILLE! Thank You for chooSinG aS The beST or one of The beST in The foLLowinG caTeGorieS Diamond camping equipment Diamond auto Parts & accessories Gold hardware Store Gold Tire Sales & Service Congratulations to all the winners Star Metroland Media is proud to have been celebrating local businesses for more than 25 years with the Readers' Choice Awards. These award winners aren't just stores and they don't just off er services; they build relationships with their customers and clients that extend beyond the parameters of their business. Thanks to everyone who voted in the Readers' Choice Awards 2020! W I N N E R S