in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, N ov em be r 19 ,2 02 0 | 24 Wewill continue to provide our support for the town ofOakville in 2020 and beyond. Thank You for Voting us Readers Choice BEST Hearing Clinic in 2018, 2019, and 2020 Gaby Lesniak BSc., M.Cl.Sc (Aud), Reg. CASLPO Audiologist & Owner CALL 905-842-1702 TO BOOK YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY! Oakville Health Centre 905.842.1702 #214 - 1060 Speers Rd. Oakville, Auto Mechanic Auto Service Advisors Auto Service Centre Independent Auto Service Thank you Oakville for your Vote! EASTSIDE AUTO SERVICE - SPEERS 559 Speers Rd, Oakville, ON, L6K 2G4 (289) 813-1150 Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM EASTSIDE AUTO SERVICE - CHARTWELL 573 Chartwell Rd, Oakville, ON L6J 4A8 (289) 813-3531 Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM Two great locations to serve you Daily Specials before 11AM! Available for Dine-in, take-out, on-line ordering and delivery through Uber and Skip the Dishes 266 Hays Blvd., Oakville • (289) 725-9700 for MAking US yoUr # 1 fAvoUrite for BreAkfASt, BrUnch, oUtDoor PAtio AnD overAll Service! you've given us an award year after year and we can't thAnk yoU enough for your support. thAnk yoU oAkville